is a pure python3 wsgi application for serving MBTiles.
MBTiles can be exported from Tilemill.
The application's MBTiles filepath can be defined in the '' variable, MBTILES_ABSPATH. The application's tile image file extension can also be set via the '' variable, MBTILES_TILE_EXT.
By default requests are expected to follow the TMS addressing scheme. (For example, '/z/x/y.png') See ( for details. The Google maps XYZ scheme is supported by setting the USE_OSGEO_TMS_TILE_ADDRESSING value to False in the '' file.
In addition, the /metadata/
URL is available to view the .mbtiles file's metadata table in json
(And if the included sample configurations and index.html
are used, /index.html
provides a test map to confirm that your tiles are being served from the defined .mbtiles
This includes a simple test server for verification purposes. The Installation section below describes how to configure this to serve tiles with reverse-proxy caching using Nginx, with the configuration files included in this project.
The test server is implemented through from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
$ python3 --serve --filepath exports/OSMBright.mbtiles
2015-02-24 16:27:45,473 - servembtiles - INFO - FILEPATH: /home/myuser/mapdata/exports/OSMBright.mbtiles
2015-02-24 16:27:45,473 - servembtiles - INFO - TILE EXT: .png
2015-02-24 16:27:45,474 - servembtiles - INFO - ADDRESS : localhost
2015-02-24 16:27:45,474 - servembtiles - INFO - PORT : 8005
- Python 3.5.X
The '' file contains the following values:
* MBTILES_ABSPATH - The absolute path to the mbtiles file to serve
* MBTILES_TILE_EXT - The image extension to use (".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg")
* MBTILES_ZOOM_OFFSET - Apply a integer zoom offset, default '0'
* USE_OSGEO_TMS_TILE_ADDRESSING - True (default) set to False to use Google XYZ addressing.
This section describes the initial application installation method on ubuntu 14.04.
Create 'venv' on target server:
$ cd /var/www $ sudo mkdir servembtiles $ sudo chmod 777 servembtiles $ python3 -m venv servembtiles
Clone 'servembtiles' repository:
$ cd /var/www/servembtiles $ git clone GIT_REPOSTIORY_URL repo
Activate venv and install requirements:
$ source bin/activate (servembtiles)$ cd repo (servembtiles)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Symlink the 'servembtiles_nginx.conf' to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
$ sudo ln -s /var/www/servembtiles/repo/conf/servembtiles_nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ $ sudo ln -s /var/www/servembtiles/repo/conf/servembtiles_cache_nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
To allow the socket (for uwsgi<->nginx comunication) to be created, chmod on servembtiles/repo directory:
sudo chmod 777 /var/www/servembtiles/repo
Copy upstart configuration file, servembtiles-uwsgi.conf to /etc/init to run application as a service:
sudo cp /var/www/servembtiles/repo/servembtiles-uwsgi.conf /etc/init
Copy Map Data (or configure to a location which the nginx user can access)
$ mkdir /var/www/servembtiles/servembtiles/mapdata $ cp [MAPDATA.mbtiles] /var/www/servembtiles/repo/mapdata
Update host addres in index.html
# Update only if you plan to use index.html included ... 'http://localhost:8005/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { // <-- localhost must be changed to browser accessible host ...
Start uwsgi application & Restart nginx
sudo service servembtiles-uwsgi start sudo service nginx restart
Note: Related log files are located in "/var/log/nginx" & "/var/log/uwsgi/servembtiles-uwsgi.log" Application configured to be served at SERVER_IP_ADDRESS:8005 Port configured in servembtiles_nginx.conf file