1760 commits
to master
since this release
This release includes the following features:
- Implementation of IDL 4.2
- Implementation of Deadline QoS
- Implementation of Lifespan QoS
- Implementation of Disable positive acks QoS
- Secure sockets on TCP transport (TLS over TCP)
It also adds the following improvements and bug fixes:
- Real-time improvements: non-blocking write calls for best-effort writers, addition of fixed size strings, fixed size bitmaps, resource limited vectors, etc
- Duration parameters now use nanoseconds
- Configuration of participant mutation tries (see Participant configuration)
- Automatic calculation of the port when a value of 0 is received on the endpoint custom locators
- Non-local addresses are now filtered from whitelists
- Optimization of check for acked status for stateful writers
- Linked libs are now not exposed when the target is a shared lib
- Limitation on the domain ID has been added
- UDP non-blocking send is now optional and configurable via XML
- Fix for non-deterministic tests
- Fix for ReaderProxy history being reloaded incorrectly in some cases
- Fix for RTPS domain hostid being potentially not unique
- Fix for participants with different lease expiration times failing to reconnect
It has the following known issues:
- When using TPC transport, sometimes callbacks are not invoked when removing a participant due to a bug in ASIO.