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Using the config.yml

Ben Trachtenberg edited this page Aug 6, 2018 · 6 revisions

The config.yml is located in the Data directory, and it controls where you look for templates, yml, and various other things

Base config.yml

--- # QuickConfigTemplates Version: 1.0.13
# QuickConfigTemplates Version: 1.0.13
  protocol: http
  server_port: 5000
  server_api_uri: qct/api/v1/

# Default server_api_uri: 'qct/api/v1/'
# Logging level is 3 by default, highest is 1 lowest is 5

Keys under config reference

Key Can Be a List What Goes There
yml_directory Yes Directories where yaml you want to use is located
templates_directory Yes Directories where Jinja2 templates you want to use is located
output_directory No Directory where you want your output to go to
logging_directory No Directory where you want your logs to go to
logging_level No A number from 1 to 5, highest is 1 lowest is 5

Keys under remote_build_server_config reference

Key Can Be a List What Goes There
protocol No Can be http, or https
server_host No The IP address, or host name of the server
server_port No The TCP port for the remote server
server_api_uri No The base api url, the default is qct/api/v1/