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Binuthi Nilakna Ariyaratne edited this page Mar 17, 2025 · 1 revision


Inward > Admissions > Patient Admit


1. Enterr Patient Information

You can quick search the patient using the phone number. If the patient is already registered, patient information will be filled automatically, If not you can enter patient details manually.

2. Add Patient Allergies

If the patient hass any allergies you can add them.

3. Enter Admission Details

You canenetr admission details suvch as Admitted Time, Consultant, Referring Consultant, Medical Officer, OPD Doctor, Doctor who referred the patient, Staff who referred the patient, Person who referred the patient, Referral Institution, Workplace, Referral Number.

4. Enter Gurdian Details

5. Enter payment details

Select a suitable payment method. If the patient is a foreigner select the option "mark forigner"

6. Select admisson type

BHT, CT Card, or OPD card (Then BHT number will be generated automatically)

7. Enter room number

8. Enter comment(Optional)

9. Select "Admit"

10. Print ward admission



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