Add error screens for connecting to the JWT service #2952
8 errors and 1 warning
Error: Unable to build URL based on: LiveKit service URL
❯ getLiveKitJWT src/livekit/openIDSFU.ts:99:11
❯ getSFUConfigWithOpenID src/livekit/openIDSFU.ts:76:27
Serialized Error: { richMessage: { '$$typeof': 'Symbol(react.element)', type: 'Function<ConfigurationErrorView>', key: null, ref: null, props: { children: { '$$typeof': 'Symbol(react.element)', type: 'Function<Trans>', key: null, ref: null, props: { i18nKey: 'error.invalid_url_details', baseUrl: 'LiveKit service URL', message: 'Invalid base URL: LiveKit service URL', children: { '$$typeof': 'Symbol(react.element)', type: 'p', key: null, ref: null, props: { children: [ 'The URL derived from', ' ', { '$$typeof': 'Symbol(react.element)', type: 'code', key: null, ref: null, props: { children: { baseUrl: 'LiveKit service URL' } }, _owner: null, _store: { validated: true }, _self: undefined, _source: { fileName: '/home/runner/work/element-call/element-call/src/RichError.tsx', lineNumber: 172, columnNumber: 11 } }, ' is not valid:', ' ', { '$$typeof': 'Symbol(react.element)', type: 'pre', key: null, ref: null, props: { children: { message: 'Invalid base URL: LiveKit service URL' } }, _owner: null, _store: { validated: true }, _self: undefined, _source: { fileName: '/home/runner/work/element-call/element-call/src/RichError.tsx', lineNumber: 173, columnNumber: 11 } } ] }, _owner: null, _store: { validated: true }, _self: undefined, _source: { fileName: '/home/runner/work/element-call/element-call/src/RichError.tsx', lineNumber: 170, columnNumber: 9 } } }, _owner: null, _store: { validated: true }, _self: undefined, _source: { fileName: '/home/runner/work/element-call/element-call/src/RichError.tsx', lineNumber: 165, columnNumber: 7 } } }, _owner: null, _store: { validated: false }, _self: undefined, _source: { fileName: '/home/runner/work/element-call/element-call/src/RichError.tsx', lineNumber: 137, columnNumber: 7 } } }
This error originated in "src/livekit/openIDSFU.test.ts" test file. It doesn't mean the error was thrown inside the file itself, but while it was running.
The latest test that might've caused the error is "getSFUConfigWithOpenID throws if connection fails". It might mean one of the following:
- The error was thrown, while Vitest was running this test.
- If the error occurred after the test had been completed, this was the last documented test before it was thrown.
Caused by: Caused by: TypeError: Invalid base URL: LiveKit service URL
❯ new URLImpl node_modules/whatwg-url/lib/URL-impl.js:14:15
❯ Object.exports.setup node_modules/whatwg-url/lib/URL.js:54:12
❯ new URL node_modules/whatwg-url/lib/URL.js:115:22
❯ getLiveKitJWT src/livekit/openIDSFU.ts:97:11
❯ getSFUConfigWithOpenID src/livekit/openIDSFU.ts:76:27
Error: Unable to build URL based on: LiveKit service URL
❯ getLiveKitJWT src/livekit/openIDSFU.ts:99:11
❯ getSFUConfigWithOpenID src/livekit/openIDSFU.ts:76:27
Serialized Error: { richMessage: { '$$typeof': 'Symbol(react.element)', type: 'Function<ConfigurationErrorView>', key: null, ref: null, props: { children: { '$$typeof': 'Symbol(react.element)', type: 'Function<Trans>', key: null, ref: null, props: { i18nKey: 'error.invalid_url_details', baseUrl: 'LiveKit service URL', message: 'Invalid base URL: LiveKit service URL', children: { '$$typeof': 'Symbol(react.element)', type: 'p', key: null, ref: null, props: { children: [ 'The URL derived from', ' ', { '$$typeof': 'Symbol(react.element)', type: 'code', key: null, ref: null, props: { children: { baseUrl: 'LiveKit service URL' } }, _owner: null, _store: { validated: true }, _self: undefined, _source: { fileName: '/home/runner/work/element-call/element-call/src/RichError.tsx', lineNumber: 172, columnNumber: 11 } }, ' is not valid:', ' ', { '$$typeof': 'Symbol(react.element)', type: 'pre', key: null, ref: null, props: { children: { message: 'Invalid base URL: LiveKit service URL' } }, _owner: null, _store: { validated: true }, _self: undefined, _source: { fileName: '/home/runner/work/element-call/element-call/src/RichError.tsx', lineNumber: 173, columnNumber: 11 } } ] }, _owner: null, _store: { validated: true }, _self: undefined, _source: { fileName: '/home/runner/work/element-call/element-call/src/RichError.tsx', lineNumber: 170, columnNumber: 9 } } }, _owner: null, _store: { validated: true }, _self: undefined, _source: { fileName: '/home/runner/work/element-call/element-call/src/RichError.tsx', lineNumber: 165, columnNumber: 7 } } }, _owner: null, _store: { validated: false }, _self: undefined, _source: { fileName: '/home/runner/work/element-call/element-call/src/RichError.tsx', lineNumber: 137, columnNumber: 7 } } }
This error originated in "src/livekit/openIDSFU.test.ts" test file. It doesn't mean the error was thrown inside the file itself, but while it was running.
The latest test that might've caused the error is "getSFUConfigWithOpenID throws if endpoint is not found". It might mean one of the following:
- The error was thrown, while Vitest was running this test.
- If the error occurred after the test had been completed, this was the last documented test before it was thrown.
Caused by: Caused by: TypeError: Invalid base URL: LiveKit service URL
❯ new URLImpl node_modules/whatwg-url/lib/URL-impl.js:14:15
❯ Object.exports.setup node_modules/whatwg-url/lib/URL.js:54:12
❯ new URL node_modules/whatwg-url/lib/URL.js:115:22
❯ getLiveKitJWT src/livekit/openIDSFU.ts:97:11
❯ getSFUConfigWithOpenID src/livekit/openIDSFU.ts:76:27
Error: Unable to build URL based on: LiveKit service URL
❯ getLiveKitJWT src/livekit/openIDSFU.ts:99:11
❯ getSFUConfigWithOpenID src/livekit/openIDSFU.ts:76:27
Serialized Error: { richMessage: { '$$typeof': 'Symbol(react.element)', type: 'Function<ConfigurationErrorView>', key: null, ref: null, props: { children: { '$$typeof': 'Symbol(react.element)', type: 'Function<Trans>', key: null, ref: null, props: { i18nKey: 'error.invalid_url_details', baseUrl: 'LiveKit service URL', message: 'Invalid base URL: LiveKit service URL', children: { '$$typeof': 'Symbol(react.element)', type: 'p', key: null, ref: null, props: { children: [ 'The URL derived from', ' ', { '$$typeof': 'Symbol(react.element)', type: 'code', key: null, ref: null, props: { children: { baseUrl: 'LiveKit service URL' } }, _owner: null, _store: { validated: true }, _self: undefined, _source: { fileName: '/home/runner/work/element-call/element-call/src/RichError.tsx', lineNumber: 172, columnNumber: 11 } }, ' is not valid:', ' ', { '$$typeof': 'Symbol(react.element)', type: 'pre', key: null, ref: null, props: { children: { message: 'Invalid base URL: LiveKit service URL' } }, _owner: null, _store: { validated: true }, _self: undefined, _source: { fileName: '/home/runner/work/element-call/element-call/src/RichError.tsx', lineNumber: 173, columnNumber: 11 } } ] }, _owner: null, _store: { validated: true }, _self: undefined, _source: { fileName: '/home/runner/work/element-call/element-call/src/RichError.tsx', lineNumber: 170, columnNumber: 9 } } }, _owner: null, _store: { validated: true }, _self: undefined, _source: { fileName: '/home/runner/work/element-call/element-call/src/RichError.tsx', lineNumber: 165, columnNumber: 7 } } }, _owner: null, _store: { validated: false }, _self: undefined, _source: { fileName: '/home/runner/work/element-call/element-call/src/RichError.tsx', lineNumber: 137, columnNumber: 7 } } }
This error originated in "src/livekit/openIDSFU.test.ts" test file. It doesn't mean the error was thrown inside the file itself, but while it was running.
The latest test that might've caused the error is "getSFUConfigWithOpenID throws if endpoint returns error". It might mean one of the following:
- The error was thrown, while Vitest was running this test.
- If the error occurred after the test had been completed, this was the last documented test before it was thrown.
Caused by: Caused by: TypeError: Invalid base URL: LiveKit service URL
❯ new URLImpl node_modules/whatwg-url/lib/URL-impl.js:14:15
❯ Object.exports.setup node_modules/whatwg-url/lib/URL.js:54:12
❯ new URL node_modules/whatwg-url/lib/URL.js:115:22
❯ getLiveKitJWT src/livekit/openIDSFU.ts:97:11
❯ getSFUConfigWithOpenID src/livekit/openIDSFU.ts:76:27
Error: Unable to build URL based on: LiveKit service URL
❯ getLiveKitJWT src/livekit/openIDSFU.ts:99:11
❯ getSFUConfigWithOpenID src/livekit/openIDSFU.ts:76:27
❯ src/livekit/openIDSFU.test.ts:46:12
❯ withFetchSpy src/livekit/openIDSFU.test.ts:23:5
❯ src/livekit/openIDSFU.test.ts:40:3
Serialized Error: { richMessage: { '$$typeof': 'Symbol(react.element)', type: 'Function<ConfigurationErrorView>', key: null, ref: null, props: { children: { '$$typeof': 'Symbol(react.element)', type: 'Function<Trans>', key: null, ref: null, props: { i18nKey: 'error.invalid_url_details', baseUrl: 'LiveKit service URL', message: 'Invalid base URL: LiveKit service URL', children: { '$$typeof': 'Symbol(react.element)', type: 'p', key: null, ref: null, props: { children: [ 'The URL derived from', ' ', { '$$typeof': 'Symbol(react.element)', type: 'code', key: null, ref: null, props: { children: { baseUrl: 'LiveKit service URL' } }, _owner: null, _store: { validated: true }, _self: undefined, _source: { fileName: '/home/runner/work/element-call/element-call/src/RichError.tsx', lineNumber: 172, columnNumber: 11 } }, ' is not valid:', ' ', { '$$typeof': 'Symbol(react.element)', type: 'pre', key: null, ref: null, props: { children: { message: 'Invalid base URL: LiveKit service URL' } }, _owner: null, _store: { validated: true }, _self: undefined, _source: { fileName: '/home/runner/work/element-call/element-call/src/RichError.tsx', lineNumber: 173, columnNumber: 11 } } ] }, _owner: null, _store: { validated: true }, _self: undefined, _source: { fileName: '/home/runner/work/element-call/element-call/src/RichError.tsx', lineNumber: 170, columnNumber: 9 } } }, _owner: null, _store: { validated: true }, _self: undefined, _source: { fileName: '/home/runner/work/element-call/element-call/src/RichError.tsx', lineNumber: 165, columnNumber: 7 } } }, _owner: null, _store: { validated: false }, _self: undefined, _source: { fileName: '/home/runner/work/element-call/element-call/src/RichError.tsx', lineNumber: 137, columnNumber: 7 } } }
Caused by: Caused by: TypeError: Invalid base URL: LiveKit service URL
❯ new URLImpl node_modules/whatwg-url/lib/URL-impl.js:14:15
❯ Object.exports.setup node_modules/whatwg-url/lib/URL.js:54:12
❯ new URL node_modules/whatwg-url/lib/URL.js:115:22
❯ getLiveKitJWT src/livekit/openIDSFU.ts:97:11
❯ getSFUConfigWithOpenID src/livekit/openIDSFU.ts:76:27
❯ src/livekit/openIDSFU.test.ts:46:12
❯ withFetchSpy src/livekit/openIDSFU.test.ts:23:5
❯ src/livekit/openIDSFU.test.ts:40:3
TypeError: any() expects to be passed a constructor function. Please pass one or use anything() to match any object.
❯ src/livekit/openIDSFU.test.ts:69:35
❯ withFetchSpy src/livekit/openIDSFU.test.ts:23:11
❯ src/livekit/openIDSFU.test.ts:65:9
TypeError: any() expects to be passed a constructor function. Please pass one or use anything() to match any object.
❯ src/livekit/openIDSFU.test.ts:78:35
❯ withFetchSpy src/livekit/openIDSFU.test.ts:23:11
❯ src/livekit/openIDSFU.test.ts:74:9
TypeError: any() expects to be passed a constructor function. Please pass one or use anything() to match any object.
❯ src/livekit/openIDSFU.test.ts:91:35
❯ withFetchSpy src/livekit/openIDSFU.test.ts:23:11
❯ src/livekit/openIDSFU.test.ts:83:9
Process completed with exit code 1.
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