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Peter H Charlton edited this page Aug 16, 2021 · 35 revisions


all the important data in a single Matlab ® file

This page provides details of the contents of the pwdb_data.mat file. The file contains a single structure called data, with three fields:

  • data.config: Details of the model configuration used for each virtual subject
  • data.waves: The simulated PWs at common measurement sites for each virtual subject
  • data.haemods: Haemodynamic parameters extracted from PWs for each virtual subject
  • data.pw_inds: PW indices extracted from PWs for each virtual subject
  • data.plausibility: The haemodynamic plausibility of each virtual subject

The contents of each of these fields are now described.


This field contains details of the model configuration used for each virtual subject. It contains the following variables:

Note that each of these are the values prescribed to the model before running the simulations. Therefore, the values of haemodynamic variables (such as heart rate) will be close to the actual simulated values, but not exactly the same.

Variable Contents
baseline_sim_for_all A logical indicating which of the virtual subjects is the baseline subject (i.e. the 25-year old subject with all of its cardiovascular properties set to baseline values).
baseline_sim_for_age A logical indicating which virtual subjects are the baseline subjects for each age group (i.e. the subjects with all of their cardiovascular properties set to the baseline value for their age).
hr The heart rate (HR) prescribed for each virtual subject, measured in beats per minute (bpm).
hr_SD The number of standard deviations of the heart rate (HR) away from the age-specific baseline value, for each virtual subject.
sv The stroke volume (SV) prescribed for each virtual subject, measured in millilitres (ml).
sv_SD The number of standard deviations of the stroke volume (SV) away from the age-specific baseline value, for each virtual subject.
lvet The left ventricular ejection time (LVET) prescribed for each virtual subject, measured in milliseconds (ms).
lvet_SD The number of standard deviations of the left ventricular ejection time (LVET) away from the age-specific baseline value, for each virtual subject.
pft The aortic peak flow time (PFT) prescribed for each virtual subject, measured in milliseconds (ms).
pft_SD The number of standard deviations of the aortic peak flow time (PFT) away from the age-specific baseline value, for each virtual subject.
rfv The reverse flow volume (RFV) prescribed for each virtual subject, measured in millilitres (ml).
rfv_SD The number of standard deviations of the reverse flow volume (RFV) away from the age-specific baseline value, for each virtual subject.
dbp The diastolic blood pressure (DBP) prescribed for each virtual subject, measured in Pascals (Pa).
dbp_SD The number of standard deviations of the diastolic blood pressure (DBP) away from the age-specific baseline value, for each virtual subject.
mbp The mean blood pressure (MBP) prescribed for each virtual subject, measured in mmHg.
mbp_SD The number of standard deviations of the mean blood pressure (MBP) away from the age-specific baseline value, for each virtual subject.
pvr The peripheral vascular resistance (PVR) prescribed for each virtual subject, measured in tbc.
pvr_SD The number of standard deviations of the peripheral vascular resistance (PVR) away from the age-specific baseline value, for each virtual subject.
pvc The scaling factor applied to the baseline 25-year old's peripheral vascular compliance (PVC) prescribed for each virtual subject.
pvc_SD The number of standard deviations of the PVC scaling factor away from the age-specific baseline value, for each virtual subject.
p_out The outflow blood pressure (Pout) prescribed for each virtual subject, measured in Pascals (Pa).
p_out_SD The number of standard deviations of the outflow blood pressure (Pout) away from the age-specific baseline value, for each virtual subject.
len The scaling factor applied to the age-specific baseline subject's proximal aortic length prescribed for each virtual subject.
len_SD The number of standard deviations of the proximal aortic length away from the age-specific baseline value, for each virtual subject.
dia The scaling factor applied to the age-specific baseline subject's larger artery diameter prescribed for each virtual subject.
dia_SD The number of standard deviations of the larger artery diameter away from the age-specific baseline value, for each virtual subject.
dia The scaling factor applied to the age-specific baseline subject's pulse wave velocity (PWV) prescribed for each virtual subject.
dia_SD The number of standard deviations of the pulse wave velocity (PWV) away from the age-specific baseline value, for each virtual subject.
age The age of each virtual subject (in years).

data.config also contains several structures. The contents of these structures are listed below:


variations fields Contents
param_names contains the names of the model input parameters
params contains the number of standard deviations of each parameter away from the age-specific baseline value, for each virtual subject.


desired_chars fields Contents
pwv_cf The desired carotid-femoral PWV (m/s) values for each subject
pwv_fa The desired femoral-ankle PWV (m/s) values for each subject
pwv_br The desired brachial-radial PWV (m/s) values for each subject
dia_asc_a The desired diameter of the ascending aorta (mm) for each subject
dia_desc_thor_a The desired diameter of the descending thoracic aorta (mm) for each subject
dia_abd_a The desired diameter of the abdominal aorta (mm) for each subject
dia_car The desired diameter of the carotid artery (mm) for each subject
len_prox_a The desired length of the proximal aorta (mm) for each subject

network fields Contents
segment_name The names of each of the 116 arterial segments used in the model
inlet_node The inlet nodes of each of the 116 arterial segments, for each virtual subject
outlet_node The outlet nodes of each of the 116 arterial segments, for each virtual subject
length The lengths of each of the 116 arterial segments, for each virtual subject (in metres)
inlet_radius The inlet radii of each of the 116 arterial segments, for each virtual subject (in metres)
outlet_radius The outlet radii of each of the 116 arterial segments, for each virtual subject (in metres)


constants fields Contents
k The values of k1, k2 and k3 used in the equation describing arterial stiffness (Eh), for each virtual subject
rho Blood density (kg/m3) for each virtual subject
gamma_b0 The value of b0 used in the equation describing arterial wall viscosity, for each virtual subject
gamma_b1 The value of b1 used in the equation describing arterial wall viscosity, for each virtual subject
mu Blood viscosity (Pa s) for each virtual subject
alpha The viscosity profile coefficient (unitless) for each virtual subject
p_drop The assumed drop in mean arterial blood pressure from the aortic root to the periphery for each virtual subject


system_chars fields Contents
pvr The values of the peripheral vascular resistance (PVR), measured in Pa s / m3, for each virtual subject
pvc The values of the total compliance, measured in m3 / Pa, for each virtual subject
pvc_iw The values of the impedance-weighted peripheral compliance, measured in m3 / Pa, for each virtual subject
ac The values of the total arterial compliance, measured in m3 / Pa, for each virtual subject
c The values of the total compliance, measured in m3 / Pa, for each virtual subject
tau The time constant, measured in s, for each virtual subject


The data.waves structure contains the following fields.

Field Contents
fs Wave sampling frequency, measured in Hz
P_##### Arterial blood pressure wave (P), measured in mmHg, for each virtual subject
U_##### Arterial blood flow velocity wave (U), measured in m/s, for each virtual subject
A_##### Arterial luminal area wave (A), measured in m3, for each virtual subject
PPG_##### Photoplethysmogram (PPG) wave for each virtual subject (arbitrary units)

In each field name, ##### denotes an arterial site (such as AorticRoot). The locations of these sites are as follows:

Site Location
AorticRoot The aortic root, i.e. at the start of segment no. 1.
ThorAorta In the thoracic aorta, i.e. at the end of segment 18.
AbdAorta In the abdominal aorta, i.e. at the start of segment 39.
IliacBif At the iliac bifurcation (on the aortic side rather than in an iliac artery), i.e. at the end of segment 41.
Carotid In the left carotid artery, i.e. half way along segment 15.
SupTemporal At the end of the left superior temporal artery, i.e. at the end of segment 87. This location was used to approximate pulse waves at the ear.
SupMidCerebral At the end of the Left Superior Middle Cerebral artery, i.e. at the end of segment 72.
Brachial In the left brachial artery, at approximately the location where a brachial cuff measurement would be taken, i.e. three quarters of the way along the brachial artery (i.e. in the upper arm, segment 21).
Radial At the end of the left radial artery (i.e. at the wrist, segment 22).
Digital At the end of one of the left digital arteries (i.e. at the finger, segment 112).
CommonIliac Half way along the left common iliac artery (segment 44).
Femoral Half way along the left femoral artery (segment 46).
AntTibial At the end of the left anterior tibial artery (i.e. at the ankle, segment 49).

The data.waves structure also contains a structure called onset_times. This structure contains the pulse onset times for each pulse wave (measured in secs). This is helpful for looking at pulse wave propagation, including calculating pulse wave velocities.


This structure contains the following fields, with a value for each virtual subject. Note that some fields are followed by an abbreviation indicating arterial site:

  • a - aortic root
  • b - brachial artery
  • f - finger
Field Contents
age age, in years
HR heart rate, bpm
SV stroke volume, ml
CO cardiac output, l/min
LVET left ventricular ejection time (i.e. duration of systole), ms
dPdt maximum value of the time-derivative of the pressure wave, mmHg/s
PFT time of peak aortic flow, ms
RFV reverse flow volume, ml
SBP systolic blood pressure, mmHg
DBP diastolic blood pressure, mmHg
MBP mean blood pressure, mmHg
PP pulse pressure, mmHg
PP_amp pulse pressure amplification (i.e brachial PP divided by aortic root PP), ratio
MBP_drop_finger pressure drop from aortic root to digital artery, mmHg
MBP_drop_ankle pressure drop from aortic root to anterior tibial artery, mmHg
SBP_diff brachial SBP minus aortic root SBP, mmHg
SMBP systolic minus mean blood pressure, mmHg
P1 blood pressure at the time of P1, mmHg
P1t time of P1, secs
P2 blood pressure at the time of P2, mmHg
P2t time of P2, secs
Ps blood pressure at systolic peak, mmHg
Pst time of systolic peak, secs
AI augmentation index, calculated from: (P2-P1)/PP
AP augmentation index, calculated from: (P2-P1)
Tr time to reflected wave, ms, equal to P1t_c
IAD inter-arm difference in SBP, mmHg, calculated from: SBP(right brachial) - SBP(left brachial)
IADabs absolute inter-arm difference in SBP, mmHg
PWV_a pulse wave velocity (m/s) measured between the aortic root and iliac bifurcation (foot-to-foot between pressure waves)
PWV_cf pulse wave velocity (m/s) measured between the carotid and femoral arteries (foot-to-foot between pressure waves)
PWV_cr pulse wave velocity (m/s) measured between the carotid and radial arteries (foot-to-foot between pressure waves)
PWV_ca pulse wave velocity (m/s) measured between the carotid artery and the ankle (foot-to-foot between pressure waves)
PWV_cb pulse wave velocity (m/s) measured between the carotid and the brachial arteries (foot-to-foot between pressure waves)
PWV_bf pulse wave velocity (m/s) measured between the brachial and femoral arteries (foot-to-foot between pressure waves)
PWV_br pulse wave velocity (m/s) measured between the brachial and radial arteries (foot-to-foot between pressure waves)
PWV_ba pulse wave velocity (m/s) measured between the brachial artery and the ankle (foot-to-foot between pressure waves)
PWV_rf pulse wave velocity (m/s) measured between the radial and femoral arteries (foot-to-foot between pressure waves)
PWV_ra pulse wave velocity (m/s) measured between the radial artery and the ankle (foot-to-foot between pressure waves)
PWV_fa pulse wave velocity (m/s) measured between the femoral and anterior tibial (ankle) arteries (foot-to-foot between pressure waves)
PWV_a pulse wave velocity (m/s) measured between the aortic root and iliac bifurcation (theoretical)
PWV_cf pulse wave velocity (m/s) measured between the carotid and femoral arteries (theoretical)
PWV_cr pulse wave velocity (m/s) measured between the carotid and radial arteries (theoretical)
PWV_ca pulse wave velocity (m/s) measured between the carotid artery and the ankle (theoretical)
PWV_cb pulse wave velocity (m/s) measured between the carotid and the brachial arteries (theoretical)
PWV_bf pulse wave velocity (m/s) measured between the brachial and femoral arteries (theoretical)
PWV_br pulse wave velocity (m/s) measured between the brachial and radial arteries (theoretical)
PWV_ba pulse wave velocity (m/s) measured between the brachial artery and the ankle (theoretical)
PWV_rf pulse wave velocity (m/s) measured between the radial and femoral arteries (theoretical)
PWV_ra pulse wave velocity (m/s) measured between the radial artery and the ankle (theoretical)
PWV_fa pulse wave velocity (m/s) measured between the femoral and anterior tibial (ankle) arteries (theoretical)
svr systemic vascular resistance (10^6 Pa s / m3)
dia_asc_a ascending aorta diameter (mm)
dia_desc_thor_a descending thoracic aorta diameter (mm)
dia_abd_a abdominal aorta diameter (mm)
dia_car carotid diameter (mm)
len_prox_a length of proximal aorta (mm)
RI reflection index, measured from the left digital PPG
SI stiffness index (m/s), measured from the left digital PPG, assuming a height of 1.75m
AGI_mod modified ageing index, measured from the left digital PPG
pvr peripheral vascular resistance (Pa s / m3)
pvc total compliance (m3 / Pa)
pvc_iw impedance-weighted peripheral compliance (m3 / Pa)
ac total arterial compliance (m3 / Pa)
c total compliance (m3 / Pa)
tau time constant (s)


This contains PW indices measured from PWs as described here.


This structure reports the physiological plausibility of each virtual subject's BPs. Plausibility was assessed using the approach described in the Generating a Database of Arterial Pulse Waves Section of this article.

It contains the following fields, with a value for each virtual subject. Note that some fields are followed by an abbreviation indicating arterial site:

  • implaus_sims - the subject numbers (...el) and the cardiovascular variations used in their simulations (...vars, as defined by var_names) which were deemed to be implausible for each plausibility criterion (brachial SBP - SBP_b; brachial DBP - DBP_b; brachial PP - PP_b; brachial MBP - MBP_b; aortic SBP - SBP_a; aortic PP - PP_a; PP amplification - PP_amp; these are described in the accompanying article).
  • all_implaus_sims - similar information on all of the physiologically implausible virtual subjects (rather than separated according to each plausibility criterion).
  • plausibility_log - a logical vector indicating whether or not each virtual subject was deemed to be physiologically plausible: 1- physiologically plausible; 0 - physiologically implausible.