1.0.0 (2023-10-31)
- added MR as additional identifier type (d2b95c2)
- adds basic MedicationStatement unit tests (89f1621)
- adds basic oberservation processor implementation (WIP) (e64f8f4)
- adds basic patient processor (8f8c194)
- adds basic resource logging (d4747b2)
- adds complication information to radio therapy procedure (1e165aa)
- adds condition processor (f0a444f)
- adds development environment (63a96c7)
- adds Fernmetastase Observation mapping logic (e547c54)
- adds filter for adt version so that only version 2.x.x is processed (3955abe)
- adds grouping by LKR_Medlungs id (db29ccb)
- adds histologie selection logic (1a51cf0)
- adds mapping logic for histology and grading observation ressources (7eef943)
- adds MedicationStatement Mapping (dcfbc96)
- adds MedicationStatement Mapping (9dab92f)
- adds more processor test classes (ecc7fc2)
- adds more test data and filters tumor conferences (43711f2)
- adds observation reference mapping (9323197)
- adds observation tod-ursache (299b83d)
- adds partOf logic (6ae69cc)
- adds partOf logic (05c1843)
- adds partOf logic (5b85bdd)
- adds patient profile mapping logic (ea89a11)
- adds procedure processor logic for operation and radio therapy (c2528bd)
- adds support for multiple histologies (1a450e0)
- adds unit tests for OnkoObservationProcessor (e6358ea)
- adds xml deserialization using Jackson (9d01b63)
- changes grouping by LKR_Meldung_Id to Referenznummer (Pat. Id) (30b47d0)
- extends tmn-c observation mapping (e5cc7f5)
- extends tnm-c observation mapping logic (04bddad)
- extends tnm-p observation mapping (8b169d4)
- makes patientprocessor detachable via env-var ACTIVE_PROFILE (0006593)
- merges kafka grouping logic into a single processor (b338bd2)
- renames onkoadt terms to obds (9df892b)
- updates connector (eb39dd7)
- updates patient processor reporting reason priority order (b73128e)
- uses patId and reportingId from ADT-xml instead of database values (346d32e)
Bug Fixes
- adds data absent extention for missing category in systemtherapie (4208227)
- deps: update all dependencies (5b0050f)
- deps: update all dependencies (c8648af)
- deps: update all dependencies to v1.11.3 (c7f44d2)
- deps: update all dependencies to v1.11.4 (63cf96b)
- deps: update all dependencies to v1.11.5 (0900945)
- deps: update all dependencies to v6.8.1 (9e59b64)
- deps: update all dependencies to v6.8.3 (b37de82)
- deps: update dependency org.apache.commons:commons-text to v1.11.0 (acefc41)
- deps: update dependency org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-dependencies to v2022.0.4 (14fc674)
- fixes duplicate ids in medicationSt and procedure (e82e2c4)
- fixes fhir profile validation (dbcb3e4)
- naming lookup (3318a61)
- naming lookup (e6f495a)
- naming lookup (70eacdc)
- update README (588d5f0)
Miscellaneous Chores
- adds Profile Bean annotation in OnkoPatientProcessor (a45290e)
- adds all necessary files for testing (da57eb9)
- adds back filter for adt reporting reason (88f3319)
- adds base Spring Boot project template (74a1579)
- adds cpu_praefix value check for tnm-p mapping (40111ca)
- adds Dockerfile (2c9df79)
- adds env variable for detachable patId conversion (27bc7fb)
- adds filtering for duplicate ops codes (2d01d5d)
- adds filtering for duplicate radiotherapie (83e8905)
- adds IGNORE Varibles fpr check-file-tidiness ci-pipeline-step (ad59dce)
- adds IGNORE Varibles fpr check-file-tidiness ci-pipeline-step (1888644)
- adds missing CS, VS and profiles for fhir profile validation (29b7542)
- adds missing identifier type coding for patient resources (125f0ed)
- adds missing test xml (a28c791)
- adds more test cases (8c29619)
- adds new lines at oef so spotless cries less (ad5345c)
- adds new test data for fernmetastase observation (f919aa4)
- adds new testdata (bd01f79)
- adds new testdata (e559a76)
- adds new testdata (7710e83)
- adds OPKomplikationVsLookup (6ea85a9)
- adds OPKomplikationVsLookup (b031de0)
- adds ref number grouping in condition processor (b38d311)
- adds testdata xmls, names of xml describe the resources that should be produced if everything works nicely (a00356b)
- adds topic suffix env (2f97327)
- adds trivyignore (c7b5472)
- adds type to patient references (7789f81)
- adds unit tests for ConditionProcessor (63dd14a)
- adds vs and cs for medication statement tests (cc57375)
- build: use MaxRAMPercentage=75 in JVM (c43bdfd)
- build: use MaxRAMPercentage=75 in JVM (afb8760)
- build: use parallel GC and MaxRAMPercentage=75 in JVM (b8dabba)
- build: use parallel GC and MaxRAMPercentage=75 in JVM (cd16864)
- bump gradle version (cac8ec8)
- bump gradle version (0ee7825)
- bump gradle version (4100bec)
- bump java17-debian11 distroless image (91ef16d)
- bump java17-debian11 image (3ce45a8)
- bump java17-debian11 image (beccf44)
- bumps all dependencies (add01f2)
- bumps dependencies (b6fc771)
- bumps dependencies (2b19680)
- bumps dependencies (83a3bdf)
- bumps hapi version to 6.4.2 (342b7d3)
- bumps hapi version to 6.4.2 (40fb14f)
- bumps hapi version to 6.4.2 (71182ec)
- bumps java17-debian11 image (99241fa)
- bumps java17-debian11 image (1219468)
- bumps java17-debian11 image (5045103)
- ci: adds ci-template and renovate config (b176ac1)
- ci: change gradle version 7.4.2 to 7.4.1 due to ci-pipeline issues (f3cb447)
- deps: update all dependencies (e5b3b54)
- deps: update all dependencies (f0db9e1)
- deps: update all dependencies (edf1620)
- deps: update all dependencies (40eaeb3)
- deps: update all dependencies (a101ace)
- deps: update all dependencies (9e4b850)
- deps: update all dependencies (e9fcf7c)
- deps: update dependencies causing trivy issues (7b3680b)
- deps: update gcr.io/distroless/java17-debian11 docker digest to 12c7afb (b3585e2)
- deps: update gcr.io/distroless/java17-debian11 docker digest to 4721a13 (d40c4ad)
- deps: update gcr.io/distroless/java17-debian11 docker digest to 891d3c8 (7530ebf)
- deps: update gradle docker tag to v8.4.0 (b6d4b53)
- deps: update plugin com.diffplug.spotless to v6.21.0 (0130a00)
- deps: update plugin com.diffplug.spotless to v6.22.0 (b5757b3)
- deps: update plugin io.freefair.lombok to v8.2.2 (2e2189e)
- deps: update plugin org.springframework.boot to v3.1.3 (fe5cd7b)
- deps: update plugin org.springframework.boot to v3.1.4 (ead2701)
- deps: updates dependencies (31a7ff1)
- fix reporting reason priority order (9353cb7)
- fixes annotations (e8abcd4)
- fixes file tidiness (0c70512)
- fixes file tidiness (0780269)
- fixes file tidiness (b2648c8)
- fixes file tidiness issue (61ee59c)
- fixes file tidiness issues (281341a)
- fixes file tidiness issues (a63b2fb)
- fixes file tidiness issues (5abea5a)
- fixes file tidiness issues (557a53a)
- fixes file tidiness issues (b0fbd19)
- fixes file tidiness issues (eabcf91)
- fixes file tidiness issues (431956e)
- fixes file tidiness issues in testdata (1ad10d9)
- fixes file tidiness issues in testdata (f541e5d)
- fixes file tidiness issues in testdata (495dd07)
- fixes file tidiness isues (d886ac6)
- fixes hapi fhir validation for observation todUrsache by adjusting an error in the structure definition (9168fd1)
- fixes missing medication bug in medicationStatement system therapy (fb1b399)
- fixes spotless issues (2a76fc4)
- fixes spotless issues (4a1e13e)
- fixes sql init (87b0072)
- fixes sql init (a485237)
- fixes typo (5ce1e5b)
- fixes zoned date issues in uni tests (91bc5bb)
- handles non existing intentions values (5be030c)
- refactor (8c1966e)
- refactor (69d5d8f)
- refactor (0f6d49a)
- refactoring (2f374e7)
- refactoring (3e08b98)
- removes gitlab-ci.yml (18243be)
- removes test logging (826dff9)
- removes the identifier type coding, as it is added during pseudonomization in the fhir-pseudonymizer (3b9a952)
- removes trivyignore (3ea2135)
- removes unused xml test files (fe404bf)
- renames package (56e3ff5)
- sets check digit conversion per default to false (7ce61da)
- sets fhir profile meta source information according to adt sender and software id (61f20ef)
- split op codes in seperate procedures (b543862)
- spotless apply (b8003c8)
- spotless forgotless (6881029)
- temporarily adds CVEs to trivyignore (d3c8701)
- testing xml deserializing (7d2f725)
- uniquify test data so that we can see if observations are filled with correct information (3aca400)
- updates .gitlab-ci.yml (3d73089)
- updates .gitlab-ci.yml (62d4e91)
- updates date asserts in unit tests (36440d4)
- updates dependencies (e529618)
- updates dependencies (0e8eabf)
- updates java17-debian11 distroless image (99e7176)
- updates java17-debian11 image tag (96a1adb)
- updates README (c724e58)
- updates spring profiles (c367840)
- updates sql inserts for dev for lkr_meldung_export table (a97c045)
- updates sql inserts for dev for lkr_meldung_export table (ed9392a)
- updates test data (1b09761)
- updates unit test cases (18527e7)
- use ResourceType enum instead of resourceType Strings (99c1d54)