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Custom Jinja2 Filters to use in Templates

Ben Trachtenberg edited this page Aug 5, 2018 · 2 revisions

These Jinja2 filters can be used in templates to check for good data

Filters in Version and above

  • u_ip_address = Check for a good unicast ipv4 address
  • m_ip_address = Check for a good multicast ipv4 address
  • subnet = Checks for any ipv4 subnet in the following format x.x.x.x/x
  • mask_cidr = Check for a good ipv4 CIDR mask
  • mask_standard = Check for a good standard ipv4 mask
  • mask_inv = Check for a good inverse ipv4 mask
  • as_number = Check for a BGP, EIGRP, OSPF process/AS number 1 to 65535
  • vlan = Check for a VLAN number 1 - 4096
  • vni = Check for a VNI number 1 - 16777214
  • required = Check for a required item in a template
  • community = Check for a community in the following format XXXX:XXXX
  • mac = Check for a good mac address
  • p_or_d = Check for the word permit, or deny
  • number = Check for any number
  • rmap_match_items = Check for these route-map match items ('ip address prefix-list', 'as-path', 'ip address', 'community', 'extcommunity', 'ip multicast group')
  • rmap_set_items = Check for these route-map set items ('local-preference', 'weight', 'community', 'as-path prepend', 'as-path prepend last-as')
  • protocol_port = Check for a number between 0 and 65535
  • i_or_o = Check for the word inside, or outside

Filters in Version and above

  • nei_ip_30 = Calculate neighbor IP using a /30 mask
  • nei_ip_31 = Calculate neighbor IP using a /31 mask