Releases: henrichg/PhoneProfilesPlus
Releases · henrichg/PhoneProfilesPlus
Google Play release 3.5.3
- Fixed not working restart events from notification.
- Added using root for change "audio_safe_volume_state".
- Added: TapTargetHelp: click outer target to go next sequence.
- Added profile preference "Power save mode" to support "adb shell pm grant sk.henrichg.phoneprofilesplus android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"
- Fixed keeps displayed LockDeviceActivity after screen on (AOD in Samsung S8?)
- Fixed non-interactive profile activation for activation with duration.
- Changed: set brightness mode first.
- Removed wakeup for some alarms.
- Allowed change language locally for api level >= 24.
- Fixed: don't allowed import of older export db.
- Decreased wakeups.
- Decreased LockDeviceActivity lock time.
- Replaced DragSortListView with RecyclerView.
- Added chinese simplified language.
- Changed alarms to JobScheduler.
- Changed WakefulBroadcastReceiver to BroadcastReceiver with call of WakefulIntentService.
- Changed alarms to Handler.
- Optimized broadcasts.
- Fixed start after app. system kill.
- Moved implicit broadcast receivers registration from manifest to PhoneProfilesService.
- Source profile renamed to Shared profile.
- Moved Shared profile to toolbar.
- Added: simulate ringing call, when ringer mode is not changed (from "silent" to "no silent"), is "no silent", but ringer volume is changed from 0 to >0.
- Maybe fixed simulate ringing call, when ringer mode is not changed (from "silent" to "no silent"), is "no silent", but ringer volume is changed from 0 to >0.
- Fixed warnings.
- Renamed sms sensor to sms/mms.
- Fixed support for change of timezone.
- Fix: unblock events blocked in previous application start.
- Battery optimization for device orientation sensors.
- Added new profile icons.
- Fixed change of selection in Editor outside Editor.
- Fixed FCs and other bugs.
- Updated translations.
Google Play release
- Fixed bugs.
Google Play release 3.5.2
- Added alert dialog if system setting activity not found.
- Added notification if some parameters are not configured for external applications support.
- Better detection of screen locked/unlocked.
- Added switch wifi On ignoring hotspot.
- Better merge volumes detection.
- Added Samsung Edge panel.
- Updated translations.
- Bug fixes.
Google Play release
- Bug fixes.
Google Play release 3.5.1
- Added showing activation duration to icon widget.
- Added "Disable Wi-Fi scanning" and "Disable Bluetooth scanning" to profile.
- Allowed icon widget resize.
- Changed "Interruptions" to "Do not disturb" for Android 6+.
- Not enable/disable wifi for scanning if WifiManager.isScanAlwaysAvailable() returns true.
- Start EventsService If wifi scan result is not received.
- Add WakeLock-s to ExecuteRadioProfilePrefsService and ExecuteVolumeProfilePrefsService
- Removed using config values for minimum and maximum brightness values.
- Changed manifest broadcast receivers using LocalBroadcastManager.
- Added error in application preference category "Notifications", if notification is not enabled.
- Fixed construction of spannables.
- Add ticking end time in FastAccessDurationDialog display ticking end time when asking for duration during profile activation.
- Support for grant WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission via adb: "adb shell pm grant sk.henrichg.phoneprofilesplus android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS".
- Vibrate when ringing: in Android > 23 root is not needed (fixed by Google).
- Added: play contact ringtone during ringing simulation.
- Added simulating notification tone if silent ringer mode is changed to non-silent.
- Added wakelock in ScannerService for disable wifi/bluetooth.
- Better "Predefined profiles" and "Predefined events" dialog.
- Better some preference dialogs.
- Bug fixes.
Google Play release
- Bug fix.
Google Play release 3.5
- Added: "Tap target views". Helps you for using GUI elements.
- Added: "Privacy Policy" to "About application".
- Added: "Hide status bar icon" to profile preferences. You can hide application status bar icon for activated profile. Overrides parameter in application settings.
- Added: "Lock device" to profile preferences. You can lock device via profile activation.
- Added: "Connect to SSID" to profile preferences. You can connect device to configured Wi-fi SSID via profile actvation.
- Added: "Set volume merge" to application settings. If detection of merge of ringer and notification volumes is wrong, you can fix it with this parameter.
- Added: "Restart events" to widgets.
- Added: "Start before event" to event sensor "Calendar parameters". With this, you can configure start of PPP event before start of calendar event.
- Added: "Radios parameters" - new event sensor. Use it if you want start event by switch radio on ot off. Supported radios: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Mobile data, GPS, NFC, Airplane mode.
- Changed: GUI - Removed "cards" from Activator, Editor.
- Bug fixes.
Google Play release
- Fixed reported bugs.
Google Play release 3.4.5
- Added detection of merged ring and notification volumes.
- For ringer volume=0 set Silent ringer mode.
- Fixed any changes to vibrate if ringer/notification volume = 0.
- Added round application icon.
- Added preference for enable/disable "Use Priority..." to event preference.
- Profile status bar notification changed to required.
- Back/Home button close PhoneProfilesPreferenceActivity.
- Fixed disabling profile preference "Vibrate when ringing" for not rooted devices.
- Fixes about ringer mode, zen mode and volumes.
- Change screen timeout only when screen is on.
- Fixed profile notification.
- Fixed start on boot.
Google Play release 3.4.4
- Fixed showing profile notification after Exit app.
- Added github/releases link to "About application".
- Fixed not working rescan wifi in switch screen on after long time screen off.
- Better show/hide profile notification for "Hide in lock screen".
- Android 7 guidelines application notification icon.
- Fixed warnings.
- Changed "Mobile network preferences": called is "Data usage" setings.
- Initial Android 7.1.1 support.
- Brightness and screen timeout views:- changed to TYPE_SYSTEM_OVERLAY, TYPE_TOAST FC.
- Removed "(S)" from "Interruptions" and "Interruption types" from strings. Is added programatically.
- Added new profile/event not allowed reason, used in profile Interruptions and event sensors.
- Updated Important infos.
- Added: "last connected time" to mobile cells preference list.
- Added "start order" for profile "Appications, shortcuts".
- Moved source profile preferences activity to profile preferences activity.
- Added popup window for run/stop events indicator.
- Added popup window for event status indicator.
- Added "unsupported by apllication" and details for "unsupported by system", "unsupported by application".
- Added info preference about sensors functionality.
- Enabled notification icons style. Some devices supports it in Android >= 5.0.
- Added selection change functionality to multiselect preference dialogs.
- Added InfoDialogPreference for info preference with large text.
- Changed notification app. icon.
- Removed unused resources.
- Added global exception handler.
- Added 2 profile icons.