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Releases: lukasmonk/lucaschessR2

Version R2.19c

27 Jan 10:27
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Extensive beta testing by Eric. This release is mostly just fixing bugs.


  • Options/General configuration/Appearance 2/By default is not working.
  • Translation mode, does not correctly display translations of openings.
  • Index kibitzers do not work.
  • Automatic scrolling to show the active variation, when dealing with large variations, the first elements are not shown.
  • 2.19a Removed Delfi of the relation of fixed elo engines.
  • 2.19a Tournaments between engines, Leagues, Swiss tournaments, automatic adjudication is wrong in some cases.
  • 2.19b Selecting engines does not work by clicking on the headers.
  • 2.19b Tournaments/Leagues/Swiss do not correctly check to adjudicate games.
  • 2.19b Opening lines, right click on an empty cell shows add shortcut.
  • 2.19b eBoards (by Graham O'Neill): Fix error in HOS and ICO drivers on high DPI screens.
  • 2.19c By maximising the programme window, the lower part of the board is not visible.
  • 2.19c Tournaments between engines, when setting limits for an opponent to resign and not using a motor referee, it does not take into account that both motors have to agree.


  • Databases, added option to import games from Lichess and (idea by cmes).
  • Analysis, added the option of Fixed nodes to think.
  • 2.19a Opening lines, the possibility to display analysis evaluations has been added. New option in the movement tree in the context menu to analyse the current movement. Option to paste PGN
  • 2.19a Opening lines, shortcuts, it is possible to add shortcuts associated to the Alt 1...9 keys, in a specific cell the context menu allows you to add them, and you can go from the toolbar, right button, or through ALT + number.
  • 2.19a Engines/STS, possibility to indicate an elo formula in each section.
  • 2.19a Added a new button in Variations to add variants manually with the movements resulting from the engine analysis.
  • 2.19c Possibility (Options/General configuration/Appearance 1) to set the main toolbar vertically to the left.


  • Language French by Eric.
  • Language Hungarian by József Oláh.
  • Language Chinese Simplified by Zoushen.
  • Language Spanish by Lucas Monge.


Version R2.18c

20 Dec 15:00
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*Extensive beta testing by Eric and Stefan Akall. New coordinate training added. Updated eBoard drivers by Graham O'Neill. *


  • New coordinate training: Unlike previous versions, this mode requires entering piece positions using the keyboard (coordinates only). There are 4 variations depending on the type and number of pieces/positions displayed. Once input begins, the board is cleared.
  • Show Rating (NAG): Can be activated by right-clicking on the PGN table while viewing a game. Useful for game analysis, it displays the rating for each move directly on the board.
  • Databases: When importing PGN files, users can now choose to remove comments and variations. This option is also available under Utilities/Remove Comments.


  • Kibitzer on a line did not work.
  • Play option, problem where the application failed to start when using old configurations.
  • STS with the +Board option was not functioning correctly.
  • Databases, issue where changes made while editing a game in Databases were not saved if the edit window was closed using the "X" button.
  • Problem with PGN reading when handling a large number of moves.
  • 2.18a It crashes when trying to add new variants.


  • eBoards (by Graham O'Neill): Many eBoard drivers now support the option to highlight the king's square when it is in check.
  • Options/User Data folder: Displays the current user folder and allows access to it via the operating system's file explorer.
  • Game analysis: A new parameter allows users to skip standard opening moves.
  • Captures: A new button in the middle of the interface allows users to switch between "Differences" mode and "All Captures" mode.
  • 2.18c Engines in tournaments, accept to set fixed nodes to think
  • 2.18c eBoards (by Graham O'Neill): Fix error in HOS and ICO drivers on high DPI screens.

Updated translations

  • Language Portuguese_BR by Laudecir Daniel, Adhoniran Gomes.
  • Language Spanish by Lucas Monge.
  • Language Finnish by Heikki J..
  • Language French by Eric.
  • Language Greek by Nick Delta.
  • Language Hungarian by József Oláh.
  • Language Italian by CapFracassa.
  • Language Chinese Simplified by Zoushen.

Version R2.17f

19 Nov 10:10
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In-depth beta testing conducted by Eric. A new set of pieces, Berlin, designed by Pete Schaefer, has been added.


  • Added a Google Translator search option to the translator assistance window.
  • Saved configurations for playing against engines now appear immediately after pressing Play in the main toolbar.
  • Introduced a blindfold chess shortcut: ALT-Y to toggle and CTRL-Y to configure.
  • Polyglot book factory now includes an option to export separate PGN files for white and black games, with the number of games based on position sequences.
  • New piece set, Berlin, with permission from author Pete Schaefer.
  • 2.17c Playing against an engine, initial positions, added Chess 324 in Variants.


  • Moved the "Create Trainings" menu back under Train (previously under Export).


  • Resolved an issue with the second scanner when using multiple monitors.
  • Reverted the 2.16 change regarding LiChess puzzle imports; accessory files for openings are no longer imported, as the information is included in the original files.
  • Corrected eBoard activation on all boards by default, which caused issues with tutors and accessory boards.
  • Fixed an error in Director where arranging graphical elements rendered them unusable.
  • Addressed a bug in databases where saving a new game multiple times during creation duplicated it.
  • Corrected an issue in Kibitzer Candidates where analyzing a terminal position (mate/stalemate) blocked other move responses.
  • Resolved a problem in Train/Openings/Train with a book where Advice functionality was broken.
  • 2.17a For analyzed games, clicking the board coordinates.
  • 2.17b Databases, when editing a game, asks indefinitely if you want to save it.
  • 2.17c Stockfish, best version selection, avx512 not selectable.
  • 2.17c Tourney engines, problem with some UCI options on some engines, which cause them not to perform at the power they are designed for.
  • 2.17d When editing a game, it is not possible to add variations directly with the mouse.
  • 2.17e When editing a game, blocking when variations are added.
  • 2.17f Problem with the support of Armenian language.


  • Playing against an engine, added a Maintenance option under Save/Restore configurations to sort or hide configurations.
  • Removed the Ponder option from engine settings, as it is not supported by the program.
  • Enhanced Kibiterzs with a home icon to return to the original position after moves are made on the board.
  • General configuration now includes an option to disable mouse shortcuts.
  • Train/Find All Moves now includes a "Next" button as a shortcut to train the last exercise.
  • For analyzed games, clicking the board coordinates displays moves from the analysis. "a" shows the played line, while "b" to "h" show other lines ranked from best to worst.
  • 2.17a Navigation in games now allows jumping between main lines and variations using Shift + Arrow keys. From main line to variations Shift + Down/Shift + Up/Shift + Right. From variations to main line, Shift + Up.

Languages updated

  • Language Finnish by Heikki J..
  • Language Chinese_simplified by Zoushen.
  • Language Hungarian by József Oláh.
  • Language Portuguese_BR by Laudecir Daniel, Adhoniran Gomes.
  • Language Greek by Nick Delta.
  • Language Spanish by Lucas Monge.
  • Language French by Eric.


  • Updated lc0 (only WINDOWS), Version 0.31.2, The LCZero Authors, [] (
  • Stockfish, now compiled with gcc which is more compatible than clang although it is a bit slower. Version 17, T. Romstad, M. Costalba, J. Kiiski, G. Linscott, [] (

Version R2.16a

27 Sep 06:43
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In-depth beta testing by Eric. New set of pieces and themes by Luis. New translation Armenian by S. Yeghiazaryan. Stockfish version 17.


  • Eboards, by Graham O'Neill, fixed button display on screens with high DPI.
  • New set of pieces Caballo-R-M by Luis (License CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).
  • New set of pieces Caballo-R-MM by Luis (License CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).
  • New set of pieces Caballo-R-P by Luis (License CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).
  • New set of pieces Caballo-R-RC-C by Luis (License CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).
  • New color board themes by Luis (License CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).
  • 2.16a: Databases, by creating a new database, a pgn can be specified for importing then, if the name of the database has not been specified, it is filled in with the name of the PGN to be imported.


  • Opening lines, when figurines in pgn are active.
  • Polyglot book factory, importing databases.
  • Databases of positions, export to pgn with error when FEN columns is removed.
  • Databases, importing LiChess puzzles, speeding up the process and removing the option to import an accessory file with openings, as this information is included in the file.
  • By selecting an opening the pgn appears untranslated.
  • Editing variations, Cancel and X cancels the changes.
  • Opening Lines, Secuental training when using eboard, crash when all lines are solved.
  • Training maps, when restarted creates a new instance of the engine.
  • 2.16a: Databases, exporting to CSV format, add the extension if not explicitly indicated.
  • 2.16a: Databases, option to remove comments/analysis/... is not working.
  • 2.16a: Databases, some do not open due to an error when they contain graphics.


  • Positions of mate in GM Games.
  • Updated and extended base list of positions in "Determine your calculation power"
  • Playing against any engine, Time tab, added Disable user time control
  • Variations, right click, added Analysis of the current move
  • Variations, arrows works when a variation is being displayed to show its movements. Left/Right = Previous/Next move. Up/Down = Previous/Next variation.


  • New: language Armenian by S. Yeghiazaryan
  • Update: language Portuguese_BR by Laudecir Daniel, Adhoniran Gomes.
  • Update: language Spanish by Lucas Monge.
  • Update: language French by Eric-
  • Update: language Greek by Nick Delta.
  • Update: language Hungarian by József Oláh.
  • Update: language Chinese_simplified by Zoushen.


Version R2.15c

10 Jun 13:41
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In-depth beta testing by Eric. Graham has added a new driver for HOS Sensory board. New set of pieces and themes by Luis.


  • Help to ask to an AI about a game. Utilities/Analysis/....
  • Playing against any engine, "Advice" button to help move, the first time shows the piece to move and the second time an arrow with the movement. It is based on the tutor's calculation at that precise moment, which may change at a later point in time if tutor is thinking all the time.
  • New set of pieces Caballo-R-M by Luis (License CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Chess pieces dedicated to LucasChessR by Luis.
  • New color board themes by Luis (License CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).
  • Eboards, by Graham O'Neill, added HOS Sensory board driver.
  • 2.15b, new set of pieces Cardinalv1 by Luis (License CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). This is an update of the set of Cardinal pieces in LiChess.


  • Selecting openings, some openings are missing from the list for direct selection.
  • Databases, game editing, incorrect board position.
  • Opening lines, when using figures and with a language other than English, they are not displayed correctly, and an error occurs when removing branches with piece movements.
  • Selecting colors, the background used sometimes makes the dialogue window unreadable.
  • Sounds, beep is not played when not all custom sounds have been configurated.
  • Analysis bar, does not analyse variations.
  • Opening lines, training with engines.
  • 2.15a, Configuration engines, changes are not saved when switching tabs.
  • 2.15b, Analysis bar, score also added below to maintain centring in relation to the board.
  • 2.15b, editing variations, closing with x, closes the previous window.
  • 2.15c, editing variations, Cancel and X cancels the changes.


  • Playing against any engine, initial moves tab, added to Variants, Chess 2880.
  • Playing against any engine, it is now possible to indicate time and depth or time and nodes, the time value is considered in this case as a maximum that the engine will take to respond, for example, if the engine takes longer to reach the indicated depth the engine is instructed to stop thinking (the final time is a little longer than indicated).
  • Analysis bar, with less abrupt movements.
  • Analysis bar, added in Tournaments/Leagues/Swiss.
  • Databases, when browsing games, +,-,Pg Up,Pg Down can be used to go to the next/previous game.
  • Colors/Main board/Your themes, added Utilities to copy values from current config to rest, and Import/Export/Up/Down.
  • 2.15a, Game analysis results window, the automatic resets have been removed, a splitter has been added between the top and the graphical part, and buttons to enlarge or decrease the size of the graph have been added.
  • 2.15a, Analysis bar, with score.
  • 2.15b, to open the game analysis window, shortcut Alt A.
  • 2.15b, Remove moves, included in Utilities/Remove.



  • Language Chinese_simplified by Zoushen.
  • Language French by Eric.
  • Language Greek by Nick Delta.
  • Language Hungarian by József Oláh.
  • Language Portuguese_BR by Laudecir Daniel, Adhoniran Gomes.
  • Language Spanish by Lucas Monge.

Version R2.14l

22 Apr 07:47
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In-depth beta testing by Eric.


  • Albums, autosave doesn't work.
  • Play against any engine, when adjourn if books are used.
  • Play against any engine, personalities, book doesn't work and some other fixes.
  • Kibitzers/Candidates, change of the MultiPV live option.
  • Registered books, down option doesn't work.
  • Opening lines, figurines are displayed in the tree if the general variable for displaying figurines is active.
  • Create your own game, the engine enable does not work.
  • R2.14a Training positions, with a list of positions without solutions.
  • R2.14c Massive analysis with workers, doesn't works moves limit by number.
  • R2.14c Leagues/Swiss, problem with result of games.
  • R2.14e Editing a variation, pressing the window x.
  • R2.14e Using mouse shortcuts, the pieces are unplaced.
  • R2.14f Fide/Fics elo, does not make the analysis correct.
  • R2.14g Analysis bar, auto-rotate based on the position of the pieces on the board, with right-button can be changed.
  • R2.14g Play like a GM, too long to start.
  • R2.14g Adjourn in opponents for young players.
  • R2.14g Playing against any engine, advanced tab, change false to true.
  • R2.14h Custom sounds do not work properly.
  • R2.14i Minor bugs.
  • R2.14j Leagues, changing season, doubled opponents.
  • R2.14j Playing like a GM, when using adjudicator, sometimes does extra analysis.
  • R2.14k Castling, if check or mate occurs at the same time, no sound is emitted and the game is blocked.
  • R2.14k Leagues, sometimes sorts wrong when using decimal numbers for the win/draw/loss rating.
  • R2.14k Engines logs in Tournaments/Leagues/Swiss does not work.
  • R2.14l Leagues, do not work.


  • Eboards, by Graham O'Neill. Chessnut EVO driver updated. It is now more stable if the Evo breaks the connection.
  • Eboards, during a game you can lift both kings on the board and setup a new position. Playing against any engine and Create your own game.
  • Play against any engine, Utilities/Change rival added nodes edition.
  • Memorize a game, option to select the side of the bottom of the board.
  • Train/Tactics/Positions, new option, Show comments, if a move has a comment it is displayed.
  • Opening lines, the name, the file, and the first movements can be edited by clicking on Change, or by right-clicking on the corresponding field.
  • Opening lines, from one branch of the tree another opening line can be generated.
  • Adapting the display of fields to large fonts.
  • PGN read support to ep as en passant move.
  • R2.14d Eboards, by Graham O'Neill. Added a driver for the iChessOne board. Allowed a position setup screen to be accessed by lifting both kings on the DGT Pegasus, Millennium eOne, Square Off Pro and Tabutonic boards.Fixed a bug in setting up positions on the other boards when the board was rotated.
  • R2.14e New option in configurations to set the font of the messages.
  • R2.14g Playing against any engine, advanced tab, added by default button.
  • R2.14h Figurines in kibitzers.
  • R2.14h Chess-Leipzig pieces, fixed some flaws, downloaded now from
  • R2.14h Colors/Main Board, option to show themes in a table with the possibility to edit when "your themes".
  • R2.14h Eboards, by Graham O'Neill. Linux: Certabo, Tabutronic and IChessOne drivers only load the BLE support library if BluetoothLE is selected.
  • R2.14j Playing against any engine, initial moves tab, added Variants button(Eric idea).
  • R2.14k Adjusted the size of Regular2 pieces by Tamer64.
  • R2.14k Colors themes by Tamer64, added a new theme, Green-Yellow.
  • R2.14k Kibizers/Candidates/point of view before move, highlight the movement made.
  • R2.14k Leagues/Config, option to edit names and change engines, which may be of interest in case of abnormal operation of one of the engines in the middle of the tourney.


  • R2.14g CTRL T on all boards, copy the position into the database Selected Positions
  • R2.14k New set of pieces Kilfiger2 by Tamer64. Improved the Kilfiger set by adding depth and adjusting the size.


Updated translations

  • Language French by Eric.
  • Language Greek by Nick Delta.
  • Language Hungarian by József Oláh.
  • Language Chinese_simplified by Zoushen.
  • Language German by Tobias.
  • Language Spanish by Lucas Monge.
  • Language Portuguese_BR by Adhoniran Gomes

Version R2.13

06 Apr 16:18
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In-depth beta testing by Eric.


  • Game analysis, new option to add tags to the game about accuracy.
  • Databases, simple position search (Filter-By position), laying the groundwork for a more complex search in the future.
  • Tutor, in the tutor window, a button (an eye icon) has been added that shows the tutor analysis in a standard way.


  • Databases, create trainings, now through the Export option.
  • Databases, Tags, moved from Config to Utilities as Update tags.


  • Training positions, when it is a pre-solution training, comments are not shown at the end.
  • Train/Games/Captures and threats, some labels about position number and depth are wrong.
  • Train/Games/Counts moves, some labels about position number and depth are wrong.
  • Showing variants in the main window, when they have many movements and the allocated width is small, leaves a lot of space above.
  • Comments and variants window, does not maintain width.
  • Endings with Gaviota, fixed board resizing.
  • Databases, editing a game, changing the result tag is not done correctly.
  • Playing against any engine, using external engines, the correct uci options are not always used.
  • Training openings with a book, the game generated could show an erroneous opening or ECO.


  • Eboards, by Graham O'Neill. Added Chessnut EVO driver. For most of the boards added an option on the Config screen to "Show possible moves". This will highlight the squares a piece can move to when it's lifted up. For some boards (Novag/Saitek/Square Off) it wasn't possible and for the DGT Pegasus it didn't work well as only one LED can light at a time. Added BLE support to the Certabo and Tabutronic boards.


  • Language French by Eric.
  • Language Greek by Nick Delta.
  • Language Hungarian by Jzsef Olh.
  • Language Chinese_simplified by Zoushen.
  • Language Spanish by Lucas Monge.

Version R2.12d

03 Mar 09:41
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In-depth beta testing by Eric. Upgrade Stockfish to version 16.1


  • Stockfish, including 10 64-bit and 3 32-bit builds, each compatible with specific cpus. An automatic process is launched to select the fastest version compatible with the computer. From the Engines Configurations/Others, you can go through the process again.
  • 2.12c: Kibitzer of database games.
  • 2.12d: Parameter to set the margin of the pieces in each square, in General configuration/Board, from 0 to 20 pixels.
  • 2.12d: Training positions, new option to remove pre-defined solutions (temporally in this training).


  • Opening lines, shifted the board to the right, to improve the visualization.
  • In the movement table, the up arrow moves the cursor to the previous row and the down arrow to the next row.
  • Swiss tournaments. Changed and simplified the internal procedure for calculating pairings.
  • 2.12b: Analysing a game, in the creation of training on the basis of erroneous movements, the detection of these is done using the same system as in the pgn table.


  • 2.12a: Training on a map does not work when STS positions are used.
  • 2.12b: Your daily test, shows only two alternatives.
  • 2.12d: Databases, edit any field with right button, to allow a tag in a set to be removed.
  • 2.12d: Linux, resolved some problems that were blocking the launch of the program.


  • Swiss tournaments, added option to set the number of rounds.
  • Map training, added Pending option with less than 10 elements remaining.
  • 2.12b: Opening lines, with the right button you have the option to generate a single pgn taking the active line as the main line, and the others (from the active movement) as variants.
  • 2.12b: Themes by Ben Citac.
  • 2.12c: Databases, export to CSV.
  • 2.12c: Databases, edit any field with right button.


Updated translations

  • Language French by Eric.
  • Language Greek by Nick Delta.
  • Language Hungarian by József Oláh.
  • Language Spanish by Lucas Monge.

Version R2.11g

06 Feb 16:38
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In-depth beta testing of the program by Eric.

Compiling the LINUX version with Open SUSE Leap( following the advice of Laudecir Daniel and xyz).

Komodo Dragon 1 NNUE included.

Swiss tournaments.

New translation, Hungarian by József Oláh.


  • Belastegui/Belastegui2, new set of pieces, by Belastegui.
  • New color theme by Belastegui.
  • 4 new color themes by Tamer64.
  • Swiss tournament
  • Utilities - Save - as GIF
  • Language Hungarian by József Oláh.
  • New board theme by default based on Ben Citac themes. Now it is possible (ALT B) to select with By default option, the old one and this new one.


  • Playing as a GM, personal GM deletion does not work.
  • Opening lines, importing from other opening line, graphics elements are not copied.
  • Tactics by repetition, reinforcements, when the error occurs does not return to the first position.
  • Analysis engine is not configured correctly according to the parameters determined in the configuration.
  • 2.11a: Some trainings (Expedition to Everest, Learn openings with book, ) don´t work.
  • 2.11b: Learn openings with book don´t work.
  • 2.11c: Editing comments in games, the edit field does not refresh.
  • 2.11d: Variations when converting to main line.
  • 2.11f: Tactics by repetition in 2.11e.
  • 2.11g: Massive analisis, workers do not work, they collapse.


  • Eboards, by Graham O'Neill. A bug in the LED display on Chessnut boards was fixed. For setting up a new position on boards with piece recognition you can now rotate the board now using the kings. Small changes to LED display and handling of rotated board in Setup position. Improved handling of Qt5 themes in KDE Linux.
  • Learn a game, includes the possibility to play with both sides.
  • Editing a game, possibility to add opening and ECO as PGN labels.
  • Variantions, possibility to change their order, also to convert one into the main line.
  • OS Linux to compile changed to OpenSuse 15.5, and only one Linux version is published.
  • Tourney-elo/The Wicker Park Tourney, it is now possible to play with unlimited time.
  • Opening lines, importing a polyglot book, control of the minimum percentage and minimum weight.
  • Databases, CTRL G to jump to a record number.
  • Option in the configuration to determine the direction of scrolling with the mouse wheel on boards and another one for the pgn table.
  • Playing against any engine, possibility of including a node limit in the engine's thinking, for those engines that allow this UCI option.
  • Massive database analysis, added option to use several processes in parallel.
  • Language Portuguese_BR by Laudecir Daniel.
  • Language German by Johannes Bolzano,Tobias,Olav.
  • Language Spanish by Lucas Monge.
  • Language Finnish by Heikki J..
  • Language French by Eric, Lolo S..
  • Language Greek by Nick Delta.
  • Language Dutch by Willy Lefebvre.
  • Language Polish by Dariusz Popadowski.
  • Language Romanian by Curs de Sah Ploiesti.
  • Language Ukrainian by Maxym Makarchuk.
  • Language Chinese Simplified by Zoushen.
  • 2.11d: Language Greek by Nick Delta
  • 2.11d: Opening lines, tree, new option with right button, to find positions with more than a response.
  • 2.11e: Analysis of a game, changed options to add variations.


  • Updated Komodo, Version Dragon 1, Don Dailey, Larry Kaufman, Mark Lefler, Dmitry Pervov, Dietrich Kappe, (

Version R2.10a

14 Sep 21:30
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In-depth beta testing of the program by Eric. Analysis bar. Play human vs human.


  • Play human vs human.
  • Analysis Bar, which can be activated by playing against an engine or another human or by visualising a game, either directly or from Config, Show/Hide.
  • Databases with positions, added option Export to a position sheet in open document format.


  • 2.10a: Analysis of a game in some situations is not displayed.
  • 2.10a: Play like a GM, option "Show all" is not saved as default to the next time.
  • 2.10a: Director, the coordinate information is wrong, when using the right mouse button.


  • Komodo 64 bit basic, regression to 13.02. 14.1 64 bit does not work on some 64 bit pcs.

  • Kibitzers, a limit can be added to the depth that the engine analyses.

  • 2.10a: Human vs human mode, added autorotate board option

  • 2.10a: Enable analysis bar by default in Options/Configuration/Appearance 2.

  • 2.10a: Save as PGN, added language tab when it is different from English. And the clipboard refers to the active tab.

  • Language Greek by Nick Delta.

  • Language Fininsh by Heikki.

  • Language French by Eric and Lolo.

  • Language Chinese by Zoushen.

  • Chinese openings by Zoushen.

  • Language Spanish by Lucas.

  • Language Nederlands by Willy Lefebvre.
