Releases: dhis2/dhis2-android-sdk
Releases · dhis2/dhis2-android-sdk
Release 1.4.3
- Properties createdAtClient and lastUpdatedAtClient are not sent (ANDROSDK-1422).
- Add missing Aggregation Types (ANDROSDK-1427).
- Remove outdated orgunits in synchronization (ANDROSDK-1393).
- Detect errored datavalues on POST and store error (ANDROSDK-1379)
Release 1.4.2
- TrackedEntityInstance synchronization: do not ignore missing elements in the import summary (ANDROSDK-1397, ANDROSDK-1399, ANDROSDK-1396).
- TrackedEntityInstance download misbehaving under certain settings in the Android Settings app (ANDROSDK-1400).
- Filter by eventStatus=VISITED is not working properly in 2.33 and below (ANDROSDK-1401)
Release 1.4.1
New features:
- Add dueDataLabel property in ProgramStage (ANDROSDK-1357)
- Biweekly generation fails if year has 53 weeks (ANDROSDK-1315)
- Tracked entity search: date comparison (ANDROSDK-1372), overdue events (ANDROSDK-1373).
- Program indicator engine: use most recent value in repeatable stages (ANDROSDK-1381).
- OpenId token download in IO scheduler (ANDROSDK-1391)
Release 1.4.0
New features:
- Compatibility with DHIS2 2.36
- Android settings app: support for analytics and appearance settings. Improve sync settings (ANDROSDK-1290).
- Local TEI analytics support (ANDROSDK-1241)
- Working list support (ANDROSDK-71, ANDROSDK-1282)
- Event query implementation (ANDROSDK-1070)
- Event repository: filter by data value (ANDROSDK-1271), order by data value (ANDROSDK-1305)
- DataValue repository: filter by dataSet (ANDROSDK-857)
- Authentication: authentication cookies (ANDROSDK-1210), openId (ANDROSDK-1209)
- Legends for dataElements (ANDROSDK-1242)
- Indicators for dataSet sections (ANDROSDK-1304)
- Filter by relative periods in TEI and event repositories (ANDROSDK-1306)
- Period filter connectors: support for LE and GE (ANDROSDK-1321)
- Update icons to version 2.36 (ANDROSDK-1340)
- SMS metadata call failing in >= 2.35 (ANDROSDK-1327)
- SMS settings persisted when changing servers or users (ANDROSDK-1367)
- DataValeSet failing when single period (ANDROSDK-1335)
- Validate TEI coordinates (ANDROSDK-1337)
- FirstNonNull function returning wrong value (ANDROSDK-1356)
- Debugging: replace Stetho by Flipper (ANDROSDK-1323)
Release 1.3.2
- Download TEI by uid is appending capture orgunits (ANDROSDK-1338).
- TEI query appends null orgunit parameter if list is empty (ANDROSDK-1339).
Release 1.3.1
New features:
- Category Option - Organisation Unit restriction (ANDROSDK-81)
- OrderBy parameter in organsation unit call (ANDROSDK-1284)
- Do not persist dataSets out of capture scope (ANDROSDK-1247)
- Remove Android Settings if removed in the server (ANDROSDK-1298)
- Support different date formats (ANDROSDK-1289)
Release 1.3.0
New features:
- Update icons to version 2.35 (ANDROSDK-1234)
- TrackerImportConflict: add properties to show a readable message and highlight the element in the form (ANDROSDK-1229)
- Add access property to TrackedEntityType (ANDROSDK-1233)
- New properties in Settings webapp (ANDROSDK-1231)
Library updates:
- Update dhis2-antlr-expression-parser to version 1.0.11; add support for log() and log10() functions (ANDROSDK-1230)
Release 1.2.1
- Reserved values are being deleted when trying to get one in offline mode ANDROSDK-1215.
- Get updated dhis version on every call to versionManager ANDROSDK-1217.
Release 1.2.0
New features:
- User settings: ui locale and db locale (ANDROSDK-1087)
- Filter RealtionshipTypes by constraint properties (ANDROSDK-1069)
- TrackedEntityInstance search improvements (ANDROSDK-1150, ANDROSDK-1173, ANDROSDK-1197)
- Event search improvements (ANDROSDK-1178, ANDROSDK-1179)
- Extend program indicator support (ANDROSDK-529)
- Add "completedDate" in Enrollment (ANDROSDK-1177)
- Add "completedBy" and "lastUpdated" in DataSetInstance (ANDROSDK-1149)
- TrackedEntityInstanceService: inherit attribute values (ANDROSDK-1131)
- Improve login error handling (ANDROSDK-1168)
- Add "getUids()" method to identifiable repositories (ANDROSDK-1171)
Synchronization improvements:
- Speed up aggregated data sync (ANDROSDK-1094)
- Aggregated data sync error handling (ANDROSDK-1180)
- Improve performance in OrganisationUnit sync (ANDROSDK-1063)
- Data sync improvements (ANDROSDK-1007, ANDROSDK-1008, ANDROSDK-1184)
- Update lastUpdated and lastUpdatedAtClient in propagations (ANDROSDK-1169)
Release 1.1.2
- Webapp fixes (ANDROSDK-1156, ANDROSDK-1152)
- DataSetComplelete fixes (ANDROSDK-1151)
- Attributes order in Program Section (ANDROSDK-1147)
- TEI search ordering: show by lastupdated (ANDROSDK-1161)
- Do not download orgunit geometry by default (ANDROSDK-1157)
- Support for displayFormName in TrackedEntityAttribute(ANDROSDK-831)