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kerrishotts edited this page Nov 14, 2012 · 1 revision

(part of PKUTIL)

Return Type: string of HTML

Parameters: theTemplate ( string / element ), replacements ( dirctionary )

Takes the supplied template, applies all the replacements, and returns a string containing the replacements.

The given template can be either a string or a DOM element. If a DOM element is supplied, the innerHTML is used as the template string.

The replacements is a dictionary containing the replacement variables, like so:

var replacements = 
  "text": "replacement",
  "needle": "haystack"

If given the following string:

This %TEXT% is a %NEEDLE%.

the result would be:

This replacement is a haystack.

For example:

var theHTML = PKUTIL.instanceOfTemplate ( $ge("someElement"),
    { "text": "replacement", "needle": "haystack" } );


The substitution strings should be surrounded by percent signs and capitalized in the template. When in the dictionary, the case doesn't matter.


0.1 Introduced, only supported DOM elements.

0.2 Supports strings as well as DOM elements, Docs Valid

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