Chronic disturbance modulates symbiont (Symbiodiniaceae) beta diversity on a coral reef
Authors: Danielle C. Claar, Kristina L. Tietjen, Kieran D. Cox, Ruth D. Gates, Julia K. Baum
KI_Compartment.Rproj : RProject file for this project
ITS2db_trimmed_derep_data.fasta : ITS2 database used in bioinformatic pipeline
Coralphoto__Metadata/process_coral_metadata.R : append coral photo metadata to mapping file
INPUT Coral Photo Metadata: data/Coralphoto__Metadata/KI_Coralphoto_Metadata_Jan_to_Apr_2017_23March.csv
INPUT Mapping File: data/mapping_file_dada.txt
OUTPUT data/Coralphoto__Metadata/KI_Compartment_metadata.csv
OUTPUT data/Coralphoto__Metadata/KI_Compartment_metadata.csv
export_physeq_objects.R : extract taxa table and otu tables
INPUT analyses/KI_Compartment.RData
OUTPUT Taxa table: data/tax_table.txt
OUTPUT OTU table: data/otu_table.txt
count_water_sediment_samples.R : count number of samples
INPUT data/KI_Compartment_f_coral_grouped.RData
OUTPUT manually extract sample sizes
KI_Compartment_f_coral_grouped.RData : all objects created after filtering dataset
KI_Compartment_phyASVfcp.RData : only phyASVfcp after filtering dataset
KI_env_all_KI_Compartment.csv : Environmental parameters from Kiritimati field monitoring program
mapping_file_dada.txt : mapping file for dada2 bioinformatics pipeline
tree/ contains distance matrices, sequences for each genus, and aligne sequences for each genus, as well as the 'uber.tree' which is produced by analyses/dada2/KI_Compartment_filter_samples_dada.R
dada2/dada2.R : Dada2 bioinformatic pipeline. Runs the following -
- cutadapt to remove primers
- full dada2 pipeline
INPUT data/Bioinf/sequences/DClaar_2-34439409_seqs_KI_Compartment : original sequences (download from Zenodo to run this script)
INPUT ITS2db_trimmed_derep_dada.fasta : reference ITS2 database
INPUT data/mapping_file_dada.txt : mapping file for sequences
OUTPUT analyses/dada2/KI_Compartment_dada.RData
- filters samples
- defines site names/disturbance levels
- make phylogenetic tree
- transform to proportional abundances
- count number of sequences
- subset phyloseqs by compartment/field season
INPUT analyses/dada2/KI_Compartment_dada.RData
OUTPUT data/Bioinf/tree/uber.tre : phylogenetic tree
OUTPUT data/KI_Compartment_f_coral_grouped.RData : all objects created in this script
OUTPUT data/KI_Compartment_phyASVfcp.RData : only phyASVfcp
environmental_parameters/env_summ.R : summarize environmental parameters from field surveys and satellite data
INPUT data/KI_env_all_KI_Compartment.csv
OUTPUT analyses/env_summ.csv
count_seqs.R : count number of sequences (total, and by compartment)
count_taxa.R : count number of taxa by coral species
KI_Compartment_colors.R : creates colors for plots
OUTPUT KI_Compartment_colors.RData
balance_sensitivity.R : sensitivity analysis for Disturbance, to see if PERMANOVA results remain significant if dataset is pared down to a balanced design (see methods for justification)
balance_sensitivity_field_season.R : sensitivity analysis for Field Season, to see if PERMANOVA results remain significant if dataset is pared down to a balanced design (see methods for justification)
permanova_betadisper_sensitivity.R : calculate number of samples to pare down to for "balance_sensitivity*.R" scripts
environmental_parameters/env_summ.csv : summary of environmental parameters
KI_Compartment_colors.RData : colors for plots
dada2/KI_Compartment_dada.RData : data after dada2 pipeline, but before additional filtering
refseqs/ : dominant sequences in .fasta format for blasting. Also includes refseq_blast_IDs.xlsx, with blast information
Each figure folder contains the script to produce the figure, the final figure, and any intermediate files