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jacobCT edited this page Nov 14, 2017 · 6 revisions

Selectivity as part of management advice

Looking across many stocks of Atlantic cod, we see very different selectivities: some are fished mainly at ages 1-3, other stocks mainly at ages 4-8. This has not been the result of scientific advice, but gear regulations that have evolved in each region.

Can this be considered mismanagement of some of these cod stocks, in the form of underutilizing or risking stock collapse? Or are the different selectivities quite sensible, given the growth and maturity ogives for the respective stocks?

Quick paper: Gather three matrices for each Atlantic cod stock: selectivity, weight, and maturity at age. Sketch and discuss the findings, perhaps analyzing what would happen if selectivity A would be applied to stock B.

Scientists have been asked for advice regarding selectivity (e.g. ICES Advisory Committee), but so far this has not been addressed.

Criteria Comments
Important for many stock assessment scientists?
Standard papers that people cite for this topic? Size-selective fishing gear and life history evolution in the Northeast Arctic cod CAPAM selectivity
Another working group already working on this?
How can this be structured into a journal paper?
What kind of work is required, and how much work?
Participants that would like to work on this? Alejandro Yanez, Arni Magnusson, Jacob Kasper, Knut Korsbrekke, Michael Schirripa, Tim Earl
Who would like to lead, what will coauthors do?
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