This is What The Hex?, a geometric puzzle game made in C#, using the Godot Game Engine.
The pursuit of true hexcellence requires that you clear your mind and become one with the geometry of the universe...
You begin with an 8 x 5 grid of hexagons
Each hexagon has one of 4 colors on each edge
You can rotate any given hexagon 60 degrees counterclockwise with a left click, 60 degrees clockwise with a right click
You start with 100 seconds (configurable) on the clock
If a rhombus with 4 hexagons bordering it has all 4 edges the same color, you get a match
Most matches are worth 100 points, but each match you make with the current advantage color gives you 300 instead
Every 10 seconds, random hexagons are regenerated
Hexagons are internally black by default but turn blue when they are selected for replacement
The number of hexagons refreshed per cycle increases by 1 every 3 refresh cycles
You win if you make 20 matches (configurable)
Joystick (Supported on all platforms):
- D-Pad: Change currently selected hexagon
- Left shoulder buttons/triggers (L, L1, L2, LB, ZL, etc.) OR B (Switch), A (Xbox), X (PlayStation): Rotate currently selected hexagon counterclockwise
- Right shoulder buttons/triggers (R, R1, R2, RB, ZR, etc.) OR A (Switch), B (Xbox), Circle (PlayStation): Rotate currently selected hexagon clockwise
- Y (Switch), X (Xbox), and Square (PlayStation): Activate powerup
Mouse (Supported on desktop and web only):
- Left Click: Rotate hexagon under mouse cursor counterclockwise
- Right Click: Rotate hexagon under mouse cursor clockwise
Keyboard (Supported on desktop and web only):
- Arrow Keys: Change currently selected hexagon
- Space Bar: Rotate currently selected hexagon clockwise
Touch (Supported on Android only, might work on desktop platforms with a touch screen):
- Tap on any hexagon: Select
- Specific touch buttons in the top-right handle rotation of the current hexagon
Tier 1 (Should Work Well):
- Android/Chrome OS/Fire OS (ARM)
- GNU/Linux (amd64)
- HTML5/Web Browsers
- Note that mobile browsers on iOS do not support the screen orientation API, so you may have trouble fitting that one onto the screen.
- Windows (x86)
Tier 2 (Will Probably Work Well):
- macOS (Can't test this at the moment, but no reason to believe it will be an issue)
Tier 3 (Might work if compiled from source, but no promises)
- iOS (I lack the hardware to compile for this)
- Raspberry Pi and other non-Android ARM devices: I don't want to compile my own build templates, so this is unsupported until they add one by default.
Tier 4 (Might work in the future, but I don't currently expect it to)
- Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S: Currently UWP targets do not support Mono. If this is fixed in the future I'm definitely interested. The relevant GitHub Issue is godotengine/godot#20271
What The Hex? features a 2-player mode. Currently, only hotseat is supported and I'm not currently planning on implementing network support.
It is only enabled if at least 2 gamepads are connected. The mouse and keyboard controls still work, but for the moment they are both assumed to be the first player's.
At the moment, it is a simple timed score-attack mode. I'm also considering implementing a match race mode and/or a zone control mode.
To report a bug, please send an email to Bob "Wombat" Hogg <[email protected]>.
See the file LICENSE.txt
Exception: If you are redistributing modified versions of What The Hex? in binary form, please remove the Boarish Entertainment splash screen. See NOTICE for details.
What The Hex? is built on the Godot Engine and on Mono.
Special thanks to and to the Superpowers app team for providing a number of the assets.