Set of utility functions for use with GenomicRanges
Install R-4.0 or later
Install devtools
- Install readsupport and dependent packages
## allows dependencies that throw warnings to install
What (short or long) reads support a given (known) rearrangement? This analysis is important for vetting or merging rearrangement calls, for genotyping new samples, and for co-calling.
allows you to assess the read support for a junction or arbitrary
rearranged contig (including those representing a multi-part rearrangements).
It is built on top of gGnome
, RSeqLib
, and GenomicRanges
Examples under construction!
Marcin Imielinski - Associate Professor, Weill Cornell Medicine; Core Member, New York Genome Center
Zi-Ning Choo - MD-PhD student, Tri-Institutional MD PhD program, Cornell University
Alon Shaiber - Genomics Data Scientist, Imielinski Lab, Weill Cornell Medicine