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Preparation for InOutDoor (from scratch, in case you need it)

  1. split images and annotations into 4 sequences according to ImageSets/seq#.txt # = sequence number
  2. rename images and annotations to %6d
  3. create labels_with_ids directory and follow FairMOT directory structure
  4. in images/train/seq#/ create det, gt, img1 directories, store images in img1 create seqinfo.ini [Sequence] name=seq0 imDir=img0 frameRate=30 seqLength=2334 imWidth=1920 imHeight=1080 imExt=.png

(from here, the process can be simplified but this is what i did) 5. create gt2.txt for each sequence run InoutDoor/helpers/ (takes in sequence number, 0~3) -> creates gt2.txt, this has wrong ID numbers and skips empty frames 6. run datasets/data_path/ - this creates text files for all images, saved in labels_with_ids - now since empty frames are skipped in gt2.txt, empty frames don't have the labels -> use this fact to remove empty frames in the images 7. run datasets/InOutDoor/helpers/ to remove emtpy frames - run for both images and annotations 8. rename images and annoations to %6d (so no skipping between frames, not sure this is necessary) 9. rerun InOutDoor/helpers/ to recreate gt.txt (here, make sure to change the output file name from gt2.txt to gt.txt) 10. clear labels_with_ids directory, and rerun - double check number of files in labels_with_ids match with img1 for each sequence 11. the fun part begins. REASSIGNING IDs. - for gt.txt in InoutDoor/images/train/seq#/gt/gt.txt - go through all annotations and images and assign correct IDs (ID is second column) - use macros in vim to automate

  1. in datasets/data_path/ Train set: line 80: if video_name != "seq3" line 116: save_path = './inout_seq02_new.train' #can be anything but that's what I used Test set: line 80: if video_name == "seq3" line 116: save_path = './inout_seq3_new.val' #can be anything but that's what I used ====================================================================================================== resnet50: in line 66: '--backbone' is set to resnet50 (currently resnet18) in models/ uncomment lines 7678 and comment out lines 8082 uncomment lines 85, 87 and comment out lines 86,88
    (the code is for resnet18 right now)

====================================================================================================== MOT15: In change data path in lines 271 ~ 272, 348 (currently set to InOutDoor) uncomment lines 418 ~ 419 to label with correct sequence names

In configs/ --pretrained ${EXP_DIR}/model_motr_final.pth --resume ${EXP_DIR}/model_motr_final.pth

Evaluation results in exps/e2e_motr_r50_joint

InOutDoor: To train: in configs/ * change EXP_DIR PRETRAIN = exps/inout_train_3/r50_deformable_detr_plus_iterative_bbox_refinement.pth (this is pretrained on coco and crowdHuman) --datset_file e2e_mot (the repo uses e2e_joint which is for MOT17 and CrowdHuman; doesn't work for InOutDoor) --data_txt_path_train ./datasets/data_path/inout_seq02_new.train \ --data_txt_path_val ./datasets/data_path/inout_seq3_new.val \

To evaluate: in configs/ --datset_file e2e_mot (the repo uses e2e_joint which is for MOT17 and CrowdHuman; doesn't work for InOutDoor) --pretrained ${EXP_DIR}/checkpoint.pth --resume ${EXP_DIR}/checkpoint.pth

in, make sure the data paths are set to InOutDoor and correct seq_nums (if you didn't switch to MOT15, they are all set to InOutDoor by default)

Results: exps/inout_train_3 weight: checkpoint.pth evalaution results: exps/inout_train_3/results

Distillation: change to resnet18 in and modles/ To train: in configs/ PRETRAIN = exps/inout_train_3/checkpoint.pth (undistilled model) --datset_file e2e_mot (the repo uses e2e_joint which is for MOT17 and CrowdHuman; doesn't work for InOutDoor) --data_txt_path_train ./datasets/data_path/inout_seq02_new.train \ --data_txt_path_val ./datasets/data_path/inout_seq3_new.val \

To evaluate: in configs/ --pretrained ${EXP_DIR}/checkpoint.pth (checkpoint from training) --resume ${EXP_DIR}/checkpoint.pth (checkpoint from training) --datset_file e2e_mot (the repo uses e2e_joint which is for MOT17 and CrowdHuman; doesn't work for InOutDoor)

Results: exps/inout_kd weight: checkpoint.pth evaluation results: exps/inout_kd/results


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