Version R2.10a
In-depth beta testing of the program by Eric. Analysis bar. Play human vs human.
- Play human vs human.
- Analysis Bar, which can be activated by playing against an engine or another human or by visualising a game, either directly or from Config, Show/Hide.
- Databases with positions, added option Export to a position sheet in open document format.
- 2.10a: Analysis of a game in some situations is not displayed.
- 2.10a: Play like a GM, option "Show all" is not saved as default to the next time.
- 2.10a: Director, the coordinate information is wrong, when using the right mouse button.
Komodo 64 bit basic, regression to 13.02. 14.1 64 bit does not work on some 64 bit pcs.
Kibitzers, a limit can be added to the depth that the engine analyses.
2.10a: Human vs human mode, added autorotate board option
2.10a: Enable analysis bar by default in Options/Configuration/Appearance 2.
2.10a: Save as PGN, added language tab when it is different from English. And the clipboard refers to the active tab.
Language Greek by Nick Delta.
Language Fininsh by Heikki.
Language French by Eric and Lolo.
Language Chinese by Zoushen.
Chinese openings by Zoushen.
Language Spanish by Lucas.
Language Nederlands by Willy Lefebvre.
- Updated lc0, Version Windows 0.30.0, The LCZero Authors, [] (
- New lc0 DNNL, Version Windows 0.30.0, The LCZero Authors, [] (