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List of internal items
Below is a full list of internal items (unobtainable by the player and usually glitched) exposed by the app along with their item ids in hex. Do not trade these items. All item names are translated from Japanese to English by berichan.
Some of these items cannot be removed easily once placed, you can call for cleanup using your nookphone to remove them now, or use map tools within the additional panel "+" in the app to clean up all internal items.
Sorted-by-type table:
Translated name | 日本語 | Internal Type | Item ID (Hex) | Item ID (Decimal) | Interactable |
default bottoms (internal) | デフォルトボトムス | Bottoms_Long | 08FF | 02303 | No |
k.k. slider's concert chair (internal) | とたけけライブのイス | Ftr_1x1_Chair | 1A9D | 06813 | Yes |
k.k. slider's stool (internal) | とたけけのスツール | Ftr_1x1_Chair | 16FC | 05884 | Yes |
harvey's laundry basket (internal) | パニエルのせんたくおけ | Ftr_1x1_Floor | 2FB1 | 12209 | Yes |
plaza bench (internal) | ひろばのベンチ | Ftr_2x1_Floor | 2FA9 | 12201 | Yes |
tanuki exploration helmet (permit) (internal) | たぬきかいはつヘルメット | Kind_Cap | 2244 | 08772 | Yes |
airport clear chair (internal) | ひこうじょうのとうめいいす | Kind_DummyFtr | 1C37 | 07223 | Yes |
aquarium's long transparent corner chair (internal) | アクアリウムのふちのとうめいながいす | Kind_DummyFtr | 1AA7 | 06823 | Yes |
aquarium's transparent corner chair (internal) | アクアリウムのふちのとうめいいす | Kind_DummyFtr | 1A9E | 06814 | Yes |
butterfly garden's transparent chair (internal) | バタフライガーデンのとうめいいす | Kind_DummyFtr | 1C7D | 07293 | Yes |
dream-viewing aroma pot (internal) | ゆめみのアロマポット | Kind_DummyFtr | 33A2 | 13218 | Yes |
interior mode transparent NPC (internal) | インテリアモードのとうめいNPC | Kind_DummyFtr | 2B56 | 11094 | Yes |
large greenhouse transparent chair (internal) | だいおんしつのとうめいベンチ | Kind_DummyFtr | 2F50 | 12112 | Yes |
museum tent's transparent chair (internal) | はくぶつかんテントのとうめいいす | Kind_DummyFtr | 1AA8 | 06824 | Yes |
museum's stamp stand (internal) | はくぶつかんのスタンプだい | Kind_DummyFtr | 31C4 | 12740 | Yes |
museum's transparent sofa (internal) | はくぶつかんのとうめいソファ | Kind_DummyFtr | 1A9F | 06815 | Yes |
NPC-use sold-out sign (internal) | うりきれカンバン | Kind_DummyFtr | 1CF2 | 07410 | Yes |
redd's display table M (internal) | いなりのちんれつだいM | Kind_DummyFtr | 3158 | 12632 | Yes |
redd's display table S (internal) | いなりのちんれつだいS | Kind_DummyFtr | 3157 | 12631 | Yes |
redd's wall display (internal) | いなりのかべかけちんれつだい | Kind_DummyFtr | 315A | 12634 | Yes |
resident service's transparent chair (internal) | あんないじょのとうめいいす | Kind_DummyFtr | 2276 | 08822 | Yes |
resident's services clear demo table (internal) | あんないじょデモのとうめいいす | Kind_DummyFtr | 2353 | 09043 | Yes |
resident's services office chair (internal) | あんないじょのオフィスチェアのとうめいいす | Kind_DummyFtr | 25B5 | 09653 | Yes |
shop stand M (internal) | しょうてんしょうのちんれつだいM | Kind_DummyFtr | 0A3F | 02623 | Yes |
shop stand S (internal) | しょうてんしょうのちんれつだいS | Kind_DummyFtr | 0A3E | 02622 | Yes |
shop's display stand M (internal) | しょうてんだいのちんれつだいM | Kind_DummyFtr | 219E | 08606 | Yes |
shop's display stand S (internal) | しょうてんだいのちんれつだいS | Kind_DummyFtr | 219D | 08605 | Yes |
shop's wall-mounted display sign (internal) | しょうてんのかべかけちんれつだい | Kind_DummyFtr | 1618 | 05656 | Yes |
tom nook's transparent cushion (internal) | たぬきちテントのとうめいクッション | Kind_DummyFtr | 1AF1 | 06897 | Yes |
transparent shop chair (internal) | しょうてんのとうめいいす | Kind_DummyFtr | 12BA | 04794 | Yes |
dummy diy recipe (internal) | ダミーDIYレシピ | Kind_DummyRecipe | 0A87 | 02695 | Yes |
event balloon 0 (internal) | イベントふうせん0 | Kind_EventObjFtr | 164D | 05709 | Yes |
event balloon 1 (internal) | イベントふうせん1 | Kind_EventObjFtr | 165D | 05725 | Yes |
event balloon 2 (internal) | イベントふうせん2 | Kind_EventObjFtr | 165E | 05726 | Yes |
zipper's (pyontarou) combined egg balloons (internal) | ぴょんたろうにぎやかし | Kind_EventObjFtr | 30F4 | 12532 | Yes |
harvey's island fence (internal) | コミューン島専用柵 | Kind_Fence | 2FFD | 12285 | Yes |
harvey's clothesline (internal) | パニエルのものほしロープ | Kind_Ftr | 2FB2 | 12210 | Yes |
harvey's stone kiln (internal) | パニエルのいしがま | Kind_Ftr | 2FC5 | 12229 | Yes |
present boxes (internal) | プレゼントBOXS | Kind_Giftbox | 0D55 | 03413 | Yes |
miss / failed 01 (internal) | はずれ01 | Kind_MusicMiss | 10DB | 04315 | No |
miss / failed 02 (internal) | はずれ02 | Kind_MusicMiss | 10DC | 04316 | No |
miss / failed 03 (internal) | はずれ03 | Kind_MusicMiss | 10DD | 04317 | No |
my design campus (internal) | マイデザインキャンパス | Kind_MyDesignObject | 1085 | 04229 | Yes |
my design easel (internal) | マイデザインイーゼル | Kind_MyDesignObject | 1084 | 04228 | Yes |
my design face paint (internal) | マイデザインフェイスペイント | Kind_MyDesignObject | 2573 | 09587 | Yes |
my design floor (internal) | マイデザインのゆか | Kind_MyDesignObject | 2AA7 | 10919 | No |
my design train track object (internal) | マイデザイン道床オブジェクト | Kind_MyDesignObject | 3303 | 13059 | Yes |
my design wall (internal) | マイデザインのかべ | Kind_MyDesignObject | 2AA6 | 10918 | No |
my design clothes (internal) | マイデザインふく | Kind_MyDesignTexture | 1C2A | 07210 | Yes |
my design PRO A-design one piece (internal) | マイデザインPROAラインワンピース | Kind_MyDesignTexture | 10BF | 04287 | Yes |
my design PRO balloon one piece dress (internal) | マイデザインPROバルーンワンピース | Kind_MyDesignTexture | 20B1 | 08369 | Yes |
my design PRO boater hat (internal) | マイデザインPROカンカンぼう | Kind_MyDesignTexture | 16CD | 05837 | Yes |
my design PRO circle (internal) | マイデザインPROまるがた | Kind_MyDesignTexture | 20B2 | 08370 | Yes |
my design PRO coat (internal) | マイデザインPROコート | Kind_MyDesignTexture | 203E | 08254 | Yes |
my design PRO dress (internal) | マイデザインPROドレス | Kind_MyDesignTexture | 20B0 | 08368 | Yes |
my design PRO kimono (internal) | マイデザインPROきもの | Kind_MyDesignTexture | 20B4 | 08372 | Yes |
my design PRO knit cap (internal) | マイデザインPROニットキャップ | Kind_MyDesignTexture | 16CC | 05836 | Yes |
my design PRO mesh cap (internal) | マイデザインPROメッシュキャップ | Kind_MyDesignTexture | 16BE | 05822 | Yes |
my design PRO non-sleeve shirt (internal) | マイデザインPROノースリーブシャツ | Kind_MyDesignTexture | 203B | 08251 | Yes |
my design PRO one piece dress (internal) | マイデザインPROノースリーブワンピース | Kind_MyDesignTexture | 20AF | 08367 | Yes |
my design PRO parka (internal) | マイデザインPROパーカー | Kind_MyDesignTexture | 203D | 08253 | Yes |
my design PRO shirt (internal) | マイデザインPROTシャツ | Kind_MyDesignTexture | 2024 | 08228 | Yes |
my design PRO sweater (internal) | マイデザインPROセーター | Kind_MyDesignTexture | 203C | 08252 | Yes |
my design PRO Y-shirt (internal) | マイデザインPROYシャツ | Kind_MyDesignTexture | 10C0 | 04288 | Yes |
my design PRO3DS horned hat (internal) | マイデザインPRO3DSつのぼうし | Kind_MyDesignTexture | 2555 | 09557 | Yes |
my design PRO3DS knit cap (internal) | マイデザインPRO3DSニットキャップ | Kind_MyDesignTexture | 2556 | 09558 | Yes |
my design PRO3DS long sleeve one piece (internal) | マイデザインPRO3DS長袖ワンピース | Kind_MyDesignTexture | 159A | 05530 | Yes |
my design PRO3DS long sleeve one piece dress (internal) | マイデザインPRO3DS長袖トップス | Kind_MyDesignTexture | 2552 | 09554 | Yes |
my design PRO3DS short sleeve one piece dress (internal) | マイデザインPRO3DS半袖ワンピース | Kind_MyDesignTexture | 2550 | 09552 | Yes |
my design PRO3DS short sleeve top (internal) | マイデザインPRO3DS半袖トップス | Kind_MyDesignTexture | 2553 | 09555 | Yes |
my design PRO3DS sleeveless one piece dress (internal) | マイデザインPRO3DS袖無ワンピース | Kind_MyDesignTexture | 2551 | 09553 | Yes |
my design PRO3DS sleeveless top (internal) | マイデザインPRO3DS袖無トップス | Kind_MyDesignTexture | 2554 | 09556 | Yes |
my design texture (internal) | マイデザインテクスチャ | Kind_MyDesignTexture | 0A03 | 02563 | Yes |
NPC room marker (clothes bed) (internal) | NPC部屋マーカー・服床 | Kind_NnpcRoomMarker | 1691 | 05777 | No |
NPC room marker (clothes wall) (internal) | NPC部屋マーカー・服壁 | Kind_NnpcRoomMarker | 1692 | 05778 | No |
NPC room marker (fish) (internal) | NPC部屋マーカー・サカナ | Kind_NnpcRoomMarker | 1694 | 05780 | No |
NPC room marker (floor 1x1) (internal) | NPC部屋マーカー・床家具1x1 | Kind_NnpcRoomMarker | 169E | 05790 | No |
NPC room marker (floor 2x1) (internal) | NPC部屋マーカー・床家具2x1 | Kind_NnpcRoomMarker | 169F | 05791 | No |
NPC room marker (floor 2x2) (internal) | NPC部屋マーカー・床家具2x2 | Kind_NnpcRoomMarker | 16A0 | 05792 | No |
NPC room marker (insect) (internal) | NPC部屋マーカー・ムシ | Kind_NnpcRoomMarker | 1693 | 05779 | No |
NPC room marker (music) (internal) | NPC部屋マーカー・ミュージック | Kind_NnpcRoomMarker | 1690 | 05776 | No |
bbq skewer (internal) | バーベキュー串 | Kind_NpcOutfit | 217C | 08572 | Yes |
blather's smartphone (internal) | スマホ(フータ) | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1C79 | 07289 | No |
book (fish) (internal) | ほん(魚) | Kind_NpcOutfit | 2354 | 09044 | Yes |
book (flowers) (internal) | ほん(花) | Kind_NpcOutfit | 2355 | 09045 | Yes |
book (fossils) (internal) | ほん(化石) | Kind_NpcOutfit | 2625 | 09765 | Yes |
book (insect) (internal) | ほん(虫) | Kind_NpcOutfit | 0C8D | 03213 | Yes |
book (manga) (internal) | ほん(まんが) | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1BD3 | 07123 | Yes |
broom (internal) | ほうき | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1120 | 04384 | Yes |
c.j.'s fishing rod (internal) | しんうおまさのつりざお | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1F20 | 07968 | Yes |
c.j.'s smartphone (internal) | スマホ(しんうおまさ) | Kind_NpcOutfit | 2557 | 09559 | No |
coffee (internal) | コーヒー | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1124 | 04388 | Yes |
cyrus's (kaizo) clothes (internal) | カイゾーのふく | Kind_NpcOutfit | 305C | 12380 | No |
cyrus's (kaizo) tuxedo (internal) | カイゾーのタキシード | Kind_NpcOutfit | 3105 | 12549 | No |
dodo's cup (internal) | ドードーのコップ | Kind_NpcOutfit | 2624 | 09764 | Yes |
dodo's headset (internal) | ドードーのヘッドセット | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1C58 | 07256 | No |
dodo's sunglasses (internal) | ドードーのサングラス | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1C78 | 07288 | No |
dumbbell (heavy) (internal) | ダンベル(軽い) | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1CE3 | 07395 | Yes |
dumbbell (internal) | ダンベル | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1568 | 05480 | Yes |
feather duster (internal) | はたき | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1C8D | 07309 | Yes |
firewood (internal) | まき | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1756 | 05974 | Yes |
flick's spikey goth net (internal) | しんカメヤマのあみ | Kind_NpcOutfit | 2594 | 09620 | Yes |
fruit basket (NPC held) (internal) | 果物カゴ | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1BD6 | 07126 | Yes |
gullivar's smartphone (internal) | スマホ(ジョニー) | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1C7A | 07290 | No |
hammer (internal) | かなづち | Kind_NpcOutfit | 2B79 | 11129 | Yes |
ice cream (chocolate) (internal) | アイス(チョコ) | Kind_NpcOutfit | 22E0 | 08928 | Yes |
ice cream (orange) (internal) | アイス(オレンジ) | Kind_NpcOutfit | 22DF | 08927 | Yes |
ice cream (soda) (internal) | アイス(ソーダ) | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1126 | 04390 | Yes |
isabelle's new year's eve skirt (internal) | しずえカウントダウンスカート | Kind_NpcOutfit | 15BB | 05563 | No |
isabelle's new year's eve top (internal) | しずえカウントダウントップス | Kind_NpcOutfit | 15BA | 05562 | No |
isabelle's shoes (black) (internal) | しずえのくつ・くろ | Kind_NpcOutfit | 107D | 04221 | No |
isabelle's shoes (brown) (internal) | しずえのくつ・ちゃ | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1EE3 | 07907 | No |
isabelle's smartphone (internal) | スマホ(しずえ) | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1C98 | 07320 | No |
isabelle's summer skirt (internal) | しずえ夏服スカート | Kind_NpcOutfit | 107A | 04218 | No |
isabelle's summer top (internal) | しずえ夏服トップス | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1EF5 | 07925 | No |
isabelle's water spray bottle (internal) | きりふき | Kind_NpcOutfit | 2275 | 08821 | No |
isabelle's winter skirt (internal) | しずえ冬服スカート | Kind_NpcOutfit | 117C | 04476 | No |
isabelle's winter top (internal) | しずえ冬服トップス | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1F5D | 08029 | No |
k.k. slider's guitar (internal) | とたけけのギター | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1068 | 04200 | No |
labelle's sketch book (internal) | ことののスケッチブック | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1C75 | 07285 | No |
minestrone (internal) | ミネストローネ | Kind_NpcOutfit | 217D | 08573 | No |
NPC candy (internal) | キャンディ | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1E4C | 07756 | Yes |
NPC cup (internal) | コップ | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1DF5 | 07669 | Yes |
NPC held bag (cool) (internal) | かばん(クール) | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1C90 | 07312 | Yes |
NPC held bag (cute) (internal) | かばん(キュート) | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1C8F | 07311 | Yes |
NPC held book (exercise magazine) (internal) | ほん(運動雑誌) | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1C94 | 07316 | Yes |
NPC held book (fashion) (internal) | ほん(ファッション) | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1C92 | 07314 | Yes |
NPC held book (music magazine) (internal) | ほん(音楽雑誌) | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1C93 | 07315 | Yes |
NPC held book (novel) (internal) | ほん(小説) | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1C91 | 07313 | Yes |
NPC held doughnut (donut) (internal) | ドーナッツ | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1CE5 | 07397 | Yes |
NPC held green tea (internal) | 缶(お茶) | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1CE8 | 07400 | Yes |
NPC held insect magnifying glass (internal) | 虫眼鏡 | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1CE9 | 07401 | Yes |
NPC held juice (internal) | 缶(ジュース) | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1CE7 | 07399 | Yes |
NPC held sandwich (internal) | サンドウィッチ | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1CE6 | 07398 | Yes |
NPC smoothie (beige) (internal) | スムージー(ベージュ) | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1F62 | 08034 | Yes |
NPC smoothie (internal) | スムージー | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1DF7 | 07671 | Yes |
NPC smoothie (pink) (internal) | スムージー(ピンク) | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1F61 | 08033 | Yes |
NPC teacup (internal) | ティーカップ | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1DF6 | 07670 | Yes |
NPC-use weed (branch) (internal) | えだ | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1EB7 | 07863 | Yes |
NPC-use weed (foxtail) (internal) | ねこじゃらし | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1EB6 | 07862 | Yes |
NPC-use weed (silvergrass, susuki) (internal) | すすき | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1EB8 | 07864 | Yes |
pascal's scallop (internal) | ホタテ | Kind_NpcOutfit | 32B1 | 12977 | Yes |
redd's apron (internal) | つねきち前掛け | Kind_NpcOutfit | 3031 | 12337 | No |
Redd's market bottom (internal) | つねきち屋台ボトムス | Kind_NpcOutfit | 32AC | 12972 | No |
Redd's market top (internal) | つねきち屋台トップス | Kind_NpcOutfit | 32AB | 12971 | No |
reese's (lisa) bell (internal) | リサのベール | Kind_NpcOutfit | 3104 | 12548 | No |
reese's (lisa) clothes (internal) | リサのふく | Kind_NpcOutfit | 305D | 12381 | No |
reese's (lisa) dress (internal) | リサのドレス | Kind_NpcOutfit | 3103 | 12547 | No |
reese's (lisa) flower bouquet (internal) | リサのブーケ | Kind_NpcOutfit | 31BC | 12732 | Yes |
rover's clothes (internal) | みしらぬネコのふく | Kind_NpcOutfit | 2A71 | 10865 | No |
shopping bag (high) (internal) | かいものかばん(高) | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1BD5 | 07125 | Yes |
shopping bag (internal) | かいものかばん | Kind_NpcOutfit | 111F | 04383 | Yes |
shopping bag (low) (internal) | かいものかばん(低) | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1BD4 | 07124 | Yes |
timmy nook's apron (internal) | まめきち前掛け | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1404 | 05124 | No |
timmy nook's apron top (internal) | まめきちエプロントップス | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1C84 | 07300 | No |
timmy nook's smartphone (internal) | スマホ(まめきち) | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1C97 | 07319 | No |
timmy nook's summer top (internal) | まめきち夏服トップス | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1737 | 05943 | No |
timmy nook's top (internal) | まめきちのキャップ | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1C85 | 07301 | No |
timmy nook's tour flag (internal) | まめきちツアー旗 | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1AE6 | 06886 | No |
timmy nook's winter top (internal) | まめきち冬服トップス | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1739 | 05945 | No |
tom nook's new years eve bottom (internal) | たぬきちカウントダウンボトムス | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1683 | 05763 | No |
tom nook's new years eve top (internal) | たぬきちカウントダウントップス | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1682 | 05762 | No |
tom nook's smartphone (internal) | スマホ(たぬきち) | Kind_NpcOutfit | 1AB4 | 06836 | No |
tom nook's summer bottoms (internal) | たぬきち夏服ボトムス | Kind_NpcOutfit | 0DF3 | 03571 | No |
tom nook's summer top (internal) | たぬきち夏服トップス | Kind_NpcOutfit | 0DEC | 03564 | No |
tom nook's winter bottoms (internal) | たぬきち冬服ボトムス | Kind_NpcOutfit | 10A4 | 04260 | No |
tom nook's winter top (internal) | たぬきち冬服トップス | Kind_NpcOutfit | 10B6 | 04278 | No |
pinata hitting stick (internal) | ピニャータわりぼう | Kind_PinataStick | 0B0D | 02829 | Yes |
painting brush (internal) | はけ | Kind_PlayerDemoOutfit | 3148 | 12616 | Yes |
spanner and hammer (internal) | スパナとかなづち | Kind_PlayerDemoOutfit | 17D4 | 06100 | Yes |
demo use tanuki mile card (internal) | デモ用たぬきマイルカード | Kind_SequenceOnly | 2FB4 | 12212 | No |
dummy ー× (internal) | ダミー× | Kind_SequenceOnly | 1AF0 | 06896 | No |
dummy ー〇 (internal) | ダミー〇 | Kind_SequenceOnly | 1AEF | 06895 | No |
generic fabric (internal) | 汎用布地 | Kind_SequenceOnly | 2443 | 09283 | No |
map (internal) | ちず | Kind_SequenceOnly | 17AA | 06058 | No |
memo (internal) | メモ | Kind_SequenceOnly | 0C05 | 03077 | No |
my phone (internal) | じぶんのスマホ | Kind_SequenceOnly | 0C04 | 03076 | No |
player's smartphone (internal) | スマホ(プレイヤー) | Kind_SmartPhone | 1515 | 05397 | Yes |
default tops (internal) | デフォルトトップス | Top_Short | 08FE | 02302 | No |
Raw list ordered by item ID:
default tops (internal), 8FE
default bottoms (internal), 8FF
my design texture (internal), A03
shop stand S (internal), A3E
shop stand M (internal), A3F
dummy diy recipe (internal), A87
pinata hitting stick (internal), B0D
my phone (internal), C04
memo (internal), C05
book (insect) (internal), C8D
present boxes (internal), D55
tom nook's summer top (internal), DEC
tom nook's summer bottoms (internal), DF3
k.k. slider's guitar (internal), 1068
isabelle's summer skirt (internal), 107A
isabelle's shoes (black) (internal), 107D
my design easel (internal), 1084
my design campus (internal), 1085
tom nook's winter bottoms (internal), 10A4
tom nook's winter top (internal), 10B6
my design PRO A-design one piece (internal), 10BF
my design PRO Y-shirt (internal), 10C0
miss / failed 01 (internal), 10DB
miss / failed 02 (internal), 10DC
miss / failed 03 (internal), 10DD
shopping bag (internal), 111F
broom (internal), 1120
coffee (internal), 1124
ice cream (soda) (internal), 1126
isabelle's winter skirt (internal), 117C
transparent shop chair (internal), 12BA
timmy nook's apron (internal), 1404
player's smartphone (internal), 1515
dumbbell (internal), 1568
my design "PRO3DS" long sleeve one piece (internal), 159A
isabelle's new year's eve top (internal), 15BA
isabelle's new year's eve skirt (internal), 15BB
shop's wall-mounted display sign (internal), 1618
event balloon 0 (internal), 164D
event balloon 1 (internal), 165D
event balloon 2 (internal), 165E
tom nook's new years eve top (internal), 1682
tom nook's new years eve bottom (internal), 1683
NPC room marker (music) (internal), 1690
NPC room marker (clothes bed) (internal), 1691
NPC room marker (clothes wall) (internal), 1692
NPC room marker (insect) (internal), 1693
NPC room marker (fish) (internal), 1694
NPC room marker (floor 1x1) (internal), 169E
NPC room marker (floor 2x1) (internal), 169F
NPC room marker (floor 2x2) (internal), 16A0
my design PRO mesh cap (internal), 16BE
my design PRO knit cap (internal), 16CC
my design PRO boater hat (internal), 16CD
k.k. slider's stool (internal), 16FC
tom nook's summer top (internal), 1737
tom nook's winter top (internal), 1739
firewood (internal), 1756
map (internal), 17AA
spanner and hammer (internal), 17D4
k.k. slider's concert chair (internal), 1A9D
aquarium's transparent corner chair (internal), 1A9E
museum's transparent sofa (internal), 1A9F
aquarium's long transparent corner chair (internal), 1AA7
museum tent's transparent chair (internal), 1AA8
tom nook's smartphone (internal), 1AB4
timmy nook's tour flag (internal), 1AE6
dummy ー〇 (internal), 1AEF
dummy ー× (internal), 1AF0
tom nook's transparent cushion (internal), 1AF1
book (manga) (internal), 1BD3
shopping bag (low) (internal), 1BD4
shopping bag (high) (internal), 1BD5
fruit basket (NPC held) (internal), 1BD6
my design clothes (internal), 1C2A
airport clear chair (internal), 1C37
dodo's headset (internal), 1C58
labelle's sketch book (internal), 1C75
dodo's sunglasses (internal), 1C78
blather's smartphone (internal), 1C79
gullivar's smartphone (internal), 1C7A
butterfly garden's transparent chair (internal), 1C7D
timmy nook's apron top (internal), 1C84
timmy nook's top (internal), 1C85
feather duster (internal), 1C8D
NPC held bag (cute) (internal), 1C8F
NPC held bag (cool) (internal), 1C90
NPC held book (novel) (internal), 1C91
NPC held book (fashion) (internal), 1C92
NPC held book (music magazine) (internal), 1C93
NPC held book (exercise magazine) (internal), 1C94
timmy nook's smartphone (internal), 1C97
isabelle's smartphone (internal), 1C98
dumbbell (heavy) (internal), 1CE3
NPC held doughnut (donut) (internal), 1CE5
NPC held sandwich (internal), 1CE6
NPC held juice (internal), 1CE7
NPC held green tea (internal), 1CE8
NPC held insect magnifying glass (internal), 1CE9
NPC-use sold-out sign (internal), 1CF2
NPC cup (internal), 1DF5
NPC teacup (internal), 1DF6
NPC smoothie (internal), 1DF7
NPC candy (internal), 1E4C
NPC-use weed (foxtail) (internal), 1EB6
NPC-use weed (branch) (internal), 1EB7
NPC-use weed (silvergrass, susuki) (internal), 1EB8
isabelle's shoes (brown) (internal), 1EE3
isabelle's summer top (internal), 1EF5
c.j.'s fishing rod (internal), 1F20
isabelle's winter top (internal), 1F5D
NPC smoothie (pink) (internal), 1F61
NPC smoothie (beige) (internal), 1F62
my design PRO shirt (internal), 2024
my design PRO non-sleeve shirt (internal), 203B
my design PRO sweater (internal), 203C
my design PRO parka (internal), 203D
my design PRO coat (internal), 203E
my design PRO one piece dress (internal), 20AF
my design PRO dress (internal), 20B0
my design PRO balloon one piece dress (internal), 20B1
my design PRO circle (internal), 20B2
my design PRO kimono (internal), 20B4
bbq skewer (internal), 217C
minestrone (internal), 217D
shop's display stand S (internal), 219D
shop's display stand M (internal), 219E
tanuki exploration helmet (permit) (internal), 2244
isabelle's water spray bottle (internal), 2275
resident service's transparent chair (internal), 2276
ice cream (orange) (internal), 22DF
ice cream (chocolate) (internal), 22E0
resident's services clear demo table (internal), 2353
book (fish) (internal), 2354
book (flowers) (internal), 2355
generic fabric (internal), 2443
my design PRO3DS short sleeve one piece dress (internal), 2550
my design PRO3DS sleeveless one piece dress (internal), 2551
my design PRO3DS long sleeve one piece dress (internal), 2552
my design PRO3DS short sleeve top (internal), 2553
my design PRO3DS sleeveless top (internal), 2554
my design PRO3DS horned hat (internal), 2555
my design PRO3DS knit cap (internal), 2556
c.j.'s smartphone (internal), 2557
my design face paint (internal), 2573
flick's spikey goth net (internal), 2594
resident's services office chair (internal), 25B5
dodo's cup (internal), 2624
book (fossils) (internal), 2625
rover's clothes (internal), 2A71
my design wall (internal), 2AA6
my design floor (internal), 2AA7
interior mode transparent NPC (internal), 2B56
hammer (internal), 2B79
large greenhouse transparent chair (internal), 2F50
plaza bench (internal), 2FA9
harvey's laundry basket (internal), 2FB1
harvey's clothesline (internal), 2FB2
demo use tanuki mile card (internal), 2FB4
harvey's stone kiln (internal), 2FC5
harvey's island fence (internal), 2FFD
redd's apron (internal), 3031
cyrus's (kaizo) clothes (internal), 305C
reese's (lisa) clothes (internal), 305D
zipper's (pyontarou) combined egg balloons (internal), 30F4
reese's (lisa) dress (internal), 3103
reese's (lisa) bell (internal), 3104
cyrus's (kaizo) tuxedo (internal), 3105
painting brush (internal), 3148
redd's display table S (internal), 3157
redd's display table M (internal), 3158
redd's wall display (internal), 315A
reese's (lisa) flower bouquet (internal), 31BC
museum's stamp stand (internal), 31C4
Redd's market top (internal), 32AB
Redd's market bottom (internal), 32AC
pascal's scallop (internal), 32B1
my design train track object (internal), 3303
dream-viewing aroma pot (internal), 33A2
- Injection Types
- Troubleshooting