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bx qrcode

thecodefactory edited this page Apr 5, 2016 · 9 revisions

Create a QRCODE image file for a payment address.

NOTE: This command is not implemented in version2.

$ bx help qrcode
Usage: bx qrcode [-hip] [--config value] [--density value] [--module_size
value] [--margin_size value] [--scheme value] [--version value]          

Info: Create a QRCODE image file for a payment address.                  

Options (named):

-c [--config]        The path to the configuration settings file.        
-d [--density]       The pixels per inch of the QRCODE, defaults to 72.  
-h [--help]          Get a description and instructions for this command.
-i [--insensitive]   Do not use use sensitivity.                         
-m [--module_size]   The module size in pixels of the QRCODE, defaults to
-p [--png]           Write the QRCODE in PNG file format.                
-r [--margin_size]   The margin size in pixels of the QRCODE, defaults to
-s [--scheme]        The URI scheme of the QRCODE data, defaults to      
-v [--version]       The version of the QRCODE.                          

Arguments (positional):

PAYMENT_ADDRESS      The payment address. If not specified the address is
                     read from STDIN.         

Example 1

$ bx qrcode --png 131zKT2n1FN4Z6JdDAWMg3w8ehYjoRByTB > address.png
# Optional: verify output file
$ file address.png 
address.png: PNG image data, 264 x 264, 1-bit colormap, non-interlaced

Example 2

$ bx qrcode -r 5 -m 15 --png 131zKT2n1FN4Z6JdDAWMg3w8ehYjoRByTB > address.png
# Optional: verify output file
$ file address.png 
address.png: PNG image data, 585 x 585, 1-bit colormap, non-interlaced

Example 3

$ bx qrcode -r 5 -m 15 -s litecoin --png LhAq4Q2NQiCtP71ZWSZvURvniWsuKsyDjE > address.png
# Optional: verify output file
$ file address.png 
address.png: PNG image data, 585 x 585, 1-bit colormap, non-interlaced

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