See for license terms and conditions.
This sample application is distributed as part of the Intel® XDK. It can also be downloaded or cloned directly from its git repo on the public Intel XDK GitHub* site.
For help getting started developing applications with the Intel XDK, please start with the Intel XDK documentation.
This "Touch Notifier" mobile companion app receives data from an IoT app that is running on an IoT device, such as an IoT development board with an attached touch sensor.
This mobile companion app works in conjunction with an IoT app also named "Touch Notifier." The corresponding IoT app is a Node.js IoT project that can be found in the "Templates" section of the "Internet of Things Embedded Application" section of the "Start a New Project" page (located on the Projects tab). See that app for additional details.
- www/index.html
- www/js/main.js
- <project-name>.xdk