see also: BareOS Manual
Using Openmediavault NAS-Server as Basesystem.
At the time of writing, it's OMV Arrakis 4.0 on Debian 9 Stretch.
Create a Backup-Volume/Partiton on the RAID/Disk with label backup.
The Volume with the Subvolume bareos will be mounted on /var/lib/bareos/
to hold all BareOS relevant data-files.
btrfs sub cr $BACKUP_VOL/bareos
btrfs quota enable $BACKUP_VOL/bareos/
btrfs sub cr $BACKUP_VOL/bareos/storage
btrfs quota enable $BACKUP_VOL/bareos/storage
btrfs sub cr $BACKUP_VOL/bareos/bootstrap
btrfs quota enable $BACKUP_VOL/bareos/bootstrap
grep -v "/var/lib/bareos" /etc/fstab > /tmp/fstab.tmp
printf "$BACKUP_VOL/bareos\t\t\t/var/lib/bareos\t\tnone\tbind\t0 0\n" >> /tmp/fstab.tmp
mv --backup=t /tmp/fstab.tmp /etc/fstab
mkdir -p /var/lib/bareos
mount /var/lib/bareos
No armhf packages in the BareOS-Repos, so we use older versions from Debian.
agi -y postgresql
agi -y bareos bareos-database-postgresql
chown -R bareos. /etc/bareos /var/lib/bareos
# to use the directory-structure, remove old-style conf-files
cd /etc/bareos
mv bareos-dir.conf .bareos-dir.conf
mv bareos-fd.conf .bareos-fd.conf
mv bareos-sd.conf .bareos-sd.conf
mv bareos-dir.conf.dist .bareos-dir.conf.dist
mv bareos-fd.conf.dist .bareos-fd.conf.dist
mv bareos-sd.conf.dist .bareos-sd.conf.dist
Using the WebUI from 16.2, which correspondes to Debian 8 @ the BareOS-Repo.
# DIST=Debian_9.0
# DIST=xUbuntu_16.04
# or
# RELEASE=release/latest/
# RELEASE=experimental/nightly/
# add the Bareos repository
printf "deb $URL /\n" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bareos.list
# add package key
wget -q $URL/Release.key -O- | apt-key add -
# install Bareos packages
apt-get update
apt-get install bareos-webui apache2 libapache2-mod-php
# adjusting Apach2 to coexists with nginx
sed -i s/80/81/g ports.conf
sed -i s/443/8443/g ports.conf
a2dissite 000-default
service apache2 restart
service bareos-dir restart
service bareos-fd restart
service bareos-sd restart
WEBUI_PW=${WEBUI_PW:-$(pwgen -1 12)}
bconsole << EOF
configure add console \
name=$WEBUI_ADM \
password=$WEBUI_PW \
Changing the default Client-/Director-/Monitor-Name from bareos
to [Server-hostname]-dir|sd|fd
cd /etc/baros
for i in `grep bareos-fd -lr * `; do sed -i s/bareos-fd/$SERVER-fd/g $i; done
for i in `grep bareos-dir -lr * `; do sed -i s/bareos-dir/$SERVER-dir/g $i; done
for i in `grep bareos-mon -lr * `; do sed -i s/bareos-mon/$SERVER-mon/g $i; done
for i in `grep bareos-sd -lr * `; do sed -i s/bareos-sd/$SERVER-sd/g $i; done
in /etc/bareos/bareos-dir.d/pool/
- Full 4(2) months
- Differencial 2(1) months
- Incremental 1 months (14 days)
- LongTerm-Pool (Vacation) 12 months
Limit Volume size and count to something reasonable, adjust per Pool:
- Maximum Volume Bytes = XXG
- Maximum Volumes = XX
- AutoPrune=yes
- ActionOnPurge=truncate
- Recycle=yes
- Full 12 months
- manual start
bconsole << EOF
configure add pool \
name=LongTermFull \
pooltype=backup \
recycle=yes \
maximumvolumebytes=50G \
maximumvolumes=25 \
volumeretention="12 months" \
labelformat=LongTermFull- \
autoprune=yes \
ActionOnPurge=truncate \
description="LongTerm Pool for 12 months Retention"
in /etc/bareos/bareos-dir.d/schedule/
- defaults to 21:00
Change mon to sun in WeeklyCycle, to backup also on Sundays
sed -i s/mon/sun/g /etc/bareos/bareos-dir.d/schedule/WeeklyCycle.conf
Change mon-fri at 21:10 to daily at 22:00 in WeeklyCycleAfterBackup, to backup the Catalog every day.
sed -i "s/mon-fri at 21:10/daily at 22:00/g" /etc/bareos/bareos-dir.d/schedule/WeeklyCycleAfterBackup.conf
Change Schedule-Time
sed -i s/at ..:../$TIME/g /etc/bareos/bareos-dir.d/schedule/*
To be used as drop in replacement to WeeklyCycle, (same same, but hourly ;))
bconsole << EOF
configure add schedule \
Enabled=yes \
Name="HourlyCycle" \
Run="Full 1st sat at 21:00" \
Run="Differential 2nd-5th sat at 21:00" \
Run="Incremental hourly at 0:22" \
Description="Standard Schedule with Monthly=Full, Weekly=Diff, Hourly=Inc"
in /etc/bareos/bareos-dir.d/fileset/
HINT: LZ4(HC)-Compression is supported from 16.2 @stretch – onwards.
Use GZIP with 14.2 – jessie (Debian 8) and Ubuntu 16.04
Include {
Options {
compression=gzip # on 16.2 and later, use LZ4 or LZ4HC
sparse = yes
aclsupport = yes
xattrsupport = yes
File = /
File = /home
#File = /srv/
#File = /var/lib/lxc
# and every LXC
#File = /var/lib/lxc/[Name of LXC]/rootfs
Exclude {
File = *.o
File = /var/cache/apt/archives
- Run a FileList-CMD on the on the client:
File = "\\|/bin/bash -c …"
# standard filessystems
cat /etc/fstab|egrep -v "^#|^$|swap|bind|iso|svfs|proc|tmp|devfs|sysfs|ram"|awk '{print $2}'|egrep -v "^/media|^/mnt|docker"
# @hansa,
# add /srv/media/music
# filter /srv/virt/images
# LXCs are backupd with host
# create a list of LXCs Direcotory & rootfs
# /var/lib/lxc/apps
# /var/lib/lxc/apps/rootfs
lxc-ls -1|awk '{ printf "/var/lib/lxc/"$1"\n""/var/lib/lxc/"$1"/rootfs\n" }'
# create a list out of the LXCs mount-entrys of bind-mounted volumes from /mnt
grep -s bind /var/lib/lxc/*/*|egrep -v "\.log|proc|sysfs|tmp" | cut -d":" -f2 | sed s/.*mount.*\ =\ //g|awk '{ print $1 }'|sort -u|grep "^/mnt/"
# VPS are backuped from within -> REAR
For "One FS = yes" add
File = /home
File = /srv
File = /var/lib/lxc
# and every LXC
File = /var/lib/lxc/coiner/rootfs
- Create Hourly-JobDef
- Create LongTerm-JobDef
- Accurate = yes
- Write Bootstrap =
sed -i s#/var/lib/bareos/\%c#/var/lib/bareos/bootstrap/\%c#g \
bconsole << EOF
configure add jobdefs \
Enabled="yes" \
Name="DefaultJob-Hourly" \
Type="Backup" \
Level="Incremental" \
Accurate="yes" \
Schedule="HourlyCycle" \
Storage="File" \
Messages="Standard" \
Pool="Incremental" \
Priority="10" \
WriteBootstrap="/var/lib/bareos/bootstrap/%c.bsr" \
FullBackupPool="Full" \
DifferentialBackupPool="Differential" \
bconsole << EOF
configure add jobdefs \
Enabled="yes" \
Name="LongTermFull" \
Type="Backup" \
Level="Full" \
Accurate="yes" \
Storage="File" \
Messages="Standard" \
Pool="LongTermFull" \
Priority="10" \
WriteBootstrap="/var/lib/bareos/bootstrap/%c.bsr" \
- Create a Job for every Client
- Create a LongTermFull Job for Longterm (Vacation) Retention.
- schedule
This directive is optional, and if left out, the Job can only be started manually using the Console program.
- schedule
- filesets in Jobs
Check File & Catalog Retention Values.
per job-type for
- WS
- LXCs
CLIENT=[your CLIENT hostname here]
bconsole << EOF
configure add job \
Enabled="yes" \
Name="LongTermFull" \
JobDefs="LongTermFull" \
Client="$CLIENT-fd" \
FileSet="LinuxAll" \
Description="Full Backup for longterm Retention"
agi -y bareos-client pwgen
# with gui
agi -y bareos-traymonitor
cd /etc/bareos
SERVER=[your servername here]
# BareOS 16.2 or later
rm /etc/bareos/bareos-fd.d/director/bareos-dir.conf
for i in `grep bareos-dir -lr * `; do sed -i s/bareos-dir/$SERVER-dir/g $i; done
for i in `grep bareos-mon -lr * `; do sed -i s/bareos-mon/$SERVER-mon/g $i; done
# Bareos 14.2
sed -i s/bareos-dir/$SERVER-dir/g bareos-fd.conf bconsole.conf
sed -i s/bareos-mon/$SERVER-mon/g bareos-fd.conf bconsole.conf
CLIENT=[your clientname here]
PASSWORD=`pwgen -1 45`
bconsole << EOF
configure add client \
name=$CLIENT-fd \
address=$CLIENT \
password=$PASSWORD \
AutoPrune=yes \
Connection From Client To Director = no
BareOS 16.2 and later @server
scp /etc/bareos/bareos-dir-export/client/${CLIENT}-fd/bareos-fd.d/director/$SERVER-dir.conf \
BareOS 14.2 @client
SERVER=[your servername here]
cd /etc/bareos
sed -i s/$CLIENT-dir/$SERVER-dir/g bareos-fd.conf
sed -i s/$CLIENT-mon/$SERVER-mon/g bareos-fd.conf
# Take PASSWORD from Above and change it in the $SERVER-dir stanza in bareos-fd.conf
service bareos-fd restart
# Add if you want Client initiated Connections
Connection From Client To Director = yes
CLIENT="[IP or hostname]"
bconsole << EOF
configure add job \
Enabled="yes" \
Client="$CLIENT-fd" \
Name="backup-$CLIENT-fd" \
JobDefs="DefaultJob-Hourly" \
FileSet="LinuxAll" \
Description="Standard hourly Backup"
* run
switched from given size for Volumes to "Volume Use Duration" -> adapt this doc. see Automated Disk backups HINT: It has a flaw with writung the catalog to a new FullBackupPool-Volume every day.
-> Use a Catalog-Pool. -
LongTerm retentionTime must be longer then longest Vacation (deprecated?)
Base Backups (only usefull with windows installations)
use snapper to create ans mount snapshots of subvols. restrict snapper to 24 x hourly snapshots, since quota ist not working correctly (doublecheck)
for universal fileset -> use /etc/snapper/configs to determine which volumes to backup (FileSets with client-executed cmd)
Client initiated Connectionsif datavolume is not so big, -
incremental filesize = 200M (wg. retentionTime) -
Differential filesize = 500M -
Full filesize= 10G
Create better bootstrap-files and copy them to REAR-USB or /etc/rear/.
see about bootstrap files
- Create a Fileset and JobDef for LXCs & VPS
see FileSet Definitions
either use (raw) image-backup @HOST or use
in /etc/bareos/bareos-dir.d/clients/
or per bconsole add to the usual client cmd:
Name = <client>-fd
Address = <client> or IP
Password = <password>
Connection From Client To Director = yes # to start backups from client
@Client in /etc/bareos/bareos-fd.d/director
Connection From Client To Director Fd Director = yes
see job(defs)
- Cient Run Before Job
- Client Run After Job
- Run Script
Fileset Definitions
- strippath=[integer] in the FileSet Definitions
ATTENTION: use with Care
for i in `echo list clients |bconsole|tail -n8|awk '{print $4}'`; do
echo purge jobs client=$i|bconsole
To ask Bareos to truncate your Purged volumes, you need to use the following:
for i in `echo list pools |bconsole|tail -n8|awk '{print $4}'`; do
echo "purge volume action=truncate storage=File pool=$i"|bconsole
echo "delete volume=$VOLUME"|bconsole
# purge Volume?
#rm /var/lib/bareos/storage/$Volume