Getting started with this project template. After this you should have the project up-and-running on your development virtual machine.
Installing and configuring Jenkins
Can update latest version in production by push of a button
Can get feedback on failed tests in CI
Can play tic-tac-toe against another user Implement using TDD Controller TDD Acceptance TDD Server side, API TDD Client TDD (React demo)
Can get an email when I win a match
Implement an acceptance test, using test double to simulate email sending
- Can see how many users played Tic-Tac-Toe in a given period
Metrics and monitoring
- Can know how many users our application supports on given hardware
Automated capacity testing
- Can be sure that latest version in production supports happy path after upgrade
Acceptance test through UI Acceptance test through API
Can be sure that deployment is not continued if key resources are missing Env smoke tests Auto rollback
Can be sure that deployment is not continued if configuration parameter is not set Env smoke tests - use simple wget/curl/similar.
Can continue playing even if the whole world is playing back games CQRS - separate deployment for playback
Can downgrade to selected version by push of a button Implement rollback, including down migrations (demo)
Can playback old games after data structure has changed Database migration (demo)
Can update to latest version with zero downtime Blue/Green deployment and testing ?
Can play-back any given game to see how it was played Use event sourcing - record every user interaction
Can trace binary back to version control. Store git hash for commit and package in build.