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Reproducing the Article Figures

Peter Charlton edited this page Jun 18, 2019 · 20 revisions

Reproducing the Article Figures

This pages provides details of how to reproduce the figures in the article describing the pulse wave database.


It is assumed that the previous steps outlined in Reproducing the Pulse Wave Database have been carried out, and that figures have been generated by running the following scripts:

  • calculate_pwdb_input_parameters.m (as described here)
  • analyse_pwdb.m
  • ppamp_case_study.m, asi_case_study.m and co_case_study.m (as described here)


The steps required to reproduce the analysis of the Pulse Wave Database are:

  1. Create a folder in which to store the analysis of the database, called pwdb_1.
  2. Create a subfolder within this folder called exported_data (i.e this subfolder will have the path .../pwdb_1/exported_data/ ).
  3. Obtain a copy of the PWDB in Matlab ® format from here. This file is called pwdb_data.mat. Save it in the exported_data folder (i.e. with the path .../pwdb_1/exported_data/pwdb_data.mat).
  4. [optional] If you also wish to analyse how the pulse wave shape changes as it propagates through the arterial tree, then you will also need a copy of the PWDB in Matlab ® format with the path data (called pwdb_data_w_paths.mat), which is available here. Save it in the exported_data folder too (i.e. with the path .../pwdb_1/exported_data/pwdb_data_w_paths.mat).
  5. Download the pwdb code, and extract the contents from this compressed folder.
  6. Open the setup_paths_for_post_processing.m script, and adjust PATHS.storage_folder to the path of the folder containing the pwdb_1 folder. e.g. if the path of the PWDB data is C:Desktop/pwdb_1/exported_data/pwdb_data.mat, then the script should be modified to read: PATHS.storage_folder = 'C:Desktop/';
  7. Run the analyse_pwdb.m script using the command: analyse_pwdb(1) (where the 1 indicates that the data are stored in pwdb_1). This will produce several figures and tables in the folder .../pwdb_1/analysis/.