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Releases: hotwax/netsuite-integration


13 Dec 09:17
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What's Changed

  • Added: support to import cycle count variance from OMS to NS. (7-import-cycle-count-variance-from-oms-to-netsuite) by @rehan3586 in #8
  • Added: support to sync inventory from NS to OMS. (5-sync-inventory-fr… by @rehan3586 in #6
  • Implemented: schedule suitescript that will export open purcahse order csv files and upload it on FTP server. Also made saved search to get open PO information. (3-push-purchase-orders-from-netsuite-to-oms) by @rehan3586 in #4
  • Implemented: schedule suitescript that will export fulfilled transfer order CSV file and put on NetSuite file cabinate. Also made saved search for it. (1-add-support-to-push-transfer-order-from-netsuite-to-oms) by @rehan3586 in #2
  • Implemented: suitescript to create item receipt records for purchase orders. (9-push-purchase-order-receipt-from-oms-to-netsuite) by @rehan3586 in #13
  • Implemented: schedule suitescript to create item receipt records for transfer order from OMS to NetSuite. (10-push-transferorder-receipt-from-oms-to-netsuite) by @rehan3586 in #15
  • Implemented: Schedule suitescript files to export customer from NetSuite and upload the CSV file on SFTP server. Also made saved search xml data to export customer records. (18-export-customer-from-netsuite) by @rehan3586 in #19
  • Implemented: schedule scuitescript to import customer records in NetSuite. Made saved csv import xml data for customer. (12-push-customer-from-oms-to-netsuite) by @rehan3586 in #16
  • Added: support to add/update sales orders from OMS to NS. (17-push-sales-orders-from-oms-to-netsuite) by @rehan3586 in #20
  • Adeed: support to create invoice for sales orders. (23-create-invoice-records-in-netsuite) by @rehan3586 in #26
  • Added: support to create customer deposit records for sales order in NetSuite. (22-create-customer-deposit-records-in-netsuite) by @rehan3586 in #25
  • Added: support to export sales order and sales order items from NetSuite to OMS. (21-export-sales-order-from-netsuite-to-oms) by @rehan3586 in #29
  • Added: support to export sales orders and sales order item csv file as per Map/Reduce suitescripts. Also updated saved search for it. (32-update-export-feature-as-per-mapreduce-suitescript-from-netsuite-to-oms) by @rehan3586 in #33
  • 35 create customer deposit csv by @rehan3586 in #36
  • Done: Improvements in export sales order fulfillment. (37-improvement-in-export-sales-order-fulfillments) by @rehan3586 in #38
  • Done: improvements in transfer order export. Updated saved search query for it. (39-improvements-in-transfer-order-fulfillments) by @rehan3586 in #40
  • Added: support to sync POS sales order from OMS to NetSuite as cash sales. (34-sync-cash-sale-order-or-shopify-pos-orders-from-oms-to-netsuite) by @rehan3586 in #42
  • Made: custom field to store shopify sales order number. Updated import sales order mapping. (43-make-custom-field-for-shopify-sales-and-pos-orders-number) by @rehan3586 in #44
  • Updated: Suitescript deployment details. (45-update-suitescript-deployment-details) by @rehan3586 in #46
  • Added: support to sync discount codes from NetSuite to OMS. (41-export-discount-item-from-netsuite-to-oms) by @rehan3586 in #47
  • Added: custom field to store HC inventory adjustment id in netsuite. … by @rehan3586 in #49
  • Added: some required fields in customer, sales order and cash sales csv import mapping. (50-add-field-in-csv-import-mapping) by @rehan3586 in #51
  • Added: address fields in import cash sales csv mapping. (52-add-address-field-in-import-cash-sale) by @rehan3586 in #53
  • Added: support to export pos cash sale orders from NetSuite to OMS. (54-export-pos-orders-from-netsuite-to-oms) by @rehan3586 in #55
  • Fixed: deploy.xml file. (56-fix-deployxml-file) by @rehan3586 in #57
  • Added: job name field in CSV Import task. (60-add-job-name-in-csv-imp… by @rehan3586 in #61
  • 58 sync item fulfillment from oms to netsuite by @rehan3586 in #59
  • 62 sync products from netsuite to oms by @rehan3586 in #65
  • Added: support to create SFTP directories from suitescript. (63-update-suitescript-files-and-create-sftp-dir) by @rehan3586 in #66
  • Updated: sync inventory saved search defination. (68-update-sync-inventory-saved-search-as-per-goodidentification-type) by @rehan3586 in #70
  • Updated: item fulfillment suitescript and removed order attributes. Also updated location field name for broker feed. (69-update-sync-item-fulfillment-from-oms-to-ns-script) by @rehan3586 in #74
  • Updated: saved search defination to exclude oms store item fulfillment. (72-exclude-store-fulfillment-records-from-ns-fulfillment) by @rehan3586 in #75
  • Added: billing address fields in add sales order mapping. (73-add-billing-address-on-sales-order-and-pos-order) by @rehan3586 in #78
  • 76 add support to generate error file for csv import suitescript. by @rehan3586 in #79
  • Added: custom fields to add shopify order id and customer id on salesorder, cash sales and customer imports. (71-add-hc-shopify-order-id-and-customer-id-custom-fields) by @rehan3586 in #80
  • 81 add custom field on transfer and purchase order by @rehan3586 in #82
  • Added: order note field in import sales order csv mapping. (84-modify-customer-and-sales-order-import-mapping) by @rehan3586 in #85
  • Added: support to sync inventory transfer from OMS to NS. (86-add-support-to-sync-inventory-transfer-from-oms-to-ns) by @rehan3586 in #87
  • Modified: suite script to store tracking number for transfer orders. (89-modify-suitescript-to-store-tracking-number-for-transfer-orders) by @rehan3586 in #90
  • Added: support to sync rejected order item from NetSuite to OMS. (88-sync-order-rejection-from-netsuite-to-oms) by @rehan3586 in #94
  • Added: support to create item receipt record based on item fulfillmet of transfer order. (95-add-support-to-make-transfer-order-receipt-based-on-item-fulfillment) by @rehan3586 in #96
  • Added: support to sync item receipt records from netsuite to oms. (92-sync-warehouse-item-receipt-records-from-netsuite-to-oms) by @rehan3586 in #99
  • Improved: export sales order fulfillment to store tracking number. (102-improve-export-sales-order-fulfillment-to-store-tracking-number-in-oms) by @rehan3586 in #103
  • Added: support to sync historical shopify customer from NS to OMS. (100-add-support-to-sync-historical-shopify-customer) by @rehan3586 in #101
  • Modified: suitescript to export shipping method in sales order fulfillment csv file. (104-export-shipment-method-in-sales-order-fulfilment) by @rehan3586 in #107
  • Improved: saved serach defination for sales order export. Also changed shipping method field type. (97-improve-rejected-sales-order-saved-search-and-shipping-method-field-type) by @rehan3586 in #98
  • Added: support to sync discount item line id from NS to OMS. (109-sync-discount-line-item-line-id-from-netsuite-to-oms) by @rehan3586 in #110
  • Fixed: special char issue in csv import and used UTF_8 chac encoding instead of window. (111-fix-special-char-issue-for-csv-import) by @rehan3586 in #112
  • Added: support to export sales order audit report CSV file from Netsuite and upload it on SFTP server. (115-export-sales-order-audit-report-from-ns) by @rehan3586 in #116
  • Added: support to export store transfer order csv from Netsuite and upload it on the SFTP server. (91-sync-pending-fulfilment-transfer-order-store-to-store-store-to-warehouse-from-netsuite-to-oms) by @rehan3586 in #120
  • Exported: shipment method internal id in sales order fulf...
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02 Aug 05:55
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