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apapani edited this page Feb 17, 2021 · 25 revisions

European Food Safety Authority

In order to complete Sample Level Data (Level 2) for SCRAPIE, reporting countries need to populate a number of fields, as follows:

  • Data check: not editable, contains error/warning messages which guide the user during the editing

  • Sample/case assessment~: this field represents the final status of the scrapie case, according to the testing protocol, after conducting all the necessary analytical tests. The available options are:

    • Atypical scrapie
    • BSE-not excluded (i.e. BSE-like)
    • CH1641-like
    • Classical scrapie (i.e. BSE-excluded in 1st molecular test)
    • Inconclusive case
    • Negative sample
    • Pending (available since TSE tool version 2.0.0)

    Since v2.0.0, if the final status of the sample is not yet available, there is the option to select "Pending" until the final result is available. This option is only supposed to be used in exceptional circumstances. A report will not be considered final in the tool if there is "Pending" selected in this field in any of the entries in the "Samples level data" form. It is the responsibility of the reporting country to update the final assessment in the corresponding report during the reporting period (until 31 March of the following year) to avoid mismatch in the number of cases between years.

  • Sample ID*: open text field to report the unique identification number for each sample assigned by the reporting country. If the Sample ID is considered confidential by the reporting country, an alternative ID can be provided. However, the reporting country should keep a mapping table of the actual and alternative ID numbers. It is the responsibility of the reporting country to submit data which can be traced at all times.

  • Part*: pre-populated with "Obex", represents the main anatomical area of the sample. The available options are:

    • Blood
    • Brain
    • Obex
    • Retropharyngeal lymph node (RPLN)
    • Other head lymph node (other than RPLN)
    • Tonsil
  • National case ID~: open text field to report the unique identification number for each case assigned by the reporting country. The field is mandatory for all Positive and Inconclusive/Pending cases and if it is considered confidential by the reporting country, an alternative ID can be provided. However, the reporting country should keep a mapping table of the actual and alternative ID numbers. It is responsibility of the reporting country to submit data which can be traced at all times.

    The syntax of the National case ID should be such that they cannot be confused with cases from other reporting countries. A proposed syntax is to include the ISO code for the reporting country followed by the type, year and the national identifier of the case. For example, the first case of scrapie in Croatia in 2018 would be: HRSCR20180001 or HR/SCR/2018/0001

  • Animal ID~: open text field to report the unique identification number for each animal assigned by the reporting country. The field is mandatory for all Positive and Inconclusive/Pending cases and if it is considered confidential by the reporting country, an alternative ID can be provided. However, the reporting country should keep a mapping table of the real and the alternative ID numbers. It is responsibility of the reporting country to submit data which can be traced at all times.

  • Herd ID: open text field to report the unique identification number for each flock/herd of origin of the sheep/goat assigned by the reporting country. If the field is considered confidential by the reporting country, an alternative ID can be provided. However, the reporting country should keep a mapping table of the real and the alternative ID numbers. It is responsibility of the reporting country to submit data which can be traced at all times.

  • Holding ID: open text field to record the unique number of the holding of origin of the animal, assigned by the reporting country. Note that there could be multiple Herd IDs within the same Holding ID. If the Holding ID is considered confidential by the reporting country, an alternative ID can be provided. However, the reporting country should keep a mapping table of the real and the alternative ID numbers. It is responsibility of the reporting country to submit data which can be traced at all times.

  • Sampling Day: the available options include numbers between 1 and 31 and the blank option

  • Sampling area~: the area where the holding of origin is located. The options available in the drop-down menu are those corresponding to the NUTS 2 level areas of the reporting country. It is mandatory for all Positive and Inconclusive/Pending cases.

  • Index case~: pre-populated with "Yes". It is mandatory for all Positive and Inconclusive/Pending cases. It is assumed that index cases (Index case = "Yes") are reported from "Not infected" flocks (herd/flock status) while secondary cases (Index case = "No") are reported from "Infected" flocks.

  • Country of birth~, the available options include all reporting countries and the blank option. Since TSE tool version 2.0.0, the options "European Union", "Non European Union", "Unknown" are also available. It is mandatory for all Positive and Inconclusive/Pending cases.

  • Year of birth~: the available options include values between 1995 and 2030. It is mandatory for all Positive and Inconclusive/Pending cases.

  • Month of birth~: the available options include 12 values between January and December. It is mandatory for all Positive and Inconclusive/Pending cases.

  • Born in the flock: the available options are "Yes" and "No" and the blank option. If the animal was born in the herd referred to in Herd ID, select "Yes".

  • Breed: open text field to report the breed of the animal, if known.

  • Comment: open text field to be used in case additional information about the case and not provided so far needs to be reported (to be filled only if strictly necessary).



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