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Installation on MacOS

Johannes Niediek edited this page Sep 21, 2020 · 1 revision

Combinato Installation Instructions for MacOS

1. Installing Python

Any distribution of Python 3should work. We use Combinato with Anaconda for MacOS.

You can download Anaconda from

Anaconda contains all packages that Combinato depends on (scipy, matplotlib, pytables, pywt, pyqt).

2. Getting the Combinato code

If you use git, clone the repository:

git clone

If you do not use git, download Combinato from

Save the repository to a convenient place, for example


3. Setting Paths

Combinato uses an executable file as backend for clustering. To automatically select the correct file for your operating system, navigate your shell to the Combinato repository and run


Combinato is organized as a collection of executable scripts. These are the files named css-* in the repository's main folder. To be able to execute these scripts, add the repository's folder to your $PATH: The path is set in the file .bash_profile in your user directory. For example, this file should contain a line like

export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/combinato.

For some of the tools in the subdirectories signalviewer and tools, it is necessary to add the repository's folder to $PYTHONPATH as well.

4. Testing the Installation

  1. Open a new shell
  2. Navigate to the Combinato repository
  3. Enter python tools/

In case everything worked, you will see the following output:

Found Combinato
Found SPC binary
Your version of pytables is 3.6.1
Combinato clustering setup: no problems detected.
Found display
Found 'montage', plotting continuous data possible.

If you see Plotting continuous data will not work, don't worry. This feature requires ImageMagick, but it is not crucial.

5. Running the Tutorial

You are now ready to do the Combinato tutorial.

6. Support

In case of any errors, feel free to contact me (Johannes) at [email protected].