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Basics overview part i: strings, paths and streams
We don’t give much explanations here. We just give a few examples to get you started. Haking a look at the class headers is then highly recommended, it’s the best way to have an overview of all the functionalities.
// declare a unicode string
nglString myStr(_T("hello"));
// application's log, using the macro NGL_OUT
NGL_OUT(_T("'%ls' is the message of %d characters\n"), myStr.GetChars(), myStr.GetLength());
// get standard strings
std::string s = myStr.GetStdString();
std::wstring sw = myStr.GetStdWString();
char* str = myStr.GetStdString().c_str(); // Be sure to delete str once you don't need it any more!
CFStringRef sr = myStr.ToCFString(); // for MacOSX specific code: convert to a CoreFoundation string
// export/import texts using a specific characters encoding
// check the class header for all versions of Export and Import
char* pStr = myStr.Export(eUTF8);
myStr.Import("\xe2\x88\x9e", eUTF8);
// format and parse a string, with the current locale or with the ansi C locale
float f = 2.4567f;
myStr.Format(_T("I want %.2f billion dollars"), f);
myStr.CFormat(_T("I want %.2f billion dollars"), f); // the same using the ansi C locale
float f = myStr.GetFloat();
float f = myStr.GetCFloat();
// got the same for int, int64, double, etc...
// append
myStr = nglString::Null; // clear
myStr.Append(_T("39556 Survivors"));
myStr = nglString::Null;
myStr.Add(39556).Add(_T(" Survivors"));
// => gives "39556 Survivors"
// compare
bool caseSensitive = false;
int32 res = myStr.Compare(_T("frack"), caseSensitive);
int32 score = myStr.GetLevenshteinDistance(_T("39555 Survivors")); // usefull to build search engines
// tokenize
std::vector<nglString> tokens;
myStr.Tokenize(tokens, _T(' '));
// => tokens {"39556", "Survivors"}
Please check nglString.h to get the complete list of functionalities.
// declare paths
nglPath myPath(_T("/Users/Baltar/Documents"));
nglPath myPath(ePathUserDocuments); // other system dependant path in nglPath.h
// append
nglPath myPath(ePathUserDocuments);
myPath += nglString(_T("MyApp")); // doesn't care if it's "MyApp" or "/MyApp"
// => gives "/Users/Baltar/Documents/MyApp"
// folders and files operations on disk
bool res = myPath.IsLeaf(); // file or folder?
if (myPath.IsAbsolute())
// can also Copy, Move, ...
// path operations
nglString myStr = myPath.GetPathName();
nglString filename = myPath.GetNodeName();
nglPath parent = myPath.GetParent();
std::list<nglPath> children;
// open streams to read/write
nglIOStream* pOStream = myPath.OpenWrite();
nglIStream* pIStream = myOtherPath.OpenRead();
// check the next session to know more on streams
nglIStream and nglOStream are virtual class to read and write data.
nglIFile and nglOFile inherit from the Streams to read/write from/to a file on disk.
nglIMemory and nglOMemory inherit from the Streams to read/write from/to a buffer in memory.
This way you can easily build generic methods for I/O operations, without being concerned by the nature of the source and destination.
You can also build your own I/O class, inheriting from the Streams.
Make sure to read about VirtualFileSystem to learn how to proprely access files with nui!
nglIMemory iMem(myBufferPtr, bufferSize);
nglFileSize size = iMem.Available(); // available size according to the current position
int64 nbRead = iMem.Read(myPtr, size, 1);
float myFloat;
// same idea for a nglIFile object
nglOFile oFile(myPath, eOFileCreate);
if (!oFile.IsOpen())
return; // error opening the file
// same idea for a nglOMemory object
A classic I/O procedure written with nui would go like this:
// read an hypothetic object's data from an input stream and store data using the given reference
bool MyClass::ReadMyObject(nglIStream& rInput, MyObject& rObj)
if (!rInput.Read(&rObj.Tag, TAG_SIZE))
return false;
if (!rInput.ReadDouble(&rObj.Value))
return false;
return true;
// now, reading from a file or something else doesn't matter:
MyObject myObj;
nglIFile myFile(myFilePath);
if (!myFile.IsOpen())
if (!ReadMyObject(myFile, myObj))
nglIMemory myMem(myMemBuffer, BufferSize);
if (!ReadMyObject(myMem, myObj))
Make sure to read about VirtualFileSystem to learn how to proprely access files with nui!