Builds a completely self-contained container that runs CiviCRM Buildkit via MySQL, Apache, PHP and SSH. It manages services using runit.
The civicrm-buildkit directory is available on the host and in the container.
Note: this is not a normal Docker file that pulls an image from the Docker network. It's generally not a good idea to pull code blindly from the Internet.
Instead, create your own base image by running these commands AS ROOT (adjust the timezone if you want):
temp=$(mktemp -d)
apt-get install debootstrap
debootstrap --variant=minbase --include=apt-utils,less,vim,locales,libterm-readline-gnu-perl jessie "$temp"
echo "deb jessie/updates main" > "$temp/etc/apt/sources.list.d/security.list"
echo "deb jessie-updates main" > "$temp/etc/apt/sources.list.d/update.list"
echo "Upgrading"
chroot "$temp" apt-get update
chroot "$temp" apt-get -y dist-upgrade
# Make all servers America/New_York
echo "America/New_York" > "$temp/etc/timezone"
chroot "$temp" /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive tzdata
echo "Importing into docker"
cd "$temp" && tar -c . | docker import - my-jessie
echo "Removing temp directory"
rm -rf "$temp"
For the remaining steps, I assume you are in the directory containing the Dockerfile.
Copy your ssh public key to your current directory:
cp ~/.ssh/ .
This file will be copied to the container's authorized_ids file so you can ssh in without a password.
Next, create the directory that will be mounted in the container and hold the buildkit data.
mkdir -p civicrm
Build the civicrm-buildkit image:
docker build -t civicrm-buildkit ./
Now, create the container and run it:
docker create -v "$(pwd)/civicrm:/var/www/civicrm" -e "DOCKER_UID=$UID" \
-p 2222:22 -p 8001:8001 --name civicrm-buildkit civicrm-buildkit
docker start civicrm-buildkit
You have full access to the civicrm-buildkit directory from the host so you can git pull and push as needed.
ssh into the container (
ssh -p 2222 www-data@localhost
) -
run all buildkit commands to create the sites you want:
amp test
(first test, should fail) -
sudo apache2ctl graceful
amp test
(second test, should pass) -
civibuild create mycivi --type drupal-clean --civi-ver 4.6 --url http://localhost:8001 --admin-pass admin
sudo apache2ctl graceful
Maintenance tasks
Destroy and start over:
civibuild create mycivi --force
Or... *
civibuild destroy mycivi
*civibuild create mycivi --type drupal-clean --civi-ver 4.6 --url http://localhost:8001 --admin-pass admin
Update civibuild code:
cd /var/www/civicrm/civicrmbuild-kit
git pull
More documentation available via git.
Then, work via your host computer:
- access your sites via a browser on your host computer (http://localhost:8001).
- modify code via your editor on your host computer via the civicrm-buildkit directory (look in civicrm-buildkit/build/mycivi)
- add git repositories, etc via your host computer