ROS Indigo with catkin Ubuntu 14.04
- Clone the repository into your catkin workspace src folder ($ git clone
- Check the ttyUSB port in which the USBoard connected to PC via RS-232 or CAN (genrally /dev/ttyUSB0, update in ros/launch/usboard_param.yaml file if any other)
- Make sure that neo_msgs package is added to your catkin build path
- Build the package using catkin_make in your catkin workspace ( $ catkin_make --pkg neo_usboard)
- Run the usboard roslaunch file ( $ roslaunch neo_usboard neo_usboard.launch)
- To print and montior the published sensors data, run rostopic srb_us_measurements in seperate command window ($ rostopic echo /srb_us_measurements)
- Stop the process killing all the nodes (Ctrl+C)