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fabidue edited this page Sep 16, 2024 · 15 revisions

This wiki page will provide code and useful tools as well as sources for working with datasets in Python. Python offers lots of possibilities for basic statistic calculations and data analysis.

The contents of this wiki are:

You can use this code as an overview of all the statistic tools and calculations that are discussed in this wiki. It's also helpful if you just need the command for a single action like calculating a mean.

This code provides more information and explanations, it contains formulas, areas of use and more detailed possibilities the tools offer.

You can insert your own csv file here and you'll get an output text that analyses and interprets your dataset.

I used this sample data for the statistic tool I made. It's the age column of the employee sample data I found here. You can use it to try and experiment with the different statistic functions python offers.

Here you can find websites that provide useful input and even more possibilities on how to use the tools that are discussed in this wiki.