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Installing Nektar1D
This page provides some of my additional notes on installing Nektar1D, and should be read in conjunction with the reference manual as described on this page. Indeed, many of the notes are based on this manual.
NB: Access approval is required from Jordi Alastruey-Arimon in order to install Nektar 1D.
You will need an installation of Linux with which to run Nektar1D. If you already using Linux as your operating system then you will not require a Virtual Box. However, if you (for instance) use Windows or a Mac without the option to boot in Linux, then it may be helpful to run Linux through a virtual box. This section provides a few hints on installing a virtual box.
I used Oracle VM VirtualBox (which can be downloaded for free) to run Ubuntu.
It was necessary to create a shared folder to pass files between the virtual box and the host operating system. I installed a shared folder by following the instructions here. Firstly, a shared folder was created in Windows at:
It was named VM-share. After running the following commands in Ubuntu:
sudo mkdir /media/windows-share
sudo mount -t vboxsf VM-share /media/windows-share
it was accessible at:
The reference manual provides instructions for compiling Nektar1D in Linux. Here are a few abbreviated notes on this process.
Mercurial was installed using:
sudo apt-get install mercurial
Following this, a clone of the code hosted at BitBucket was made, using login details. NB: This requires access approval from Jordi Alastruey-Arimon. The BitBucket repository was cloned to /home/<linux username>/nektar
using the following commands:
cd ~/home
sudo hg clone https://<username>@bitbucket.org/JordiAlastruey/nektar
(where <username> was replaced with my BitBucket username).
I found that the Nektar folder was restricted to the root user, so changed the permissions to allow me to read and write to the folder. To do this I used the following commands:
sudo chown -R <linux username> ~/nektar
where <linux username> is replaced with the username used to log in to Linux.
I installed the Vim package to allow me to edit files using:
sudo apt-get install vim
I opened the configuration file of Mercurial using
vim ~/nektar/.hg/hgrc
I then edited the configuration file of Mercurial (by pressing i in Vim) by adding the following lines of text:
default = https://<username>@bitbucket.org/JordiAlastruey/nektar
username = <username> <<email address>>
Again, <username> and <email address> should be replaced with those associated with BitBucket. Note that the email address specified in this text is enclosed in <> brackets.
To save the changes I pressed Esc
then entered: :wq.
To check whether the g++ and gfortran compilers were installed, I followed the instructions here, using the
dpkg --list | grep compiler
command. Finding that they weren't installed, I used these commands to install them:
sudo apt-get install g++
sudo apt-get install gfortran
I also checked whether the required symbolic links were there using the following commands:
ln -s ../Makefile Makefile in nektar/Hlib/Linux
ln -s ../MakeHybrid MakeHybrid in nektar/Hlib/Linux
ln -s GCC.inc Linux.inc in nektar/Flags
I installed the additional tools required using:
sudo apt-get install byacc
sudo apt-get install liblapack-dev
I compiled Nektar using
cd nektar/Veclib
cd ../Hlib/Linux
make dbx
make opt
cd ../..
cp Veclib/libvec.a Hlib/Linux/.
make dbx in nektar/1DBio/Linux
The rest of the instructions in Section 2 of the reference manual were straightforward to follow.
After playing around with the last step in Section 2 of the Reference Manual, it was possible to run oneDbio from any current directory in the terminal. This was achieved by opening the bashrc file,
vim ~/.bashrc
and adding the following to the file:
export PATH=$PATH:/home/<linux username>/nektar/1DBio/Linux
and then refreshing the environment variables using:
source ~/.bashrc
After this, I found that the following commands ran a simulation:
cd ~/nektar/examples/55art
oneDbio 55art_elas.in
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