Release 1.4.0
New features:
- Compatibility with DHIS2 2.36
- Android settings app: support for analytics and appearance settings. Improve sync settings (ANDROSDK-1290).
- Local TEI analytics support (ANDROSDK-1241)
- Working list support (ANDROSDK-71, ANDROSDK-1282)
- Event query implementation (ANDROSDK-1070)
- Event repository: filter by data value (ANDROSDK-1271), order by data value (ANDROSDK-1305)
- DataValue repository: filter by dataSet (ANDROSDK-857)
- Authentication: authentication cookies (ANDROSDK-1210), openId (ANDROSDK-1209)
- Legends for dataElements (ANDROSDK-1242)
- Indicators for dataSet sections (ANDROSDK-1304)
- Filter by relative periods in TEI and event repositories (ANDROSDK-1306)
- Period filter connectors: support for LE and GE (ANDROSDK-1321)
- Update icons to version 2.36 (ANDROSDK-1340)
- SMS metadata call failing in >= 2.35 (ANDROSDK-1327)
- SMS settings persisted when changing servers or users (ANDROSDK-1367)
- DataValeSet failing when single period (ANDROSDK-1335)
- Validate TEI coordinates (ANDROSDK-1337)
- FirstNonNull function returning wrong value (ANDROSDK-1356)
- Debugging: replace Stetho by Flipper (ANDROSDK-1323)