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add comps for commercial fleets
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iantaylor-NOAA committed Jun 1, 2021
1 parent 32ee27d commit d2fe048
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Showing 18 changed files with 300 additions and 2 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion R/create_caal_nonsurvey.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
#' Generate CAAL compositions from any data, e.g., Laurel Lam's thesis data.
#' @param Data A data frame.
#' @param Data A data frame with columns for "Year", "Sex", "Len_Bin_FL",
#' and "Ages"
#' @param agebin A vector of lower and upper age bins, i.e., the range.
#' @param lenbin A vector of lower and upper length bins, i.e., the range.
#' @param wd The directory where you want the output saved.
Expand Down
296 changes: 296 additions & 0 deletions data-raw/lingcod_PacFIN_BDS.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
#' ---
#' title: "Lingcod commercial comps"
#' author: "Ian G. Taylor"
#' date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%B %d, %Y')`"
#' bibliography:
#' output:
#' bookdown::html_document2:
#' keep_md: true
#' ---
#+ setup_knitr, echo = FALSE
utils_knit_opts(type = "data-raw")

#+ setup_notes, echo = FALSE, include = FALSE, eval = FALSE
# Notes for how to run this file in R,
# (copied from data-raw/lingcod_catch.R)
# because echo, include, and eval are FALSE,
# comments within this knitr chunk will not be included in the output.
# Working directory
# It is assumed that you are in the top level of the cloned
# repository, e.g., lingcod_2021.
# 3 ways to source file
# (1). source
# source("data-raw/lingcod_PacFIN_BDS.R")
# (2). spin
# knitr::spin("data-raw/lingcod_PacFIN_BDS.R", knit = FALSE)
# rmarkdown::render("data-raw/lingcod_PacFIN_BDS.Rmd")
# (3). render
# rmarkdown::render("data-raw/lingcod_PacFIN_BDS.R")
# 1. Finish this script
# 2. Investigate the following SAMPLES for errors because
# FISH_AGE_YEARS_FINAL doesn't match the mean of all reads:
# 3. Report errors in
# a. PacFIN.Utilities::getExpansion_1(..., plot = TRUE):
# Error in ggplot2::ggsave(gg, file = plot2, width = 6, height = 6, units = "in") :
# object 'plot2' not found
# b. PacFIN.Utilities::plotRawData()
# Error in plot.window(...) : need finite 'ylim' values
# 1. Explore sampling rate relative to catch on the state level and
# explore state-specific catches for PacFIN.Utilities::getExpansion_2
# 2. Consider different treatment of sex ratios

#+ setup_filepaths
# patterns for dir("data-raw", pattern = grep_...)
grep_pacfin_bds <- "PacFIN.LCOD.bds.+RData"
load(dir_recent("data-raw", pattern = grep_pacfin_bds))

#+ setup_objects
areas <- c("North", "South")
north_CA_ports <- c("CRESCENT", "FIELDS LDG", "EUREKA")

bds.pacfin <- PacFIN.Utilities::cleanPacFIN(bds.pacfin,
verbose = TRUE,
keep_age_method = "T")
# get gear groups and assign to Trawl and Fixed-gear fleets
bds.pacfin <- PacFIN.Utilities::getGearGroup(bds.pacfin)
bds.pacfin[, "fleet"] <- use_fleetabb(bds.pacfin[["geargroup"]])
testthat::expect_equal(unique(bds.pacfin$fleet), c("TW", "FG"))

# confirm that the only port names in the northern counties are
# those in the defined vector
%in% c("ERA", "CCA")]), north_CA_ports)
# define areas
bds.pacfin$area <- NA
# north models are from Washington, Oregon, or the Eureka and Crecent City areas in CA
bds.pacfin$area[bds.pacfin$state %in% c("WA", "OR") |
bds.pacfin$PACFIN_GROUP_PORT_CODE %in% c("ERA", "CCA")] <- "North"
# south models are from California but NOT Eureka or Crecent City
bds.pacfin$area[bds.pacfin$state %in% c("CA") &
!bds.pacfin$PACFIN_GROUP_PORT_CODE %in% c("ERA", "CCA")] <- "South"
# confirm that there are no NA values

# bins are in info_bins
# length-weight relationships are in lw.WCGBTS

# split into separate north vs south tables for expansion because the
# length-weight relationships differ
bds.pacfin.n <- bds.pacfin[bds.pacfin$area == "North",]
bds.pacfin.s <- bds.pacfin[bds.pacfin$area == "South",]

# sex ratio by year
table(bds.pacfin.n$SAMPLE_YEAR, bds.pacfin.n$SEX)
table(bds.pacfin.s$SAMPLE_YEAR, bds.pacfin.s$SEX)

# fraction of unsexed fish by year (calculation could be more elegent)
unsexed_fracs <- data.frame(yr = unique(bds.pacfin$SAMPLE_YEAR),
unsexed_frac.n = NA,
unsexed_frac.s = NA)
for(irow in 1:nrow(unsexed_fracs)) {
yr <- unsexed_fracs$yr[irow]
sub <- bds.pacfin.n$SAMPLE_YEAR == yr
unsexed_fracs$unsexed_frac.n[irow] <- sum(bds.pacfin.n[sub, "SEX"] == "U") /
sum(bds.pacfin.n[sub, "SEX"] %in% c("F","M","U"))
sub <- bds.pacfin.s$SAMPLE_YEAR == yr
unsexed_fracs$unsexed_frac.s[irow] <- sum(bds.pacfin.s[sub, "SEX"] == "U") /
sum(bds.pacfin.s[sub, "SEX"] %in% c("F","M","U"))
unsexed_fracs$unsexed_frac.n <- round(unsexed_fracs$unsexed_frac.n, 2)
unsexed_fracs$unsexed_frac.s <- round(unsexed_fracs$unsexed_frac.s, 2)

test <- aggregate(bds.pacfin.s$lengthcm,
by = list(yr = bds.pacfin.s$SAMPLE_YEAR,
sex = bds.pacfin.s$SEX,
fleet = bds.pacfin.s$fleet),
FUN = mean, na.rm = TRUE)
plot(0, type='n', xlim = c(1965, 2020), ylim = c(0, 100),
xlab = "year", ylab = "Mean length (cm)")
for(fleet in c("TW", "FG")){
for(sex in c("F","M","U")){
lines(test[test$fleet == fleet & test$sex == sex,
c("yr", "x")],
type = "o",
col = ifelse(test$fleet == fleet, 1, 3),
pch = sex)

# get first stage expansions for north and south
bds.pacfin.n.exp <-
PacFIN.Utilities::getExpansion_1(Pdata = bds.pacfin.n,
fa = lw.WCGBTS[["North_NWFSC.Combo_F"]][["a"]],
fb = lw.WCGBTS[["North_NWFSC.Combo_F"]][["b"]],
ma = lw.WCGBTS[["North_NWFSC.Combo_M"]][["a"]],
mb = lw.WCGBTS[["North_NWFSC.Combo_M"]][["b"]],
ua = lw.WCGBTS[["North_NWFSC.Combo_U"]][["a"]],
ub = lw.WCGBTS[["North_NWFSC.Combo_U"]][["b"]])
bds.pacfin.s.exp <-
PacFIN.Utilities::getExpansion_1(Pdata = bds.pacfin.s,
fa = lw.WCGBTS[["South_NWFSC.Combo_F"]][["a"]],
fb = lw.WCGBTS[["South_NWFSC.Combo_F"]][["b"]],
ma = lw.WCGBTS[["South_NWFSC.Combo_M"]][["a"]],
mb = lw.WCGBTS[["South_NWFSC.Combo_M"]][["b"]],
ua = lw.WCGBTS[["South_NWFSC.Combo_U"]][["a"]],
ub = lw.WCGBTS[["South_NWFSC.Combo_U"]][["b"]])

# get second stage expansions for north and south
bds.pacfin.n.exp <- data_catch[data_catch$area == "North" &
data_catch$fleet %in% c("FG", "TW"),] %>%
PacFIN.Utilities::formatCatch(strat = "fleet",
valuename = "mt") %>%
PacFIN.Utilities::getExpansion_2(Pdata = bds.pacfin.n.exp,
Units = "MT",
stratification.cols = "fleet")

bds.pacfin.s.exp <- data_catch[data_catch$area == "South" &
data_catch$fleet %in% c("FG", "TW"),] %>%
PacFIN.Utilities::formatCatch(strat = "fleet",
valuename = "mt") %>%
PacFIN.Utilities::getExpansion_2(Pdata = bds.pacfin.s.exp,
Units = "MT",
stratification.cols = "fleet")

# calculate final sample size
bds.pacfin.n.exp$Final_Sample_Size <-
PacFIN.Utilities::capValues(bds.pacfin.n.exp$Expansion_Factor_1_L *

bds.pacfin.s.exp$Final_Sample_Size <-
PacFIN.Utilities::capValues(bds.pacfin.s.exp$Expansion_Factor_1_L *

# plot sex ratio by length
data.frame(Length_cm = bds.pacfin.n.exp$lengthcm,
Sex = bds.pacfin.n.exp$SEX) %>%
nwfscSurvey::PlotSexRatio.fn(dat = .)
data.frame(Length_cm = bds.pacfin.s.exp$lengthcm,
Sex = bds.pacfin.s.exp$SEX) %>%
nwfscSurvey::PlotSexRatio.fn(dat = .)

# investigate sex ratios
table(bds.pacfin$SAMPLE_YEAR, bds.pacfin$SEX)
table(bds.pacfin.n$SAMPLE_YEAR, bds.pacfin.n$SEX, bds.pacfin.n$fleet)
table(bds.pacfin.s$SAMPLE_YEAR, bds.pacfin.s$SEX, bds.pacfin.s$fleet)

# get length comps
comps.n <- PacFIN.Utilities::getComps(Pdata = bds.pacfin.n.exp,
Comps = "LEN")
comps.s <- PacFIN.Utilities::getComps(Pdata = bds.pacfin.s.exp,
Comps = "LEN")

## # unused option to
## # apply sex ratio based on values in R/survey_lcomps.R
## # and examination of plots above
## compSR.n <-
## PacFIN.Utilities::doSexRatio(CompData = comps.n,
## ratioU = 0.5,
## maxsizeU = 40,
## savedir = "data-raw")

lenCompN_comm <- PacFIN.Utilities::writeComps(inComps = comps.n,
fname = "data/lenCompN_comm.csv",
lbins = info_bins$length,
sum1 = TRUE,
partition = 2,
digits = 3,
dummybins = FALSE)
lenCompS_comm <- PacFIN.Utilities::writeComps(inComps = comps.s,
fname = "data/lenCompS_comm.csv",
lbins = info_bins$length,
sum1 = TRUE,
partition = 2,
digits = 3,
dummybins = FALSE)

# make length comps available in the package
usethis::use_data(lenCompN_comm, overwrite = TRUE)
usethis::use_data(lenCompS_comm, overwrite = TRUE)

# get marginal age comps
Age_comps.n <- PacFIN.Utilities::getComps(Pdata = bds.pacfin.n.exp,
Comps = "Age")
Age_comps.s <- PacFIN.Utilities::getComps(Pdata = bds.pacfin.s.exp,
Comps = "Age")

ageCompN_comm <- PacFIN.Utilities::writeComps(inComps = Age_comps.n,
fname = "data/ageCompN_comm.csv",
abins = info_bins$age,
sum1 = TRUE,
partition = 2,
digits = 3,
dummybins = FALSE)
ageCompS_comm <- PacFIN.Utilities::writeComps(inComps = Age_comps.s,
fname = "data/ageCompS_comm.csv",
abins = info_bins$age,
sum1 = TRUE,
partition = 2,
digits = 3,
dummybins = FALSE)
usethis::use_data(ageCompN_comm, overwrite = TRUE)
usethis::use_data(ageCompS_comm, overwrite = TRUE)

# get CAAL comps
# there were problems with the functions in PacFIN, so relying
# on function used for other data types, wrapped up as below
make_PacFIN_CAAL <- function(bds.dat, fleet, append) {
# rename the columns and bin the lengths
dat <- data.frame(Year = bds.dat$SAMPLE_YEAR,
Sex = bds.dat$SEX,
Len_Bin_FL = 2*floor(bds.dat$lengthcm/2),
Ages = bds.dat$Age)
# bin plus group for ages
dat$Ages[dat$Ages > max(info_bins$age)] <- max(info_bins$age)
# create CAAL data
CAAL <- create_caal_nonsurvey(Data = dat,
agebin = range(info_bins[["age"]]),
lenbin = range(info_bins[["length"]]),
wd = "data-raw",
append = append,
seas = 7,
fleet = get_fleet(fleet)$num,
partition = 2,
ageEr = 1)
# remove rows with nSamps = 0
CAAL$female <- CAAL$female[CAAL$female$nSamps > 0,]
CAAL$male <- CAAL$male[CAAL$male$nSamps > 0,]


# run the function above to create CAAL comps
ageCAAL_N_TW <- make_PacFIN_CAAL(bds.dat = bds.pacfin.n,
append = "north_trawl",
fleet = "Trawl")
ageCAAL_S_TW <- make_PacFIN_CAAL(bds.dat = bds.pacfin.s,
append = "south_trawl",
fleet = "Trawl")
ageCAAL_N_FG <- make_PacFIN_CAAL(bds.dat = bds.pacfin.n,
append = "north_fix",
fleet = "Fix")
ageCAAL_S_FG <- make_PacFIN_CAAL(bds.dat = bds.pacfin.s,
append = "south_fix",
fleet = "Fix")

usethis::use_data(ageCAAL_N_TW, overwrite = TRUE)
usethis::use_data(ageCAAL_S_TW, overwrite = TRUE)
usethis::use_data(ageCAAL_N_FG, overwrite = TRUE)
usethis::use_data(ageCAAL_S_FG, overwrite = TRUE)

# Move png files to "figures"
ignore <- file.copy(
recursive = TRUE,
dir(getwd(), pattern = "png", recursive = FALSE, full.names = TRUE),
Binary file added data/ageCAAL_N_FG.rda
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/ageCAAL_N_TW.rda
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/ageCAAL_S_FG.rda
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/ageCAAL_S_TW.rda
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/ageCompN_comm.rda
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/ageCompS_comm.rda
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/lenCompN_comm.rda
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/lenCompS_comm.rda
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added figures/PacFIN_comp_NbyGRID.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added figures/PacFIN_comp_Nbystate.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added figures/PacFIN_comp_PSMFC.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added figures/PacFIN_comp_depth.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added figures/PacFIN_comp_distributions.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added figures/PacFIN_comp_geargroup.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added figures/PacFIN_comp_lengthvage.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion man/create_caal_nonsurvey.Rd

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