Added support for resetting zoom by clicking zoom label
Added optional skinning support for resize button
Added custom MinZoom and MaxZoom (via ini settings)
Added reset zoom ini-setting
Added Min/Max/Reset Zoom inputs in preferences window
Added MinZoom/MaxZoom/ResetZoom default ini settings to polyworks.ini
Added default shortcut key info to help page
Added support loading of jpeg and jpg textures in map dialog
Added snapped tool windows stay snapped to window border on resize
Added * to filename label if there will be a prompt on close/load
Added default values for when polyworks.ini is missing to errors on startup
Modified use I-Beam cursor for zoom percentage input
Modified align preference labels consistently
Modified use large titlebar for up to 5k resolutions
Modified only hide tool windows when moving editor window instead on mouse down
Modified increase height of scenery list
Modified *clr ini settings into *color
Modified improve readability of default tools window buttons
Modified change skin folder to <polyworks_dir>\skins*
Modified move default "gfx" skin into skin folder under new name "default"
Modified sync help tools naming with current naming in program
Modified make help html pass html validator checks
Modified rename clrpicker.cur into colorpicker.cur
Modified center manual and limit width to improve readability
Modified center copyright information in help file
Modified adjust preferences positioning and labels for consistency
Modified don't lowercase folder selection result in preferences dialog
Modified use consistent error messages
Modified remove layout jump due to missing image size info in help file
Modified save poly type color config on close in polyworks.ini
Fixed skin colors not applied to all controls
Fixed preference window other section "use 4 verts for scenery" text cut off
Fixed Maximized window overlaps taskbar
Fixed uninstaller doesn't delete new resize.bmp file
Fixed preferences dialog other section frame border skinning wasn't applied
Fixed issue error terminating issue when colorpicker is open
Fixed zoom info label cut off on large zoom numbers
Fixed broken grid rendering for narrow window sizes
Fixed menu setting is off initially even if grid is on
Fixed initial grid rendering for narrow windows is broken before resize
Fixed programm doesn't open in maximized mode
Fixed error message when selecting using vertex selection tool while zoomed in
Fixed maximized main window gets resized after applying preferences
Fixed point render issues in Wine (and WineD3D for Windows)
Fixed render error when loading workspace in windowed mode
Fixed background color assignment for options not applied for second background color
Fixed make tool windows all snap after workspace reset in non maximized state
Fixed reset workspace doesn't handle different taskbar size/position and 16:9 screens correctly
Fixed getting rgb color for AARRGGBB returns wrong value
Fixed wrong maximize button icon if main window is maximized on start up
Fixed loading/saving zoom* config setting should use "##.#" format only to work with initial settings
Fixed clear sketch menu doesn't rerender canvas after clear
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