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Albums: Create a new album

Natasa Bulatovic edited this page Jul 8, 2015 · 2 revisions

##POST /albums Creates a new imeji album

####Response status codes #####201 Created Successful creation of the album

#####400 Bad request The body of the request is not syntactically correct, user provided false body for the request

#####401 Unauthorized Authentication is necessary to create an album, and user is not authenticated or provided invalid credentials

#####403 Forbidden Wrong credentials provided to create an album (User does not have a right to create an album)

#####422 Unprocessable Entity The body of the request is syntactically correct, but data are not semantically correct e.g. missing a mandatory field such as the title of the album.

####Example request

curl --user admin:admin \
       --header "Content-Type:application/json" \
       --header "Accept: application/json" \
       --request POST \
       --data '{<see_example_request_body_below>}' \

#####Example request body {
"title":"Research Data Album", "description":"Test for research data album", "contributors":[
"familyName":"White", "givenName":"John", "completeName":"White, John", "alternativeName":"Lucky Tester", "role":"author", "identifiers":[
"type":"imeji", "value":"" } ], "organizations":[
"id":"94zMk2OtjJAWtXIH", "name":"Innovations, Max Planck Digital Library, Max Planck Society", "description":"", "identifiers":[
"type":"imeji", "value":"someveryspecificIdentifier" } ], "city":"München", "country":"Deutschland" }, {
"name":"Testing organization", "description":"There is no description for the Testing organization", "identifiers":[
"type":"imeji", "value":"veryspecific" } ], "city":"Some great city", "country":"Some nice country" } ] }, {
"familyName":"Smith", "givenName":"John", "completeName":"Smith, John", "alternativeName":"", "role":"author", "identifiers":[
"type":"imeji", "value":"" } ], "organizations":[
"id": "yoKdu0PjrJKWLXRN",
"name":"Max Planck Digital Library, Max Planck Society", "description":"", "identifiers":[
"type":"imeji", "value":"nicePersistentId" } ], "city":"", "country":"" } ] } ] }


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