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Clearing all transforms

ousnius edited this page Oct 7, 2020 · 2 revisions

There are different types of transforms, such as:

  • Node transforms (e.g. NiNode)
  • Static shape transforms (e.g. NiTriShape, BSTriShape, ...)
  • Global-to-skin transforms (NiSkinData, not saved to file for FO4)
  • Bone transforms (NiSkinData, BSSkin::BoneData) for each bone

Sometimes, when meshes are aligned in Outfit Studio but transforms aren't dealt with (cleared by the user or redone), they can appear in a wrong spot in-game or become invisible as you get closer, as the game might think they are "out-of-bounds" (not visible by the player, even though they're clearly on screen).

One way to clear them is to:

  1. Make sure the shapes appear correctly aligned with a clean reference mesh (such as the body) in Outfit Studio. If they do not, use the transform tool or "Shape -> Move" to align them.
  2. Then, clear the global-to-skin transform by going into the Shape Properties ("Coordinates" tab) of each individual shape and setting the origin/rotation to 0,0,0 and the scale to 1.0. Make sure the "Recalculate geometry's coordinates so it doesn't move" is checked and click OK. Repeat this for each shape.
  3. To update bone transforms and clear the static shape transforms, use the "Edit -> Reset Transforms" command once (it affects all shapes).