This is a basic library with basic Room-User architecture in Golang.
To import:
go get
The library contains the following services:
- User Service : To maintain the users connected/joined into the system
- Room Service : To maintain the rooms created on the server.
Following are the models that library provides:
- User : Every user will have basic details like userId, name and properties attached to it. Apart from these details, a user can have a list of room it has joined
- Room : Every room will have an auto-generated id, name, map of users who joined that room and custom properties attached to it.
Library Usage:
- Importing
// Initializing the App
app := goroomlib.InitApp()
Creating a Room with following properties:
1. Name : "test"
2. Max users allowed : 10
3. Room Properties : Is password protected with "test" password
roomService := app.GetRoomService()
roomProperties := make(map[string]interface{})
roomProperties["isPasswordProtected"] = true
roomProperties["password"] = "test"
(&roomService).CreateRoom("test", 10, roomProperties)
// Fetching a room by name
room, isFound := (&roomService).GetRoomByName("test")
Creating a Room with following properties:
1. User ID : 1
2. Name : "pratts"
3. User Properties : With isAdmin flag to true
userService := app.GetUserService()
userProperties := make(map[string]interface{})
userProperties["isAdmin"] = true
user := (&userService).CreateUser(1, "pratts", userProperties)
// Adding a user to a room
roomService.AddUserToRoom(user, "test")
// Removing a room and all users in it
// Fetching all the users in a room
users := (&roomService).GetUserForRoom("test")
// Removing user from a room
(&roomService).GetUserForRoom(user, "test")