LSTM Neural Network in Python and Chainer, used for language modelling.
- runs on GPU, uses minibatches
- 1 to 3 layer architectures
- allows use of external word features (See: D Soutner, L Müller; On Continuous Space Word Representations as Input of LSTM Language Model Statistical Language and Speech Processing, 267-274)
Based on LSTM RNN, model proposed by Jürgen Schmidhuber http://www.idsia.ch/~juergen/
Implemented by Daniel Soutner, Department of Cybernetics, University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czechia [email protected], 2016
Licensed under the 3-clause BSD.
You will need:
- python >= 2.6
Python libs:
- chainer >= 0.17 (chainer.org)
- numpy
- argparse (is in python 2.7 and higher)
- gensim (for FV extension) or gensim with online word2vec update function (rm_online branch from https://github.com/rutum/gensim/tree/c93b63ecdd47fc29377afdf4a4b7a0bf42256b71)
For word2vec online methods you need modified gensim package. If you will not need this functionality, simply comment out the line with import in lstmlm.py. Here is how to get it:
- Clone this repo including rm_online branch of gensim
git clone --recursive https://github.com/dansoutner/LSTMLM.git
- Add empty
file to gensim_rm_online subdir to allow python to import from there easily.
train LSTM LM on text and save
python lstm.py --train train.txt --valid dev.txt --test test.txt --hidden 100 --num-layers 2 --save-net example.lstm-lm
load net and evaluate on perplexity
python lstm.py --initmodel example.lstm-lm --ppl valid2.txt
load net, combine with ARPA LM (weight 0.2) and evaluate
python lstm.py --initmodel example.lstm-lm --ppl valid2.txt --ngram ngram.model.arpa 0.2
load net and rescore nbest list (scores every line with its logprob and print to stdout)
python lstm.py --initmodel example.lstm-lm --nbest nbest.list
You can use externally pre-computed feature vectors, from tool such as word2vec, GloVe etc. This can boost performance by about 5% on perplexity. More in D Soutner, L Müller; On Continuous Space Word Representations as Input of LSTM Language Model Statistical Language and Speech Processing, 267-274.
- add hierarchical softmax on output layer for speed-up by big models
- better document FV option
- add n-gram interpolation to nbest scoring
- test n-gram interpolation and nbest scoring
- add more NN interpolation
- ...
Pull requests are welcomed :)