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bx cert new

Eric Voskuil edited this page Apr 7, 2017 · 9 revisions

Create a Curve ZMQ private key for use with a Libbitcoin server.

$ bx cert-new --help
Usage: bx cert-new [-h] [--config value]

Info: Create a Curve ZMQ private key for use with a Libbitcoin server.
WARNING: entropy is obtained from the underlying platform.

Options (named):

-c [--config]        The path to the configuration settings file.
-h [--help]          Get a description and instructions for this command.           

Private certificates are consumed directly by Libbitcoin Server for server identity and by BX for client identity.

Unlike other BX commands, this command uses the underlying platform's internal random number generator.

See also cert-public.

Example 1

$ bx cert-new

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