Releases: dhis2/dhis2-android-sdk
Releases · dhis2/dhis2-android-sdk
Release 1.1.1
- Upload single event notes (ANDROSDK-1133)
Release 1.1.0
New features:
- Database encryption (ANDROSDK-3)
- Download and consume parameters from Android Settings App (ANDROSDK-1078)
- Event notes (ANDROSDK-187)
- User assignment: add "assignedUser" to Events; add "enableUserAssignment" to ProgramStages (ANDROSDK-1042); add "assignedUserMode" to TEI search (ANDROSDK-1050)
- Add "geometry" property in OrganisationUnit (ANDROSDK-1045)
- Add "orderBySortOder" in options (ANDROSDK-1053)
- Add DataSetInstanceSummary to get aggregated data (specially adapted to home screen)
- Add OrderBy clauses in Event, Enrollment and TrackedEntityInstance (ANDROSDK-1082)
- Helper method to get summary of reserved values (ANDROSDK-1075)
- Helper method to create period from a periodId (ANDROSDK-1104)
- Option repository performance (ANDROSDK-1123)
Minor breaking changes:
- DatabaseAdapter: method "query" renamed to "rawQuery". Some method remove unused arguments.
- SQLiteDatabase: use new methods "query", "insert" and "update" in DatabaseAdapter instead of those in SQLiteDatabase.
See full list at DHIS2 JIRA.
Release 1.0.3
- Tracker SMS support (ANDROSDK-1112, ANDROSDK-1061, ANDROSDK-1081, ANDROSDK-1120).
- Program Indicator: incorrect event count (ANDROSDK-1114).
- Filter out RELATIONSHIP state in TEI search (ANDROSDK-1111)
Release 1.0.2
- Deleted datavalues are not propagated to the sdk (ANDROSDK-1105)
Release 1.0.1
- Login offline fails when using trailing slash in server url (ANDROSDK-1052)
- Create period in database if it does not exist (ANDROSDK-1067), missing period types (ANDROSDK-1079)
- Remove program and dataset not assigned to user orgunits (ANDROSDK-1051)
- Revert UPLOADING status when TEIs upload fails (ANDROSDK-1072)
- Submit dataset completion status by SMS (ANDROSDK-1080)
- Add QR_CODE and BAR_CODE rendering types
- React to uncompletions of dataset in the server (ANDROSDK-992)
- Attributes in ProgramSection not included in 2.33 (ANDROSDK-1089)
- Allow overwrite deleted TEIs if requested (ANDROSDK-1092)
Release 1.0.0
DHIS2 Android SDK is a library that abstracts the complexity of interacting with DHIS2 web api. It aims to be an starting point to build Android apps for DHIS2, covering some tasks that any Android app should implement, like metadata and data synchronization.
Main goals:
- Abstract DHIS2 web api. There is no need to perform api queries against the server. The SDK includes methods to interact with the web api.
- Work offline. It implements a simplified version of DHIS2 model that is persisted in a local database (SQLite). It ensures that all the metadata required to perform data entry tasks is available at any time to build the data entry forms. Data is saved locally and upload to the server when connectivity is available.
- Ensure DHIS2 compatibility. It encapsulates the changes between DHIS2 versions so the app does not have to care about them. In case the SDK introduces some changes to accommodate a new DHIS2 version, the app can safely detect these changes at compile-time.
Release 0.17.5
New features:
- Data approvals download (ANDROSDK-28), repository (ANDROSDK-858)
- Add isEmpty method in collection repository (ANDROSDK-890)
- Add "trackedEntityType" filter in TEI search (ANDROSDK-899)
- Add "complete" and "completionDate" in dataSetInstance (ANDROSDK-884)
- Add "SSL_ERROR": it can be thrown as a result of login to invalid https server (ANDROSDK-854)
- Image value type support in TrackedEntityDataValue and TrackedEntityAttributeValue (ANDROSDK-33)
Changes in D2:
- GeoJson support for tracker data; remove "captureCoordinates" property (ANDROSDK-881, ANDROSDK-914)
- Blocking and reactive version of repository methods (ANDROSDK-632)
- Upload calls return observable (ANDROSDK-886)
- Download methods return observable (ANDROSDK-887)
- Reserved value manager: returns observable (ANDROSDK-891), changes in method signature (ANDROSDK-905)
- Move metadata download: from
(ANDROSDK-900) - RelationshipType model to 2.32: new properties
. RemoveaIsToB
(ANDROSDK-883). - Fields in Program: add
, removerelationshipFromA
(ANDROSDK-439) - Remove TO_DELETE from State enum. Use "deleted" field instead. New state "UPLOADING" (ANDROSDK-921)
- SDK login/POST failing on redirected urls (ANDROSDK-866)
- Bad syntax on generated Bi-Monthly period ids (ANDROSDK-885)
- Duplicates in DataSetReport list (ANDROSDK-889)
- Program indicator engine parse exception (ANDROSDK-859)
Release 0.17.4
- Include ouMode DESCENDANTS in event download (ANDROSDK-946)
Release 0.17.3
New features:
- Paging in TrackedEntityInstance upload (size 10) (ANDROSDK-920)
Release 0.17.2
- Program indicator engine: division by zero in Attributes and Counts (ANDROSDK-895)
- Persist orgunits page by page; improve indexes (ANDROSDK-898)