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VGNets Weights

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@ffiirree ffiirree released this 28 Nov 13:04
· 98 commits to master since this release
Model Params(M) FLOPS(M) Top-1 Top-5
VGNetG-1.0MP 0.999 144 68.128 88.312
VGNetG-1.0MP + SE 1.143 145 70.122 89.524
VGNetG-1.5MP 1.502 191 70.494 89.684
VGNetG-1.5MP + SE 1.702 192 72.422 90.664
VGNetG-2.0MP 2.006 304 72.314 90.730
VGNetG-2.0MP + SE 2.345 306 74.324 91.788
VGNetG-2.5MP 2.493 399 73.740 91.516
VGNetG-2.5MP + SE 2.940 401 75.590 92.568


learning rate 0.2
batch size 512
weight decay 1e-4
no bias & bn decay True
lr scheduler cosine
min lr 1e-6
optimizer SGD with momentum 0.9
warmup epochs 5
lable smoothing 0.1
mixup -
cutmix -
amp True
image processing RandomResizedCrop/RandomHorizontalFlip
data augment -
dropout rate 0.0
drop path rate -
crop size 192
val-resize size 232
val-resize size 224