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Trino Gateway documentation


The scripts from this quickstart guide set up a local environment consisting of two Trino servers and a PostgreSQL database running in Docker, and a Trino Gateway server running in the host operating system. If you are using a Mac and have the brew package manager installed, this script attempts to install psql, if not you must install psql through other means.

Start Trino Gateway server

The following script starts a Trino Gateway server using the Quickstart Configuration with the request service at http://localhost:9080, the application service at http://localhost:9081, and the Admin service at http://localhost:9082. It also starts a dockerized PostgreSQL database at localhost:5432.

#!/usr/bin/env sh


#Get the Gateway Jar
curl${VERSION}/gateway-ha-${VERSION}-jar-with-dependencies.jar -o ./gateway-ha.jar

#Start the persistence DB
if ! $(command -v psql >/dev/null); then
    if ! $(command -v brew >/dev/null); then
        echo 'Please install psql and rerun';
        exit 1
        brew install libpq

export PGPASSWORD=mysecretpassword
docker run --name local-postgres -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$PGPASSWORD -d postgres:latest
#make sure the DB has time to initialize
sleep 5

#Initialize the DB
curl > ./gateway-ha-persistence-postgres.sql 
psql -U postgres -h localhost -c 'CREATE DATABASE gateway'
psql  -U postgres -h localhost -d gateway -f ./gateway-ha-persistence-postgres.sql 

#Start the DB
java -Xmx1g --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/ -jar ./gateway-ha.jar server ./quickstart-config.yaml

You can clean up by running

docker kill local-postgres && docker rm local-postgres
kill -5 $(jps | grep gateway-ha.jar | cut -d' ' -f1)

Add Trino backends

This following script starts two dockerized Trino servers at http://localhost:8081 and http://localhost:8082. It then adds them as backends to the Trino Gateway server started by the preceding script.

#!/usr/bin/env sh

#Start a pair of trino servers on different ports
docker run --name trino1 -d -p 8081:8080 trinodb/trino
docker run --name trino2 -d -p 8082:8080 trinodb/trino

#Add the trino servers as Gateway backends
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST localhost:9080/gateway/backend/modify/add -d '{"name": "trino1",
                                                                                                "proxyTo": "http://localhost:8081",
                                                                                                "active": true,
                                                                                                "routingGroup": "adhoc"
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST localhost:9080/gateway/backend/modify/add -d '{"name": "trino2",
                                                                                                "proxyTo": "http://localhost:8082",
                                                                                                "active": true,
                                                                                                "routingGroup": "adhoc"

You can clean up by running

docker kill trino1 && docker rm trino1
docker kill trino2 && docker rm trino2