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kerrishotts edited this page Nov 13, 2012 · 1 revision

(part of PKLOC)

Return Type: string

Parameters: theNumber [, theFormat [, theLocale ] ]

Localizes a number according the user's current locale (or the given locale) as currency. The format is based on the format rules specified here, except that this method automatically adds the "c". Therefore a format of "2" will automatically become "c2".

For example:

__C( 1234.5 )               ==>   $1,234.5
__C( 1234.5, "0" )          ==>   $1,234
__C( 1234.5, "1","en-US" )  ==>   $1,234.5
__C(-1234.5 )               ==>  $(1,234.5)


The initializeGlobalization method must have been called prior to using this method, and the appropriate localization files need to have been loaded with loadLocales.


0.1 Introduced

0.2 Docs Valid

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