Releases: henrichg/PhoneProfilesPlus
Releases · henrichg/PhoneProfilesPlus
Google Play release 3.4.3
- Added: "Hide in lockscreen" for notification.
- Added preference "Delete old Activity logs (days)".
- Background for Icon widget.
- Added shadow for texts in widgets.
- Added ActionForExternalApplicationActivity for manage profiles and events from external applications.
- Added "Restart events" to shortcuts.
- Condensed font in widgets.
- Condensed font in grid Activator.
- Fixed show of priority values.
- Show duration end time, if profile is activated.
- Added "Use Priority event parameter".
- Added NFC event preferences.
- Added "Permanent run" parameter to "push" events (sms, notification, nfc).
- Added donation.
- Fixed wallpaper orientation.
- Other fixes.
Google Play release
- Fixed grant permissions: write_settings, "do not disturb" if application is installed, data imported.
Google Play release 3.4.2
- Fixed isProfilePreferenceAllowed() for GPS.
- Changed ic_lanucher from drawable to mipmap.
- Changed change zen mode for Android 6 as for Android 7+.
- Multiselect Wi-fi SSID, Bluetooth name preference dialog.
- Multiselect Location preference dialog.
- Fixed grant profile permissions from EventsService: use onlyGrant (aka only notification).
- Start PhoneProfilesService from ActivateProfileFromExternalApplicationActivity and BackgroundActivateProfileActivity.
- Added events start order.
- Fixed automatic/adaptive brightness.
- Fixed BrightnessDialogPreference: fields initialization moved to onCreatre.
- Fixed BT name dialog preference: checked bt names not saved.
- Show important info News about "Start order".
- Fixed activate profile from external application (Tasker...).
- Added important info about activating profile from Tasker.
- Fixed start more shortcuts from activated profile.
- Restart events interactive for Activator, Editor, notification.
- Changed search for binnary (su, settings, service).
Google Play release
- Profile notification layout fix (Android 7+).
- Fixed FC in BrightnessDialogPreferences: value too long for System.putInt().
- Workaround for LG G4, Android 6.0, in notification_drawer: not show app. icon and name.
- Added intent for external application to activating profile.
- Other fixes.
Google Play release 3.4.1
- Change: using NotificationManager api (level 23) for change zen mode.
- Fixed grant root.
- Added set wallpaper for: homescreen, lockscreen (Android 7)
- Device orientation event sensor: support for devices without compass.
- Added Cell towers event sensor.
- Changed calling start/stop Location, Orientation, Phone state listeners to PhoneProfileService messages.
- Fixed mobile cells sort in editor; added case insensitive search for wifi SSIDs/BT names.
- Show reason for not allowed profile and event preferences.
- Fixed start FirstStartService when package is replaced (application upgrade).
- Added to Wifi/Bluetooth event preferences ability to select "All configured SSIDs", "All configured Bluetooth names".
- Fixed first application start.
- Fixed showing big text notifications.
- Better notifications for Android 7+.
Google Play release
- Added check and grant for permission ACCESS_NOTIFICATION_POLICY (change ringer/zen mode and volumes). Required for Android 7
- Fixed FC in AddEvent dialog
- Fixed detecton if nottification service listener is enabled
- Removed taskAffinities from manifest file because bugged profile activation with no granted permission
Google Play release 3.4
- Target API 24
- Duration dialog seekbars - rotation moved to layout file
- Seekbars - fixed not drawed line (Android N)
- Duration preferences - show human readable value (hh:mm:ss)
- Fixed scroll bug (profile listview, event listview) in Android N
- Rescan when maintenance window idle mode
- Fixed grant root
- Fixed FC when Google map not exists
- Fixes set airplane mode
- On first start show all profiles in editor
- Changed get, if PPP has enabled notification listener service
- Added same important infos
- Added night call to default events
- Added alert about not enabled event run for new event
- Added "About application" activity
- For Android 7 changes language configuration to system settings - multilanguage support
- Other fixes
Google Play release 3.3.8
- New applications preference dialog
- No simulate ringing call for Android < 5.0
- Fixed lauch application and shortcut
- Fixed set ringer/zen mode
- Fixed profile mapping of ringer/zen mode preference
- Changed strings for run applications/shortcuts profile preference
- Fixes about Bluetooth support
- Call EventsSrevice when BT scan expires
- Fixed rescan when screen on
- Better grant root
- Fixed set tones
- Other fixes
Google Play release
- Fixed set preferred network type - subscription usage from api 23 (???)
- Fixed FC in VolumeDialogPreference
Google Play release 3.3.7
- Fixed no started forceRun event from Editor when profile is manually activated.
- Added "Vibrate when ringing" to profile
- Fixed set ringer and notification volumes, when unlink is not used
- Added grant for play ringtone/notification
- Fixed started orientation sensors scanner when events not exists
- Fixed set back volume for link.
- Fixed bad working SMS and notification event
- NFC swith without PPhelper
- Removed PPHelper
- Updated VolumeDialogPreference - used is media player for play volume change sound
- Added BackupAgent
- GPS on/off fix
- Wi-fi/Bluetooth scan - fixed bug: scan even when wi-fi is disabled and scanning is not allowed for this state
- Fixed switch mobile data
- Fixed convert AudioManager ringer mode to profile ringer mode (Android < 5.0)
- Not call isPreferenceAllowed when preference is set to "No change"