We are interested in your approach to the following problems.
Please do the test in Selenium with a proper Object Oriented Programming language using automated testing best practices and using BDD gerkin language to define the acceptance tests. This is expected to take no more than 1 hour.
Fork this project.
Commit each exercise once you've finished with it.
- Create Page Object Model framework for www.valtech.co.uk to do the exercise 2 & 3
- Driver manager pattern. We should be able to run the test framework against Chrome, Firefox and Microsoft Edge browsers
Navigate to https://www.valtech.com/en-gb HOME PAGE
- Assert that the “Partners” section is displaying
- Click on "Our Partners"button on the Partners page
- Capture and Print a list of all the partners across industries in the test report or to the console
- a. Navigate to offices
- b. Verify and print a list of all offices in the UK in the test report or to the console
README file - Include instructions on how to set up and execute your tests on a clean install of Windows/MacOS Bonus point: Test execution on Docker instances
Once you're finished, commit & push your changes, send us a link to your fork.