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Add dual-port storage, von Neumann architecture
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hydrolarus committed Mar 6, 2024
1 parent d4ded17 commit 36bb83f
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Showing 8 changed files with 164 additions and 38 deletions.
19 changes: 7 additions & 12 deletions clash-vexriscv-sim/app/VexRiscvSimulation.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Google LLC
-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2024 Google LLC
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
Expand All @@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ import qualified Data.List as L

import Control.Monad (forM_, when)
import Data.Char (chr)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.IO (putChar, hFlush, stdout)
import Text.Printf (printf)

import Utils.ProgramLoad (loadProgram)
import Utils.ProgramLoad (loadProgramDmem)
import Utils.Cpu (cpu)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,21 +78,18 @@ main = do

(iMem, dMem) <-
withClockResetEnable @System clockGen resetGen enableGen $
loadProgram @System elfFile
loadProgramDmem @System elfFile

let cpuOut@(unbundle -> (_circuit, writes, _iBus, _dBus)) =
withClockResetEnable @System clockGen (resetGenN (SNat @2)) enableGen $
let (circ, writes1, iBus, dBus) = cpu (Just 7894) iMem dMem
dBus' = register Nothing dBus
dBus' = register emptyWishboneS2M dBus
in bundle (circ, writes1, iBus, dBus')

case debugConfig of
RunCharacterDevice ->
forM_ (sample_lazy @System (bundle (register @System (unpack 0) cpuOut, cpuOut))) $
\((_out, write, dS2M0, iS2M0), (out1, _write, _dS2M, _iS2M)) -> do
iS2M = fromMaybe emptyWishboneS2M iS2M0
dS2M = fromMaybe emptyWishboneS2M dS2M0
\((_out, write, dS2M, iS2M), (out1, _write, _dS2M, _iS2M)) -> do

when (err dS2M) $ do
let dBusM2S = dBusWbM2S out1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -125,10 +122,8 @@ main = do
let total = initCycles + uninteresting + nInteresting in [0 ..] $ L.take total $ sample_lazy @System cpuOut

forM_ sampled $ \(i, (out, _, iBusS2M0, dBusS2M0)) -> do
forM_ sampled $ \(i, (out, _, iBusS2M, dBusS2M)) -> do
iBusS2M = fromMaybe emptyWishboneS2M iBusS2M0
dBusS2M = fromMaybe emptyWishboneS2M dBusS2M0
doPrint = i >= skipTotal

-- I-bus interactions
Expand Down
56 changes: 34 additions & 22 deletions clash-vexriscv-sim/src/Utils/Cpu.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import VexRiscv.VecToTuple (vecToTuple)

import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)

import Utils.ProgramLoad (Memory)
import Utils.ProgramLoad (Memory, DMemory)
import Utils.Interconnect (interconnectTwo)

createDomain vXilinxSystem{vName="Basic50", vPeriod= hzToPeriod 50_000_000}
Expand All @@ -34,49 +34,61 @@ Address space
cpu ::
(HasCallStack, HiddenClockResetEnable dom) =>
Maybe Integer ->
Memory dom ->
Memory dom ->
DMemory dom ->
DMemory dom ->
( Signal dom CpuOut,
-- writes
Signal dom (Maybe (BitVector 32, BitVector 32)),
-- iBus responses
Signal dom (Maybe (WishboneS2M (BitVector 32))),
Signal dom (WishboneS2M (BitVector 32)),
-- dBus responses
Signal dom (Maybe (WishboneS2M (BitVector 32)))
Signal dom (WishboneS2M (BitVector 32))
cpu jtagPort bootIMem bootDMem =
( output
, writes
, mux validI (Just <$> iS2M) (pure Nothing)
, mux validD (Just <$> dS2M) (pure Nothing)
, iS2M
, dS2M
(output, jtagOut) = vexRiscv hasClock hasReset input jtagIn

jtagIn = case jtagPort of
Just port -> vexrJtagBridge (fromInteger port) jtagOut
Nothing -> pure JTag.defaultIn
-- (unbundle -> (jtagIn', _debugReset)) = unsafePerformIO $ jtagTcpBridge' 7894 hasReset (jtagOut <$> output)

dM2S = dBusWbM2S <$> output
validD = fmap busCycle dM2S .&&. fmap strobe dM2S
00000000 - dummy area
20000000 - instruction memory
40000000 - data memory

-- The I-bus is only split once, for the D-mem and everything below.
(iS2M, unbundle -> (iMemIM2S :> dMemIM2S :> Nil)) = interconnectTwo
(unBusAddr . iBusWbM2S <$> output)
((0x0000_0000, iMemIS2M) :> (0x4000_0000, dMemIS2M) :> Nil)

iM2S = unBusAddr . iBusWbM2S <$> output
validI = fmap busCycle iM2S .&&. fmap strobe iM2S
-- Because the dummy region should never be accessed by the instruction bus
-- it's just "ignored"
(iMemIS2M, iMemDS2M) = bootIMem (mapAddr (\x -> complement 0x2000_0000 .&. x) <$> iMemIM2S) iMemDM2S

iS2M = bootIMem (mapAddr (\x -> -- trace (printf "I-addr = % 8X (% 8X)\n" (toInteger $ x - 0x2000_0000) (toInteger x))
x - 0x2000_0000) <$> iM2S)
-- needed for 'writes' below
dM2S = dBusWbM2S <$> output

dummy = dummyWb
-- because of the memory map having the dummy at 0x0.., then instructions
-- and then data memory, the D-bus is split in an "upper" and "lower" region,
-- where the "upper" region is just the D-mem, the "lower" region gets split
-- again for the instruction memory and the dummy
(dS2M, unbundle -> (dLowerRegionM2S :> dUpperRegionM2S :> Nil)) = interconnectTwo
(unBusAddr <$> dM2S)
((0x0000_0000, dLowerRegionS2M) :> (0x4000_0000, dUpperRegionS2M) :> Nil)

dummyS2M = dummy dummyM2S
bootDS2M = bootDMem bootDM2S
(dLowerRegionS2M, unbundle -> (dDummyM2S :> iMemDM2S :> Nil)) = interconnectTwo
((0x0000_0000, dDummyS2M) :> (0x2000_0000, iMemDS2M) :> Nil)

(dS2M, vecToTuple . unbundle -> (dummyM2S, bootDM2S)) = interconnectTwo
((\x ->
-- trace (printf "DBUS %08X" (toInteger (addr x)))
x) <$> (unBusAddr <$> dM2S))
((0x0000_0000, dummyS2M) :> (0x4000_0000, bootDS2M) :> Nil)
(dUpperRegionS2M, dMemIS2M) = bootDMem dUpperRegionM2S dMemIM2S
dDummyS2M = dummyWb dDummyM2S

input =
( \iBus dBus ->
Expand Down
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions clash-vexriscv-sim/src/Utils/ProgramLoad.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,46 @@ import Control.Exception (assert)
import Utils.ReadElf
import Utils.Storage

type DMemory dom =
Signal dom (WishboneM2S 32 4 (BitVector 32)) ->
Signal dom (WishboneM2S 32 4 (BitVector 32)) ->
(Signal dom (WishboneS2M (BitVector 32)), Signal dom (WishboneS2M (BitVector 32)))

loadProgramDmem :: (HiddenClockResetEnable dom) => FilePath -> IO (DMemory dom, DMemory dom)
loadProgramDmem path = do
elfBytes <- BS.readFile path
let (entry, iMem, dMem) = readElfFromMemory elfBytes

assert (entry == 0x2000_0000) (pure ())

endianSwap dat =
L.concatMap (\[a, b, c, d] -> [d, c, b, a]) $
chunkFill 4 0 dat

-- endian swap instructions
iMemContents = endianSwap $
content iMem <> [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
dMemContents = endianSwap $
content dMem <> [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

let instrMem = dualPortStorage iMemContents
dataMem = dualPortStorage dMemContents

pure (instrMem, dataMem)
content :: BinaryData -> [BitVector 8]
content bin = snd $ I.toAscList bin

chunkFill :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [[a]]
chunkFill _ _ [] = []
chunkFill n fill xs =
let (first0, rest) = L.splitAt n xs
first1 = first0 <> L.replicate (n - L.length first0) fill
in first1 : chunkFill n fill rest

type Memory dom =
( Signal dom (WishboneM2S 32 4 (BitVector 32)) ->
Expand Down
77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions clash-vexriscv-sim/src/Utils/Storage.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,9 +7,11 @@

module Utils.Storage
( storage
, dualPortStorage
) where

import Clash.Prelude
import Clash.Signal.Internal (Signal((:-)))

import Data.Either (isLeft)
import Protocols.Wishbone
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -40,6 +42,81 @@ instance NFDataX MappedMemory where
-- 'BitVector'.
rnfX x = seq x ()

dualPortStorage ::
forall dom.
( KnownDomain dom,
HiddenClockResetEnable dom
) =>
[BitVector 8] ->
-- ^ contents
Signal dom (WishboneM2S 32 4 (BitVector 32)) ->
-- ^ in A
Signal dom (WishboneM2S 32 4 (BitVector 32)) ->
-- ^ in B
( Signal dom (WishboneS2M (BitVector 32))
-- ^ out A
, Signal dom (WishboneS2M (BitVector 32))
-- ^ out B
dualPortStorage contents portA portB = (aReply, bReply)
actualResult = storage contents inSignal

(port, inSignal, aReply, bReply) = go A portA portB actualResult

go currentPort (a :- inA) (b :- inB) ~(res :- actualResult)
-- neither active, just say A is current, do nothing
| not aActive && not bActive =
( A :- restPorts
, a :- restInSignal
, res :- aReplies
, emptyWishboneS2M :- bReplies
-- A current, A active -> do A
| currentPort == A && aActive =
( A :- restPorts
, a :- restInSignal
, res :- aReplies
, emptyWishboneS2M :- bReplies
-- current A, A not active but B is, do B and switch to B
| currentPort == A && not aActive && bActive =
( B :- restPorts
, b :- restInSignal
, emptyWishboneS2M :- aReplies
, res :- bReplies
-- current B, B active -> do B
| currentPort == B && bActive =
( B :- restPorts
, b :- restInSignal
, emptyWishboneS2M :- aReplies
, res :- bReplies
-- current B, B not active, but A is, do A and switch to A
| currentPort == B && not bActive && aActive =
( A :- restPorts
, a :- restInSignal
, res :- aReplies
, emptyWishboneS2M :- bReplies
aActive = strobe a && busCycle a
bActive = strobe b && busCycle b

nextPort = case (currentPort, aActive, bActive) of
(_, False, False) -> A
(A, False, True) -> B
(A, True, _) -> A
(B, _, True) -> B
(B, True, False) -> A

~(restPorts, restInSignal, aReplies, bReplies) = go nextPort inA inB actualResult

data AorB = A | B deriving (Generic, NFDataX, Eq)

storage ::
forall dom.
( KnownDomain dom,
Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions clash-vexriscv-sim/tests/tests.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempFile)
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit (Assertion, testCase, (@?=))

import Utils.ProgramLoad (loadProgram)
import Utils.ProgramLoad (loadProgramDmem)
import Utils.Cpu (cpu)

Expand All @@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ runProgramExpect ::
runProgramExpect act n expected = withSystemTempFile "ELF" $ \fp _ -> do
act fp
(iMem, dMem) <- withClockResetEnable @System clockGen (resetGenN (SNat @2)) enableGen $ loadProgram fp
(iMem, dMem) <- withClockResetEnable @System clockGen (resetGenN (SNat @2)) enableGen $
loadProgramDmem fp

let _all@(unbundle -> (_circuit, writes, _iBus, _dBus)) =
withClockResetEnable @System clockGen (resetGenN (SNat @2)) enableGen $
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion clash-vexriscv/Makefile
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Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ OUT_DIR = build_out_dir
VERILATOR_DIR = $(OUT_DIR)/verilator_output
FFI_DIR = src/ffi

VERILATOR_FLAGS = -CFLAGS '-O3 -fPIC' -Wno-fatal +1364-2001ext+v --trace
VERILATOR_FLAGS = -CFLAGS '-O3 -fPIC' -Wno-fatal +1364-2001ext+v --trace --threads 1

VERILATOR_CFLAGS = $(shell pkg-config --cflags verilator)
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions clash-vexriscv/example-cpu/ExampleCpu.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Google LLC
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0

debug: !!vexriscv.DebugReport {hardwareBreakpointCount: 5}
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion clash-vexriscv/src/ffi/impl.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ void vexr_jtag_bridge_step(vexr_jtag_bridge_data *d, const JTAG_OUTPUT *output,
d->timer = 27; // 3; value used by VexRiscv regression test
d->timer = 3;

void vexr_jtag_bridge_shutdown(vexr_jtag_bridge_data *bridge_data)
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