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mikeferguson committed Feb 4, 2024
1 parent af7f154 commit c7f104b
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Showing 6 changed files with 525 additions and 2 deletions.
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions depth_image_proc/doc/changes.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
Changelog Notes

Jazzy Jalisco
There are several major change between ``Iron`` and ``Jazzy``:

* All components now properly support ``image_transport`` parameter, or
``depth_image_transport`` if the topic is a depth image.
* All components now properly support remapping the ``camera_info`` topic
for an associated ``image`` topic. For instance, if you remap ``image``
to ``my/image`` then ``my/camera_info`` will be used. Previously you
would have to manually remap the ``camera_info`` topic.
* The input of ``point_cloud_xyz_radial`` is renamed from ``image_raw``
to ``depth/image_raw`` for consistency.
* The input of ``point_cloud_xyzrgb_radial`` is renamed from
``depth_registered/image_rect`` to ``depth/image_raw`` and
``rgb/image_rect_color`` to ``rgb/image_raw``.
178 changes: 178 additions & 0 deletions depth_image_proc/doc/components.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
Nodes and Components

This package includes a number of ROS 2 components that can be assembled
into depth image processing pipelines.
See the tutorial :ref:`Launch depth_image_proc Components`.

Alternatively, each component can be run as a standalone node.

Component to convert raw uint16 depth image in mm to float depth image in m.
Also available as a standalone node with the name ``convert_metric_node``.

Subscribed Topics
* **image_raw** (sensor_msgs/Image): ``uint16`` depth image in mm, the native
OpenNI format.

Published Topics
* **image** (sensor_msgs/Image): ``float`` depth image in m, the recommended
format for processing in ROS.

* **image_transport** (string, default: raw): Image transport to use.


Comoonent to convert depth image to disparity image.

TODO: copy images in here

Subscribed Topics
* **left/image_rect** (sensor_msgs/Image): Rectified depth image.
* **right/camera_info** (sensor_msgs/CameraInfo): Camera calibration and
metadata. Must contain the baseline, which conventionally is encoded in
the right camera P matrix.

Published Topics
* **left/disparity** (stereo_msgs/DisparityImage): Disparity image
(inversely related to depth), for interop with stereo processing nodes.
For all other purposes use depth images instead.

* **delta_d** (double, default: 0.125): Smallest allowed disparity increment,
which relates to the achievable depth range resolution. Defaults to 1/8 pixel.
* **image_transport** (string, default: raw): Image transport to use.
* **min_range** (double, default: 0.0): Minimum detectable distance.
* **max_range** (double, default: +Inf): Maximum detectable distance.
* **queue_size** (int, default: 5): Size of message queue for synchronizing
subscribed topics.

Component to convert depth image to XYZ point cloud.

TODO: copy images

Subscribed Topics
* **depth/image_rect** (sensor_msgs/Image): Rectified depth image.
* **intensity/image_rect** (sensor_msgs/Image): Rectified intensity image.
* **camera_info** (sensor_msgs/CameraInfo): Camera calibration and metadata.

Published Topics
* **points** (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2): XYZ point cloud. If using PCL,
subscribe as PointCloud<PointXYZ>.

* **depth_image_transport** (string, default: raw): Image transport to use
for the depth topic subscriber.
* **image_transport** (string, default: raw): Image transport to use for
the intensity image subscriber.
* **queue_size** (int, default: 5): Size of message queue for synchronizing
subscribed topics.


Component to convert depth image to XYZI point cloud.

Subscribed Topics
* **image_rect** (sensor_msgs/Image): Rectified depth image.
* **camera_info** (sensor_msgs/CameraInfo): Camera calibration and metadata.

Published Topics
* **points** (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2): XYZ point cloud. If using PCL,
subscribe as PointCloud<PointXYZI>.

* **depth_image_transport** (string, default: raw): Image transport to use.
* **queue_size** (int, default: 5): Size of message queue for synchronizing
subscribed topics.


Component combine registered depth image and RGB image into XYZRGB point cloud.

TODO: copy images

Subscribed Topics
* **depth_registered/image_rect** (sensor_msgs/Image): Rectified depth image,
registered to the RGB camera
* **rgb/image_rect_color** (sensor_msgs/Image): Rectified color image.
* **rgb/camera_info** (sensor_msgs/CameraInfo): RGB camera calibration and metadata.

Published Topics
* **points** (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2): XYZ point cloud. If using PCL,
subscribe as PointCloud<PointXYZRGB>.

* **depth_image_transport** (string, default: raw): Image transport to use
for depth_registered subscriber.
* **image_transport** (string, default: raw): Image transport to use for
rgb/image_rect_color subscriber.
* **exact_sync** (bool, default: False): Whether to use exact synchronizer.
* **queue_size** (int, default: 5): Size of message queue for synchronizing
subscribed topics.


Component to "register" a depth image to another camera frame. Reprojecting the
depths requires the calibration parameters of both cameras and, from tf, and the
extrinsic transform between them.

Subscribed Topics
* **depth/image_rect** (sensor_msgs/Image): Rectified depth image.
* **depth/camera_info** (sensor_msgs/CameraInfo): Depth camera calibration and metadata.
* **rgb/camera_info** (sensor_msgs/CameraInfo): RGB camera calibration and metadata.

Published Topics
* **depth_registered/camera_info** (sensor_msgs/CameraInfo): Camera calibration and
metadata. Same as rgb/camera_info but time-synced to depth_registered/image_rect.
* **depth_registered/image_rect** (sensor_msgs/Image): Reprojected depth image in the
RGB camera frame.

* **depth_image_transport** (string, default: raw): Image transport to use
for depth subscriber.
* **queue_size** (int, default: 5): Size of message queue for synchronizing
subscribed topics.

Required TF Transforms
* /depth_optical_frame → /rgb_optical_frame: The transform between the depth and
RGB camera optical frames as specified in the headers of the subscribed topics
(rendered here as /depth_optical_frame and /rgb_optical_frame).
194 changes: 194 additions & 0 deletions depth_image_proc/doc/
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@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
# Copyright 2019 Open Source Robotics Foundation, Inc.
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author, 'depth_image_proc', 'ROS 2 components for depth image processing.',

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