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Greatexperiment edited this page Jul 26, 2018 · 47 revisions

All graphics in the mod should follow certain standards. They are as follows:

File format: .dds

File naming conventions:

  1. The name of the gfx file should be the same as whatever it represents. For example, tech art should have the same name as the tech itself. For example: ..* "r56_tech_infantry_paratroops_04"
  • "r56_tech_infantry_marines_01"
  • "r56_tech_naval_destroyer_04"
  • "r56_leader_SOV_steve_rogers"
  • "r56_idea_USA_rampant_capitalism"
  • "r56_event_news_hungry_again"
  1. Remember, the breakdown for a name is always:
  • r56 (mod prefix)
  • type (tech, idea, leader, etc.)
  • category ( naval, country, flag, etc. )
  • name ( stallion_riders, bob_bobson, etc. )
  • If applicable, add a number. Use two digit places (01, 02, 03) Note that 00 is reserved for root nodes in tech and country trees. Always start at 01 unless it's a root.

File dimensions:

  • Tech Icons: 68 x 68
  • Equipment: 120 x 48 ( this should probably be higher )
  • Other sizes will be recorded and added here later.

File Compression Format: DXT5

  1. Use the Nvidia DDS plugin for best results, and always be sure to set it to the highest quality level compression.

Tech folder structure:

  1. Techs are now in more discrete sub-folders than in vanilla. Please be aware of the new paths. For example, with infantry techs:
  • technologies > infantry
  • technologies > infantry > equipment
  • technologies > infantry > equipment > variants

Note: Other than that, please keep in mind that art should always be consistent. If some techs are numbered in a series, all of them should be or none at all. If you are working off of art from someone else, try to match the style as best as possible. Cloned art is fine so long as it is only temporary. When in doubt refer to previously made art pieces that are known to follow the standards.

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