quantms-rescoring is a Python tool that aims to add features to peptide-spectrum matches (PSMs) in idXML files using multiple tools including SAGE features, quantms spectrum features, MS2PIP and DeepLC. It is part of the quantms ecosystem package and leverages the MS²Rescore framework to improve identification confidence in proteomics data analysis.
- Annotator Engine: Integrates MS2PIP and DeepLC models to improve peptide-spectrum match (PSM) confidence.
- Feature Generation: Extracts signal-to-noise ratios, spectrum metrics, SAGE extra features and add them to each PSM for posterior downstream with Percolator.
- OpenMS Integration: Processes idXML and mzML files with custom validation methods.
quantms-rescoring msrescore2feature --help
Annotates PSMs with prediction-based features from MS2PIP and DeepLC
quantms-rescoring add_sage_feature --help
Incorporates additional features from SAGE into idXML files.
quantms-rescoring spectrum2feature --help
Add additional spectrum feature like signal-to-noise to each PSM in the idXML.
- MS2PIP Model Selection:
- Automatically evaluate the quality of the MS2PIP model selected by the user. If the correlation between predicted and experimental spectra is lower than a given threshold, we will try to find the best model to use (
). For example, if the user provides as model parameter HCD for a CI experiment, the tool will try to find the best model for this experiment within the CID models available. - If the
is to restrictive for the data (e.g. 0.05 Da for a 0.5 Da dataset), the tool will try to find the annotated tolerances in the idXML file and use the best model for this tolerance.
- Automatically evaluate the quality of the MS2PIP model selected by the user. If the correlation between predicted and experimental spectra is lower than a given threshold, we will try to find the best model to use (
- DeepLC Model Selection:
- Automatically select the best DeepLC model for each run based on the retention time calibration and prediction accuracy. Different to ms2rescore, the tool will try to use the best model from MS2PIP and benchmark it with the same model by using transfer learning (
). The best model is selected to be used to predict the retention time of PSMs.
- Automatically select the best DeepLC model for each run based on the retention time calibration and prediction accuracy. Different to ms2rescore, the tool will try to use the best model from MS2PIP and benchmark it with the same model by using transfer learning (
Retention Time Analysis:
- Calibrates DeepLC models per run to account for chromatographic variations.
- Calculates delta RT (predicted vs. observed) as a discriminative feature
- Normalizes RT differences for cross-run comparability
Spectral Feature Extraction:
- Computes signal-to-noise ratio using maximum intensity relative to background noise
- Calculates spectral entropy to quantify peak distribution uniformity
- Analyzes TIC (Total Ion Current) distribution across peaks for quality assessment
- Determines weighted standard deviation of m/z values for spectral complexity estimation
Feature Selection: The parameters
allows to select the features to be added to the idXML file. For example:--only_features "DeepLC:RtDiff,DeepLC:PredictedRetentionTimeBest,Ms2pip:DotProd"
MS2PIP Feature Mapping Table
MMS2Rescore MS2PIP Feature | quantms-rescoring Name |
spec_pearson | MS2PIP:SpecPearson |
cos_norm | MS2PIP:SpecCosineNorm |
spec_pearson_norm | MS2PIP:SpecPearsonNorm |
dotprod | MS2PIP:DotProd |
ionb_pearson_norm | MS2PIP:IonBPearsonNorm |
iony_pearson_norm | MS2PIP:IonYPearsonNorm |
spec_mse_norm | MS2PIP:SpecMseNorm |
ionb_mse_norm | MS2PIP:IonBMseNorm |
iony_mse_norm | MS2PIP:IonYMseNorm |
min_abs_diff_norm | MS2PIP:MinAbsDiffNorm |
max_abs_diff_norm | MS2PIP:MaxAbsDiffNorm |
abs_diff_Q1_norm | MS2PIP:AbsDiffQ1Norm |
abs_diff_Q2_norm | MS2PIP:AbsDiffQ2Norm |
abs_diff_Q3_norm | MS2PIP:AbsDiffQ3Norm |
mean_abs_diff_norm | MS2PIP:MeanAbsDiffNorm |
std_abs_diff_norm | MS2PIP:StdAbsDiffNorm |
ionb_min_abs_diff_norm | MS2PIP:IonBMinAbsDiffNorm |
ionb_max_abs_diff_norm | MS2PIP:IonBMaxAbsDiffNorm |
ionb_abs_diff_Q1_norm | MS2PIP:IonBAbsDiffQ1Norm |
ionb_abs_diff_Q2_norm | MS2PIP:IonBAbsDiffQ2Norm |
ionb_abs_diff_Q3_norm | MS2PIP:IonBAbsDiffQ3Norm |
ionb_mean_abs_diff_norm | MS2PIP:IonBMeanAbsDiffNorm |
ionb_std_abs_diff_norm | MS2PIP:IonBStdAbsDiffNorm |
iony_min_abs_diff_norm | MS2PIP:IonYMinAbsDiffNorm |
iony_max_abs_diff_norm | MS2PIP:IonYMaxAbsDiffNorm |
iony_abs_diff_Q1_norm | MS2PIP:IonYAbsDiffQ1Norm |
iony_abs_diff_Q2_norm | MS2PIP:IonYAbsDiffQ2Norm |
iony_abs_diff_Q3_norm | MS2PIP:IonYAbsDiffQ3Norm |
iony_mean_abs_diff_norm | MS2PIP:IonYMeanAbsDiffNorm |
iony_std_abs_diff_norm | MS2PIP:IonYStdAbsDiffNorm |
dotprod_norm | MS2PIP:DotProdNorm |
dotprod_ionb_norm | MS2PIP:DotProdIonBNorm |
dotprod_iony_norm | MS2PIP:DotProdIonYNorm |
cos_ionb_norm | MS2PIP:CosIonBNorm |
cos_iony_norm | MS2PIP:CosIonYNorm |
ionb_pearson | MS2PIP:IonBPearson |
iony_pearson | MS2PIP:IonYPearson |
spec_spearman | MS2PIP:SpecSpearman |
ionb_spearman | MS2PIP:IonBSpearman |
iony_spearman | MS2PIP:IonYSpearman |
spec_mse | MS2PIP:SpecMse |
ionb_mse | MS2PIP:IonBMse |
iony_mse | MS2PIP:IonYMse |
min_abs_diff_iontype | MS2PIP:MinAbsDiffIonType |
max_abs_diff_iontype | MS2PIP:MaxAbsDiffIonType |
min_abs_diff | MS2PIP:MinAbsDiff |
max_abs_diff | MS2PIP:MaxAbsDiff |
abs_diff_Q1 | MS2PIP:AbsDiffQ1 |
abs_diff_Q2 | MS2PIP:AbsDiffQ2 |
abs_diff_Q3 | MS2PIP:AbsDiffQ3 |
mean_abs_diff | MS2PIP:MeanAbsDiff |
std_abs_diff | MS2PIP:StdAbsDiff |
ionb_min_abs_diff | MS2PIP:IonBMinAbsDiff |
ionb_max_abs_diff | MS2PIP:IonBMaxAbsDiff |
ionb_abs_diff_Q1 | MS2PIP:IonBAbsDiffQ1 |
ionb_abs_diff_Q2 | MS2PIP:IonBAbsDiffQ2 |
ionb_abs_diff_Q3 | MS2PIP:IonBAbsDiffQ3 |
ionb_mean_abs_diff | MS2PIP:IonBMeanAbsDiff |
ionb_std_abs_diff | MS2PIP:IonBStdAbsDiff |
iony_min_abs_diff | MS2PIP:IonYMinAbsDiff |
iony_max_abs_diff | MS2PIP:IonYMaxAbsDiff |
iony_abs_diff_Q1 | MS2PIP:IonYAbsDiffQ1 |
iony_abs_diff_Q2 | MS2PIP:IonYAbsDiffQ2 |
iony_abs_diff_Q3 | MS2PIP:IonYAbsDiffQ3 |
iony_mean_abs_diff | MS2PIP:IonYMeanAbsDiff |
iony_std_abs_diff | MS2PIP:IonYStdAbsDiff |
dotprod_ionb | MS2PIP:DotProdIonB |
dotprod_iony | MS2PIP:DotProdIonY |
cos_ionb | MS2PIP:CosIonB |
cos_iony | MS2PIP:CosIonY |
DeepLC Feature Mapping Table
MMS2Rescore DeepLC Feature | quantms-rescoring Name |
observed_retention_time | DeepLC:ObservedRetentionTime |
predicted_retention_time | DeepLC:PredictedRetentionTime |
rt_diff | DeepLC:RtDiff |
observed_retention_time_best | DeepLC:ObservedRetentionTimeBest |
predicted_retention_time_best | DeepLC:PredictedRetentionTimeBest |
rt_diff_best | DeepLC:RtDiffBest |
Spectrum Feature Mapping Table
Spectrum Feature | quantms-rescoring Name |
snr | Quantms:Snr |
spectral_entropy | Quantms:SpectralEntropy |
fraction_tic_top_10 | Quantms:FracTICinTop10Peaks |
weighted_std_mz | Quantms:WeightedStdMz |
- Parallel Processing: Implements multiprocessing capabilities for handling large datasets efficiently
- OpenMS Compatibility Layer: Custom helper classes that gather statistics of number of PSMs by MS levels / dissociation methods, etc.
- Feature Validation: Convert all Features from MS2PIP, DeepLC, and quantms into OpenMS features with well-established names (
) - PSM Filtering and Validation:
- Filter PSMs with missing spectra information or empty peaks.
- Breaks the analysis of the input file contains more than one MS level or dissociation method, only support for MS2 level spectra.
- Output / Input files:
- Only works for OpenMS formats idXML, and mzML as input and export to idXML with the annotated features.
Install quantms-rescoring using one of the following methods:
Using pip
❯ pip install quantms-rescoring
Using conda
❯ conda install -c bioconda quantms-rescoring
Build from source:
Clone the quantms-rescoring repository:
❯ git clone https://github.com/bigbio/quantms-rescoring
Navigate to the project directory:
❯ cd quantms-rescoring
Install the project dependencies:
:❯ pip install -r requirements.txt
:❯ conda env create -f environment.yml
Install the package using
:❯ poetry install
- Add support for multiple Files combined idXML and mzML
For any issues or contributions, please open an issue in the GitHub repository - we use the quantms repo to control all issues—or PR in the GitHub repository.